path: root/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Disk/Linux.hs
diff options
authorMichal Zielonka <>2021-12-16 23:24:01 +0100
committerMichal Zielonka <>2021-12-17 12:06:11 +0100
commitcf51daa16f35331430194a7610a97c79ff00beb3 (patch)
treec3bc9fc0ebf9da7c6468bd007d04bdf852efd531 /src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Disk/Linux.hs
parenta819aed871c49d0924a811a407ccb3d8ad7bc7da (diff)
add disk monitor for freebsd
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Disk/Linux.hs')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Disk/Linux.hs b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Disk/Linux.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aacb648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Disk/Linux.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Disk.Linux
+-- Copyright : (c) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019 Jose A Ortega Ruiz
+-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Jose A Ortega Ruiz <>
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- Disk usage and throughput monitors for Xmobar
+module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Disk.Linux
+ (
+ fetchDataIO
+ , fetchDataUsage
+ , initializeDevDataRef
+ , DevDataRef
+ ) where
+import Data.IORef (
+ IORef
+ , newIORef
+ , readIORef
+ , writeIORef
+ )
+import Xmobar.System.StatFS (
+ getFileSystemStats
+ , fsStatByteCount
+ , fsStatBytesAvailable
+ , fsStatBytesUsed
+ )
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, doesFileExist)
+import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
+import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Disk.Common (
+ DevName
+ , Path
+ )
+type DevDataRef = IORef [(DevName, [Float])]
+fsStats :: String -> IO [Integer]
+fsStats path = do
+ stats <- getFileSystemStats path
+ case stats of
+ Nothing -> return [0, 0, 0]
+ Just f -> let tot = fsStatByteCount f
+ free = fsStatBytesAvailable f
+ used = fsStatBytesUsed f
+ in return [tot, free, used]
+mountedDevices :: [String] -> IO [(DevName, Path)]
+mountedDevices req = do
+ s <- B.readFile "/etc/mtab"
+ parse `fmap` mapM mbcanon (devs s)
+ where
+ mbcanon (d, p) = doesFileExist d >>= \e ->
+ if e
+ then Just `fmap` canon (d,p)
+ else return Nothing
+ canon (d, p) = do {d' <- canonicalizePath d; return (d', p)}
+ devs = filter isDev . map (firstTwo . B.words) . B.lines
+ parse = map undev . filter isReq . catMaybes
+ firstTwo (a:b:_) = (B.unpack a, B.unpack b)
+ firstTwo _ = ("", "")
+ isDev (d, _) = "/dev/" `isPrefixOf` d
+ isReq (d, p) = p `elem` req || drop 5 d `elem` req
+ undev (d, f) = (drop 5 d, f)
+diskDevices :: [String] -> IO [(DevName, Path)]
+diskDevices req = do
+ s <- B.readFile "/proc/diskstats"
+ parse `fmap` mapM canon (devs s)
+ where
+ canon (d, p) = do {d' <- canonicalizePath d; return (d', p)}
+ devs = map (third . B.words) . B.lines
+ parse = map undev . filter isReq
+ third (_:_:c:_) = ("/dev/" ++ B.unpack c, B.unpack c)
+ third _ = ("", "")
+ isReq (d, p) = p `elem` req || drop 5 d `elem` req
+ undev (d, f) = (drop 5 d, f)
+mountedOrDiskDevices :: [String] -> IO [(DevName, Path)]
+mountedOrDiskDevices req = do
+ mnt <- mountedDevices req
+ case mnt of
+ [] -> diskDevices req
+ other -> return other
+diskData :: IO [(DevName, [Float])]
+diskData = do
+ s <- B.readFile "/proc/diskstats"
+ let extract ws = (head ws, map read (tail ws))
+ return $ map (extract . map B.unpack . drop 2 . B.words) (B.lines s)
+mountedData :: DevDataRef -> [DevName] -> IO [(DevName, [Float])]
+mountedData dref devs = do
+ dt <- readIORef dref
+ dt' <- diskData
+ writeIORef dref dt'
+ return $ map (parseDev (zipWith diff dt' dt)) devs
+ where diff (dev, xs) (_, ys) = (dev, zipWith (-) xs ys)
+parseDev :: [(DevName, [Float])] -> DevName -> (DevName, [Float])
+parseDev dat dev =
+ case find ((==dev) . fst) dat of
+ Nothing -> (dev, [0, 0, 0])
+ Just (_, xs) ->
+ let r = 4096 * xs !! 2
+ w = 4096 * xs !! 6
+ t = r + w
+ rSp = speed r (xs !! 3)
+ wSp = speed w (xs !! 7)
+ sp = speed t (xs !! 3 + xs !! 7)
+ speed x d = if d == 0 then 0 else x / d
+ dat' = if length xs > 6
+ then [sp, rSp, wSp, t, r, w]
+ else [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ in (dev, dat')
+fetchDataIO :: DevDataRef -> [(String, String)] -> IO [(String, [Float])]
+fetchDataIO dref disks = do
+ dev <- mountedOrDiskDevices (map fst disks)
+ mountedData dref (map fst dev)
+fetchDataUsage :: [(String, String)] -> IO [((String, String), [Integer])]
+fetchDataUsage disks = do
+ devs <- mountedDevices (map fst disks)
+ mapM fetchStats devs
+ where
+ fetchStats :: (String, String) -> IO ((String, String), [Integer])
+ fetchStats (dev, path) = do
+ stats <- handle ign $ fsStats path
+ return ((dev, path), stats)
+ ign = const (return [0, 0, 0]) :: SomeException -> IO [Integer]
+initializeDevDataRef :: [(String, String)] -> IO DevDataRef
+initializeDevDataRef disks = do
+ dev <- mountedOrDiskDevices (map fst disks)
+ newIORef (map (\d -> (fst d, repeat 0)) dev)