path: root/src/Xmobar/Plugins
diff options
authorFelix Springer <>2019-07-11 18:49:43 +0200
committerFelix Springer <>2019-07-11 18:49:43 +0200
commit9564b4d611f93d1f074af2c7a48840bb0d9d6fdb (patch)
tree3296049deff00c08b7166d8a18cb6b22c4211b37 /src/Xmobar/Plugins
parent3fc8f269aa87010c549128884966b5360917a966 (diff)
last check for core files and labels still missing
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Xmobar/Plugins')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/CoreTemp.hs b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/CoreTemp.hs
index 76dc096..65eabe0 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/CoreTemp.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/CoreTemp.hs
@@ -16,19 +16,24 @@
module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.CoreTemp (startCoreTemp) where
import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common
+import Control.Monad (filterM)
import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
+-- | Declare Options.
data CTOpts = CTOpts { loadIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
, mintemp :: Float
, maxtemp :: Float
+-- | Set default Options.
defaultOpts :: CTOpts
defaultOpts = CTOpts { loadIconPattern = Nothing
, mintemp = 0
- , maxtemp = 1
+ , maxtemp = 100
+-- | Apply configured Options.
options :: [OptDescr (CTOpts -> CTOpts)]
options = [ Option [] ["load-icon-pattern"]
@@ -37,16 +42,17 @@ options = [ Option [] ["load-icon-pattern"]
, Option [] ["mintemp"]
- (\ arg opts -> opts { mintemp = read arg / 100 })
+ (\ arg opts -> opts { mintemp = read arg })
, Option [] ["maxtemp"]
- (\ arg opts -> opts { maxtemp = read arg / 100 })
+ (\ arg opts -> opts { maxtemp = read arg })
+-- | Parse Arguments and apply them to Options.
parseOpts :: [String] -> IO CTOpts
parseOpts argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of
(opts , _ , [] ) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts opts
@@ -55,21 +61,44 @@ parseOpts argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of
-- | Generate Config with a default template and options.
cTConfig :: IO MConfig
cTConfig = mkMConfig cTTemplate cTOptions
- where cTTemplate = "Temp: <max>°C"
- cTOptions = [ "bar" , "vbar" , "ipat" , "max" , "maxpc" , "avg" , "avgpc" ] ++
- (map (("core" ++) . show) [0 :: Int ..])
+ where cTTemplate = "Temp: <max>°C - <maxpc>%"
+ cTOptions = [ "max" , "maxpc" , "maxbar" , "maxvbar" , "maxipat"
+ , "avg" , "avgpc" , "avgbar" , "avgvbar" , "avgipat"
+ ] ++ (map (("core" ++) . show) [0 :: Int ..])
-cTFilePath :: FilePath
-cTFilePath = "/sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon1/temp2_input"
+coretempPath :: IO String
+coretempPath = do xs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist ps
+ let x = head xs
+ return x
+ where ps = [ "/sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp." ++ (show (x :: Int)) | x <- [0..9] ]
+hwmonPath :: IO String
+hwmonPath = do p <- coretempPath
+ xs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist [ p ++ "/hwmon/hwmon" ++ show (x :: Int) | x <- [0..9] ]
+ let x = head xs
+ return x
+corePaths :: IO [String]
+corePaths = do p <- hwmonPath
+ return [ p ]
+cTFilePaths = [ "/sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon1/temp2_input"
+ , "/sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon1/temp3_input"
+ , "/sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon1/temp4_input"
+ , "/sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon1/temp5_input"
+ ]
cTData :: IO [Float]
-cTData = do a <- readFile cTFilePath
- return $ [ parseContent a ]
- where parseContent = read . head . lines :: String -> Float
+cTData = traverse readSingleFile cTFilePaths
+ where readSingleFile :: FilePath -> IO Float
+ readSingleFile s = do a <- readFile s
+ return $ parseContent a
+ where parseContent :: String -> Float
+ parseContent = read . head . lines
parseCT :: IO [Float]
parseCT = do rawCTs <- cTData
- let normalizedCTs = map ((/ 100000)) rawCTs :: [Float]
+ let normalizedCTs = map (/ 1000) rawCTs :: [Float]
return normalizedCTs
formatCT :: CTOpts -> [Float] -> Monitor [String]
@@ -81,19 +110,24 @@ formatCT opts cTs = do let CTOpts { mintemp = minT
maxCTPc = (maxCT - minT) / domainT
avgCTPc = (avgCT - minT) / domainT
- cTShows <- showPercentsWithColors cTs
- cTBar <- showPercentBar (100 * maxCTPc) maxCTPc
- cTVBar <- showVerticalBar (100 * maxCTPc) maxCTPc
- cTIcon <- showIconPattern (loadIconPattern opts) maxCTPc
- maxCTShow <- showPercentWithColors maxCT
- maxCTPcShow <- showPercentWithColors maxCTPc
- avgCTShow <- showPercentWithColors avgCT
- avgCTPcShow <- showPercentWithColors avgCTPc
+ cs <- showPercentsWithColors cTs
+ m <- showWithColors (show . (round :: Float -> Int)) maxCT
+ mp <- showWithColors' (show $ (round $ 100*maxCTPc :: Int)) maxCT
+ mb <- showPercentBar maxCT maxCTPc
+ mv <- showVerticalBar maxCT maxCTPc
+ mi <- showIconPattern (loadIconPattern opts) maxCTPc
- return (cTBar : cTVBar : cTIcon :
- maxCTShow : maxCTPcShow :
- avgCTShow : avgCTPcShow :
- cTShows)
+ a <- showWithColors (show . (round :: Float -> Int)) avgCT
+ ap <- showWithColors' (show $ (round $ 100*avgCTPc :: Int)) avgCT
+ ab <- showPercentBar avgCT avgCTPc
+ av <- showVerticalBar avgCT avgCTPc
+ ai <- showIconPattern (loadIconPattern opts) avgCTPc
+ let ms = [ m , mp , mb , mv , mi ]
+ as = [ a , ap , ab , av , ai ]
+ return (ms ++ as ++ cs)
runCT :: [String] -> Monitor String
runCT argv = do cTs <- io $ parseCT
@@ -103,3 +137,8 @@ runCT argv = do cTs <- io $ parseCT
startCoreTemp :: [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
startCoreTemp a = runM a cTConfig runCT
+--showTemps :: [Float] -> Monitor [String]
+--showTemps fs = do fstrs <- mapM