path: root/src/Xmobar
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authorTomas Janousek <>2020-02-23 18:34:57 +0000
committerTomas Janousek <>2020-02-23 19:46:49 +0000
commit3731c92d899c2e5959f4cdb24bc34d5d372c8c69 (patch)
treef4feb151a945277f80bbe22922d013ceafaa4d94 /src/Xmobar
parente662431a5cef5eacd68b987610f2d434fa687844 (diff)
Timer coalescing: handle exceptions in timer coordination thread
This corrects my (wrong) assumption that the timer coordination thread will only fail if there's an error in the code, and in that case any attempt to recover is futile. It turns out that the thread does fail recoverably in one notable case: when running in the non-threaded RTS, registerDelay fails immediately. And we probably still wish for xmobar to support the non-threaded RTS. One way to solve this issue is to add a bunch of #ifdefs and compile the code only in the threaded case. This would double the number of configurations that need to be tested, though. Instead, let's make the code robust against all kinds of exceptions in the timer coordination thread, and get non-threaded RTS support for free.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Xmobar')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/App/Timer.hs b/src/Xmobar/App/Timer.hs
index 8464fb7..cf59630 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/App/Timer.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/App/Timer.hs
@@ -23,30 +23,27 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async (withAsync)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (forever, forM, guard)
-import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
-import Data.IORef
+import Data.Foldable (foldrM, for_)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Data.Unique
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-newtype Timer = Timer (TVar Periods)
type Periods = Map Unique Period
-data Tick = Tick (TMVar ()) | TimeOut
+data Tick = Tick (TMVar ()) | UnCoalesce
data Period = Period { rate :: Int64, next :: Int64, tick :: TMVar Tick }
-data TimeOutException = TimeOutException deriving Show
-instance Exception TimeOutException
+data UnCoalesceException = UnCoalesceException deriving Show
+instance Exception UnCoalesceException
-{-# NOINLINE timer #-}
-timer :: IORef (Maybe Timer)
-timer = unsafePerformIO (newIORef Nothing)
+{-# NOINLINE periodsVar #-}
+periodsVar :: TVar (Maybe Periods)
+periodsVar = unsafePerformIO $ newTVarIO Nothing
now :: IO Int64
now = do
@@ -68,24 +65,27 @@ newPeriod r = do
-- second or when the next timer is due), coalescing is disabled for it and it
-- falls back to periodic sleep.
doEveryTenthSeconds :: Int -> IO () -> IO ()
-doEveryTenthSeconds r action = do
- Just t <- readIORef timer
- doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced t r action `catch` \TimeOutException ->
+doEveryTenthSeconds r action =
+ doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced r action `catch` \UnCoalesceException ->
doEveryTenthSecondsSleeping r action
-- | Perform a given action every N tenths of a second,
-- coalesce with other timers using a given Timer instance.
-doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced :: Timer -> Int -> IO () -> IO ()
-doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced (Timer periodsVar) r action = do
+doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced :: Int -> IO () -> IO ()
+doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced r action = do
(u, p) <- newPeriod (fromIntegral r)
bracket_ (push u p) (pop u) $ forever $ bracket (wait p) done $ const action
- push u p = atomically $ modifyTVar periodsVar (M.insert u p)
- pop u = atomically $ modifyTVar periodsVar (M.delete u)
+ push u p = atomically $ modifyTVar' periodsVar $ \case
+ Just periods -> Just $ M.insert u p periods
+ Nothing -> throw UnCoalesceException
+ pop u = atomically $ modifyTVar' periodsVar $ \case
+ Just periods -> Just $ M.delete u periods
+ Nothing -> Nothing
wait p = atomically (takeTMVar $ tick p) >>= \case
Tick doneVar -> return doneVar
- TimeOut -> throwIO TimeOutException
+ UnCoalesce -> throwIO UnCoalesceException
done doneVar = atomically $ putTMVar doneVar ()
-- | Perform a given action every N tenths of a second,
@@ -105,25 +105,39 @@ tenthSeconds s | s >= x = do threadDelay (x * 100000)
| otherwise = threadDelay (s * 100000)
where x = (maxBound :: Int) `div` 100000
--- | Start the timer coordination thread.
+-- | Start the timer coordination thread and perform a given IO action (this
+-- is meant to surround the entire xmobar execution), terminating the timer
+-- thread afterwards.
+-- Additionally, if the timer thread fails, individual
+-- 'doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced' invocations that are waiting to be
+-- coordinated by it are notified to fall back to periodic sleeping.
+-- The timer thread _will_ fail immediately when running in a non-threaded
+-- RTS.
withTimer :: (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO a -> IO a
-withTimer pauseRefresh action = do
- periodsVar <- atomically $ newTVar M.empty
- withAsync (timerLoop pauseRefresh periodsVar) $ \_ ->
- bracket_
- (writeIORef timer (Just (Timer periodsVar)))
- (writeIORef timer Nothing) -- TODO: kill all periods?
- action
-timerLoop :: (IO () -> IO ()) -> TVar Periods -> IO ()
-timerLoop pauseRefresh periodsVar = forever $ do
+withTimer pauseRefresh action =
+ withAsync (timerThread `finally` cleanup) $ const action
+ where
+ timerThread = do
+ atomically $ writeTVar periodsVar $ Just M.empty
+ timerLoop pauseRefresh
+ cleanup = atomically $ readTVar periodsVar >>= \case
+ Just periods -> do
+ for_ periods unCoalesceTimer'
+ writeTVar periodsVar Nothing
+ Nothing -> return ()
+timerLoop :: (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+timerLoop pauseRefresh = forever $ do
tNow <- now
(toFire, tMaybeNext) <- atomically $ do
- periods <- readTVar periodsVar
+ periods <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar
let toFire = timersToFire tNow periods
let periods' = advanceTimers tNow periods
let tMaybeNext = nextFireTime periods'
- writeTVar periodsVar periods'
+ writeTVar periodsVar $ Just periods'
return (toFire, tMaybeNext)
pauseRefresh $ do
-- To avoid multiple refreshes, pause refreshing for up to 1 second,
@@ -135,8 +149,8 @@ timerLoop pauseRefresh periodsVar = forever $ do
Nothing -> 1000000
fired <- fireTimers toFire
timeouted <- waitForTimers timeoutVar fired
- timeoutTimers timeouted periodsVar
- delayUntilNextFire periodsVar
+ unCoalesceTimers timeouted
+ delayUntilNextFire
advanceTimers :: Int64 -> Periods -> Periods
advanceTimers t = advance
@@ -168,20 +182,26 @@ waitForTimers timeoutVar fired = atomically $ do
return [u | (u, False) <- dones]
-- | Handle slow timers (drop and signal them to stop coalescing).
-timeoutTimers :: [Unique] -> TVar Periods -> IO ()
-timeoutTimers timers periodsVar = atomically $ do
- periods <- readTVar periodsVar
- periods' <- foldrM timeoutTimer periods timers
- writeTVar periodsVar periods'
-timeoutTimer :: Unique -> Periods -> STM Periods
-timeoutTimer u periods = do
- putTMVar (tick (periods M.! u)) TimeOut
+unCoalesceTimers :: [Unique] -> IO ()
+unCoalesceTimers timers = atomically $ do
+ periods <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar
+ periods' <- foldrM unCoalesceTimer periods timers
+ writeTVar periodsVar $ Just periods'
+unCoalesceTimer :: Unique -> Periods -> STM Periods
+unCoalesceTimer u periods = do
+ unCoalesceTimer' (periods M.! u)
return $ u `M.delete` periods
-delayUntilNextFire :: TVar Periods -> IO ()
-delayUntilNextFire periodsVar = do
- tMaybeNext <- fmap nextFireTime $ readTVarIO periodsVar
+unCoalesceTimer' :: Period -> STM ()
+unCoalesceTimer' p = do
+ _ <- tryTakeTMVar (tick p)
+ putTMVar (tick p) UnCoalesce
+delayUntilNextFire :: IO ()
+delayUntilNextFire = do
+ Just periods <- readTVarIO periodsVar
+ let tMaybeNext = nextFireTime periods
tNow <- now
delayVar <- case tMaybeNext of
Just tNext -> do
@@ -195,6 +215,7 @@ delayUntilNextFire periodsVar = do
Nothing -> atomically $ newTVar False
atomically $ do
delayOver <- readTVar delayVar
- tMaybeNext' <- fmap nextFireTime $ readTVar periodsVar
+ periods' <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar
+ let tMaybeNext' = nextFireTime periods'
-- Return also if a new period is added (it may fire sooner).
guard $ delayOver || tMaybeNext /= tMaybeNext'