path: root/src/Xmobar
diff options
authorslotThe <>2020-02-03 09:49:51 +0100
committerslotThe <>2020-02-05 09:22:31 +0100
commit146e3d5552fe2fac03b11479a7ff2db1eaa5a727 (patch)
tree6ad06403c0264b031e7b469c27a419de55a199df /src/Xmobar
parentceece8eb3de04edbc84deb683225f05c763aa1b0 (diff)
'Manager' is now internal to weather
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Xmobar')
2 files changed, 87 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors.hs b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors.hs
index f79b406..6674fb4 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors.hs
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ instance Exec Monitors where
start (TopProc a r) = startTop a r
start (TopMem a r) = runM a topMemConfig runTopMem r
#ifdef WEATHER
- start (Weather s a r) = runMD (s : a) weatherConfig runWeather r weatherReady
- start (WeatherX s c a r) = runMD (s : a) weatherConfig (runWeather' c) r weatherReady
+ start (Weather s a r) = startWeather s a r
+ start (WeatherX s c a r) = startWeather' c s a r
start (Thermal z a r) = runM (a ++ [z]) thermalConfig runThermal r
start (ThermalZone z a r) =
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs
index f448b11..9c62288 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs
@@ -19,10 +19,9 @@ import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common
import qualified Control.Exception as CE
-import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.Char (toLower)
-import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
@@ -34,20 +33,23 @@ import System.Console.GetOpt (ArgDescr(ReqArg), OptDescr(Option))
-- | Options the user may specify.
-newtype WeatherOpts = WeatherOpts
+data WeatherOpts = WeatherOpts
{ weatherString :: String
+ , useManager :: Bool
-- | Default values for options.
defaultOpts :: WeatherOpts
defaultOpts = WeatherOpts
{ weatherString = ""
+ , useManager = True
-- | Apply options.
options :: [OptDescr (WeatherOpts -> WeatherOpts)]
options =
- [ Option "w" ["weathers"] (ReqArg (\s o -> o { weatherString = s }) "") ""
+ [ Option "w" ["weathers" ] (ReqArg (\s o -> o { weatherString = s }) "") ""
+ , Option "m" ["useManager"] (ReqArg (\b o -> o { useManager = read b }) "") ""
weatherConfig :: IO MConfig
@@ -212,15 +214,19 @@ defUrl = ""
stationUrl :: String -> String
stationUrl station = defUrl ++ station ++ ".TXT"
-getData :: String -> IO String
-getData station = CE.catch (do
- manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
- request <- parseUrlThrow $ stationUrl station
- res <- httpLbs request manager
- return $ B.unpack $ responseBody res
- ) errHandler
- where errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO String
- errHandler _ = return "<Could not retrieve data>"
+-- | Get the decoded weather data from the given station.
+getData :: Maybe Manager -> String -> IO String
+getData weMan station = CE.catch
+ (do man <- flip fromMaybe weMan <$> mkManager
+ -- Create a new manager if none was present or the user does not want to
+ -- use one.
+ request <- parseUrlThrow $ stationUrl station
+ res <- httpLbs request man
+ return $ B.unpack $ responseBody res)
+ errHandler
+ where
+ errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO String
+ errHandler _ = return "<Could not retrieve data>"
formatSk :: Eq p => [(p, p)] -> p -> p
formatSk ((a,b):sks) sk = if a == sk then b else formatSk sks sk
@@ -246,27 +252,73 @@ showWeather :: String -> String -> String
showWeather "" d = d
showWeather s _ = s
-runWeather :: [String] -> Monitor String
-runWeather = runWeather' []
+-- | Start a weather monitor, create a new 'Maybe Manager', should the user have
+-- chosen to use one.
+ :: [(String, String)] -- ^ 'SkyConditionS' replacement strings
+ -> String -- ^ Weather station
+ -> [String] -- ^ User supplied arguments
+ -> Int -- ^ Update rate
+ -> (String -> IO ())
+ -> IO ()
+startWeather' sks station args rate cb = do
+ opts <- parseOptsWith options defaultOpts (getArgvs args)
+ weRef <- tryMakeManager opts
+ runMD
+ (station : args)
+ weatherConfig
+ (runWeather sks weRef opts)
+ rate
+ weatherReady
+ cb
-runWeather' :: [(String, String)] -> [String] -> Monitor String
-runWeather' sks args =
- do d <- io $ getData $ head args
- o <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts args
- i <- io $ runP parseData d
- formatWeather o sks i
+-- | Same as 'startWeather'', only for 'Weather' instead of 'WeatherX', meaning
+-- no 'SkyConditionS'.
+startWeather :: String -> [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+startWeather = startWeather' []
+-- | Run a weather monitor.
+ :: [(String, String)] -- ^ 'SkyConditionS' replacement strings
+ -> Maybe Manager -- ^ Whether to use a 'Manager'
+ -> WeatherOpts -- ^ Weather specific options
+ -> [String] -- ^ User supplied arguments
+ -> Monitor String
+runWeather sks weMan opts args = do
+ d <- io $ getData weMan (head args)
+ i <- io $ runP parseData d
+ formatWeather opts sks i
weatherReady :: [String] -> Monitor Bool
-weatherReady str = do
+weatherReady str = io $ do
initRequest <- parseUrlThrow $ stationUrl $ head str
- let request = initRequest{method = methodHead}
- io $ CE.catch ( do
- manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
- res <- httpLbs request manager
- return $ checkResult $responseStatus res ) errHandler
- where errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO Bool
- errHandler _ = return False
- checkResult status
- | statusIsServerError status = False
- | statusIsClientError status = False
- | otherwise = True
+ let request = initRequest { method = methodHead }
+ CE.catch
+ (do man <- mkManager
+ res <- httpLbs request man
+ return $ checkResult $ responseStatus res)
+ errHandler
+ where
+ -- | If any exception occurs, indicate that the monitor is not ready.
+ errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO Bool
+ errHandler _ = return False
+ -- | Check for and indicate any errors in the http response.
+ checkResult :: Status -> Bool
+ checkResult status
+ | statusIsServerError status = False
+ | statusIsClientError status = False
+ | otherwise = True
+-- | Possibly create a new 'Manager', based upon the users preference. If one
+-- is created, this 'Manager' will be used throughout the monitor.
+tryMakeManager :: WeatherOpts -> IO (Maybe Manager)
+tryMakeManager opts =
+ if useManager opts
+ then Just <$> mkManager
+ else pure Nothing
+-- | Create a new 'Manager' for managing network connections.
+mkManager :: IO Manager
+mkManager = newManager $ tlsManagerSettings { managerConnCount = 1 }