path: root/src/lib/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
diff options
authorjao <>2018-11-21 23:51:41 +0000
committerjao <>2018-11-21 23:51:41 +0000
commit50134d5b5c4baabdfb35c0aeb8bf53d29f009c4d (patch)
treea710ee9a8e9ea9e46951d371af29081e1c72f502 /src/lib/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
parent7674145b878fd315999558075edcfc5e09bdd91c (diff)
All sources moved inside src
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs b/src/lib/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6df249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Top
+-- Copyright : (c) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018 Jose A Ortega Ruiz
+-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Jose A Ortega Ruiz <>
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- Process activity and memory consumption monitors
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Top (startTop, topMemConfig, runTopMem) where
+import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common
+import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
+import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
+import Data.List (sortBy, foldl')
+import Data.Ord (comparing)
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
+import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.IO (IOMode(ReadMode), hGetLine, withFile)
+import System.Posix.Unistd (SysVar(ClockTick), getSysVar)
+import Foreign.C.Types
+maxEntries :: Int
+maxEntries = 10
+intStrs :: [String]
+intStrs = map show [1..maxEntries]
+topMemConfig :: IO MConfig
+topMemConfig = mkMConfig "<both1>"
+ [ k ++ n | n <- intStrs , k <- ["name", "mem", "both"]]
+topConfig :: IO MConfig
+topConfig = mkMConfig "<both1>"
+ ("no" : [ k ++ n | n <- intStrs
+ , k <- [ "name", "cpu", "both"
+ , "mname", "mem", "mboth"]])
+foreign import ccall "unistd.h getpagesize"
+ c_getpagesize :: CInt
+pageSize :: Float
+pageSize = fromIntegral c_getpagesize / 1024
+processes :: IO [FilePath]
+processes = fmap (filter isPid) (getDirectoryContents "/proc")
+ where isPid = (`elem` ['0'..'9']) . head
+statWords :: [String] -> [String]
+statWords line@(x:pn:ppn:xs) =
+ if last pn == ')' then line else statWords (x:(pn ++ " " ++ ppn):xs)
+statWords _ = replicate 52 "0"
+getProcessData :: FilePath -> IO [String]
+getProcessData pidf =
+ handle ign $ withFile ("/proc" </> pidf </> "stat") ReadMode readWords
+ where readWords = fmap (statWords . words) . hGetLine
+ ign = const (return []) :: SomeException -> IO [String]
+memPages :: [String] -> String
+memPages fs = fs!!23
+ppid :: [String] -> String
+ppid fs = fs!!3
+skip :: [String] -> Bool
+skip fs = length fs < 24 || memPages fs == "0" || ppid fs == "0"
+handleProcesses :: ([String] -> a) -> IO [a]
+handleProcesses f =
+ fmap (foldl' (\a p -> if skip p then a else f p : a) [])
+ (processes >>= mapM getProcessData)
+showInfo :: String -> String -> Float -> Monitor [String]
+showInfo nm sms mms = do
+ mnw <- getConfigValue maxWidth
+ mxw <- getConfigValue minWidth
+ let lsms = length sms
+ nmw = mnw - lsms - 1
+ nmx = mxw - lsms - 1
+ rnm = if nmw > 0 then padString nmw nmx " " True "" nm else nm
+ mstr <- showWithColors' sms mms
+ both <- showWithColors' (rnm ++ " " ++ sms) mms
+ return [nm, mstr, both]
+processName :: [String] -> String
+processName = drop 1 . init . (!!1)
+sortTop :: [(String, Float)] -> [(String, Float)]
+sortTop = sortBy (flip (comparing snd))
+type MemInfo = (String, Float)
+meminfo :: [String] -> MemInfo
+meminfo fs = (processName fs, pageSize * parseFloat (fs!!23))
+meminfos :: IO [MemInfo]
+meminfos = handleProcesses meminfo
+showMemInfo :: Float -> MemInfo -> Monitor [String]
+showMemInfo scale (nm, rss) =
+ showInfo nm (showWithUnits 3 1 rss) (100 * rss / sc)
+ where sc = if scale > 0 then scale else 100
+showMemInfos :: [MemInfo] -> Monitor [[String]]
+showMemInfos ms = mapM (showMemInfo tm) ms
+ where tm = sum (map snd ms)
+runTopMem :: [String] -> Monitor String
+runTopMem _ = do
+ mis <- io meminfos
+ pstr <- showMemInfos (sortTop mis)
+ parseTemplate $ concat pstr
+type Pid = Int
+type TimeInfo = (String, Float)
+type TimeEntry = (Pid, TimeInfo)
+type Times = [TimeEntry]
+type TimesRef = IORef (Times, UTCTime)
+timeMemEntry :: [String] -> (TimeEntry, MemInfo)
+timeMemEntry fs = ((p, (n, t)), (n, r))
+ where p = parseInt (head fs)
+ n = processName fs
+ t = parseFloat (fs!!13) + parseFloat (fs!!14)
+ (_, r) = meminfo fs
+timeMemEntries :: IO [(TimeEntry, MemInfo)]
+timeMemEntries = handleProcesses timeMemEntry
+timeMemInfos :: IO (Times, [MemInfo], Int)
+timeMemInfos = fmap res timeMemEntries
+ where res x = (sortBy (comparing fst) $ map fst x, map snd x, length x)
+combine :: Times -> Times -> Times
+combine _ [] = []
+combine [] ts = ts
+combine l@((p0, (n0, t0)):ls) r@((p1, (n1, t1)):rs)
+ | p0 == p1 && n0 == n1 = (p0, (n0, t1 - t0)) : combine ls rs
+ | p0 <= p1 = combine ls r
+ | otherwise = (p1, (n1, t1)) : combine l rs
+take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+take' m l = let !r = tk m l in length l `seq` r
+ where tk 0 _ = []
+ tk _ [] = []
+ tk n (x:xs) = let !r = tk (n - 1) xs in x : r
+topProcesses :: TimesRef -> Float -> IO (Int, [TimeInfo], [MemInfo])
+topProcesses tref scale = do
+ (t0, c0) <- readIORef tref
+ (t1, mis, len) <- timeMemInfos
+ c1 <- getCurrentTime
+ let scx = realToFrac (diffUTCTime c1 c0) * scale
+ !scx' = if scx > 0 then scx else scale
+ nts = map (\(_, (nm, t)) -> (nm, min 100 (t / scx'))) (combine t0 t1)
+ !t1' = take' (length t1) t1
+ !nts' = take' maxEntries (sortTop nts)
+ !mis' = take' maxEntries (sortTop mis)
+ writeIORef tref (t1', c1)
+ return (len, nts', mis')
+showTimeInfo :: TimeInfo -> Monitor [String]
+showTimeInfo (n, t) =
+ getConfigValue decDigits >>= \d -> showInfo n (showDigits d t) t
+showTimeInfos :: [TimeInfo] -> Monitor [[String]]
+showTimeInfos = mapM showTimeInfo
+runTop :: TimesRef -> Float -> [String] -> Monitor String
+runTop tref scale _ = do
+ (no, ps, ms) <- io $ topProcesses tref scale
+ pstr <- showTimeInfos ps
+ mstr <- showMemInfos ms
+ parseTemplate $ show no : concat (zipWith (++) pstr mstr) ++ repeat "N/A"
+startTop :: [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+startTop a r cb = do
+ cr <- getSysVar ClockTick
+ c <- getCurrentTime
+ tref <- newIORef ([], c)
+ let scale = fromIntegral cr / 100
+ _ <- topProcesses tref scale
+ runM a topConfig (runTop tref scale) r cb