path: root/Config.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Config.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/Config.hs b/Config.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb55a0..0000000
--- a/Config.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeOperators #-}
--- |
--- Module : Xmobar.Config
--- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato
--- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <>
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : unportable
--- The configuration module of Xmobar, a text based status bar
-module Config
- ( -- * Configuration
- -- $config
- Config (..)
- , XPosition (..), Align (..), Border(..)
- , defaultConfig
- , runnableTypes
- ) where
-import Commands
-import {-# SOURCE #-} Runnable
-import Plugins.Monitors
-import Plugins.Date
-import Plugins.PipeReader
-import Plugins.CommandReader
-import Plugins.StdinReader
-import Plugins.XMonadLog
-import Plugins.EWMH
-#ifdef INOTIFY
-import Plugins.Mail
-import Plugins.MBox
--- $config
--- Configuration data type and default configuration
--- | The configuration data type
-data Config =
- Config { font :: String -- ^ Font
- , bgColor :: String -- ^ Backgroud color
- , fgColor :: String -- ^ Default font color
- , position :: XPosition -- ^ Top Bottom or Static
- , border :: Border -- ^ NoBorder TopB BottomB or FullB
- , borderColor :: String -- ^ Border color
- , lowerOnStart :: Bool -- ^ Lower to the bottom of the
- -- window stack on initialization
- , commands :: [Runnable] -- ^ For setting the command, the command arguments
- -- and refresh rate for the programs to run (optional)
- , sepChar :: String -- ^ The character to be used for indicating
- -- commands in the output template (default '%')
- , alignSep :: String -- ^ Separators for left, center and right text alignment
- , template :: String -- ^ The output template
- } deriving (Read)
-data XPosition = Top
- | TopW Align Int
- | TopSize Align Int Int
- | Bottom
- | BottomW Align Int
- | BottomSize Align Int Int
- | Static {xpos, ypos, width, height :: Int}
- | OnScreen Int XPosition
- deriving ( Read, Eq )
-data Align = L | R | C deriving ( Read, Eq )
-data Border = NoBorder
- | TopB
- | BottomB
- | FullB
- | TopBM Int
- | BottomBM Int
- | FullBM Int
- deriving ( Read, Eq )
--- | The default configuration values
-defaultConfig :: Config
-defaultConfig =
- Config { font = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
- , bgColor = "#000000"
- , fgColor = "#BFBFBF"
- , position = Top
- , border = NoBorder
- , borderColor = "#BFBFBF"
- , lowerOnStart = True
- , commands = [ Run $ Date "%a %b %_d %Y * %H:%M:%S" "theDate" 10
- , Run StdinReader]
- , sepChar = "%"
- , alignSep = "}{"
- , template = "%StdinReader% }{ <fc=#00FF00>%uname%</fc> * <fc=#FF0000>%theDate%</fc>"
- }
--- | An alias for tuple types that is more convenient for long lists.
-type a :*: b = (a, b)
-infixr :*:
--- | This is the list of types that can be hidden inside
--- 'Runnable.Runnable', the existential type that stores all commands
--- to be executed by Xmobar. It is used by 'Runnable.readRunnable' in
--- the 'Runnable.Runnable' Read instance. To install a plugin just add
--- the plugin's type to the list of types (separated by ':*:') appearing in
--- this function's type signature.
-runnableTypes :: Command :*: Monitors :*: Date :*: PipeReader :*: CommandReader :*: StdinReader :*: XMonadLog :*: EWMH :*:
-#ifdef INOTIFY
- Mail :*: MBox :*:
- ()
-runnableTypes = undefined