path: root/Monitors
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Monitors')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Monitors/Weather.hs b/Monitors/Weather.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..659c4ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Monitors/Weather.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+module Main where
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import System.Environment
+import System.Process
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO
+data Config =
+ Config { weatherNormal :: Integer
+ , weatherNormalColor :: String
+ , weatherCritical :: Integer
+ , weatherCriticalColor :: String
+ }
+defaultConfig :: Config
+defaultConfig =
+ Config { weatherNormal = 0
+ , weatherNormalColor = "#00FF00"
+ , weatherCritical = 50
+ , weatherCriticalColor = "#FF0000"
+ }
+config :: Config
+config = defaultConfig
+data WeatherInfo = Fail String
+ | WI { station :: String
+ , time :: String
+ , temperature :: Int
+ , humidity :: Int
+ }
+instance Show WeatherInfo where
+ show (Fail x) = "N/A " ++ x
+ show (WI st t temp rh) =
+ st ++ ": " ++ (formatWeather temp) ++ "C, rh " ++ formatWeather rh ++
+ "% (" ++ t ++ ")"
+parseData :: Parser WeatherInfo
+parseData =
+ do { st <- manyTill anyChar $ char '('
+ ; pNL
+ ; manyTill anyChar $ char '/'
+ ; space
+ ; t <- manyTill anyChar newline
+ ; manyTill pNL (string "Temperature")
+ ; temp <- pTemp
+ ; manyTill pNL (string "Relative Humidity")
+ ; rh <- pRh
+ ; manyTill pNL eof
+ ; return $ WI st t temp rh
+ }
+pTemp :: Parser Int
+pTemp = do string ": "
+ manyTill anyChar $ char '('
+ s <- manyTill digit $ (char ' ' <|> char '.')
+ pNL
+ return $read s
+pRh :: Parser Int
+pRh = do string ": "
+ s <- manyTill digit $ (char '%' <|> char '.')
+ return $read s
+pNL :: Parser Char
+pNL = do many $ noneOf "\n\r"
+ newline
+runP :: Parser WeatherInfo -> String -> IO WeatherInfo
+runP p i =
+ do case (parse p "" i) of
+ Left err -> return $ Fail $ show err
+ Right x -> return x
+formatWeather :: Int -> String
+formatWeather d | d > fromInteger (weatherCritical config) = setColor str weatherCriticalColor
+ | d > fromInteger (weatherNormal config) = setColor str weatherNormalColor
+ | otherwise = str
+ where str = show d
+setColor :: String -> (Config -> String) -> String
+setColor str ty =
+ "<fc=" ++ ty config ++ ">" ++
+ str ++ "</fc>"
+defUrl :: String
+defUrl = ""
+getData :: String -> IO String
+getData url=
+ do (i,o,e,p) <- runInteractiveCommand ("curl " ++ defUrl ++ url ++ ".TXT")
+ exit <- waitForProcess p
+ let closeHandles = do hClose o
+ hClose i
+ hClose e
+ case exit of
+ ExitSuccess -> do str <- hGetContents o
+ return str
+ _ -> do closeHandles
+ return "Could not retrieve data"
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do args <- getArgs
+ str <- if length args /= 1
+ then error $ "No Station ID specified.\nUsage: weather STATION_ID" ++
+ "\nExample: xmb-weather LIPB"
+ else getData (args !! 0)
+ i <- runP parseData str
+ putStrLn $ show i