path: root/Parsers.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Parsers.hs')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/Parsers.hs b/Parsers.hs
index 57fae00..80ad602 100644
--- a/Parsers.hs
+++ b/Parsers.hs
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ import Config
import Runnable
import Commands
+import Control.Monad.Writer(mapM_, ap, liftM, liftM2, MonadWriter, tell)
+import Control.Applicative.Permutation(optAtom, runPermsSep)
+import Control.Applicative(Applicative, (<*>), Alternative, empty, (<$), (<$>))
+import qualified Control.Applicative
+import Data.List(tails, find, inits)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Perm
@@ -105,11 +111,8 @@ allTillSep :: Config -> Parser String
allTillSep = many . noneOf . sepChar
stripComments :: String -> String
-stripComments = unlines . map (drop 5 . strip False . (replicate 5 ' '++)) . lines
+stripComments = unlines . map (strip False) . lines
where strip m ('-':'-':xs) = if m then "--" ++ strip m xs else ""
- strip m ('\\':xss) = case xss of
- '\\':xs -> '\\' : strip m xs
- _ -> strip m $ drop 1 xss
strip m ('"':xs) = '"': strip (not m) xs
strip m (x:xs) = x : strip m xs
strip _ [] = []
@@ -124,43 +127,17 @@ parseConfig = runParser parseConf fields "Config" . stripComments
x <- unWrapParser perms
wrapSkip (string "}")
- s <- getState
- return (x,s)
- perms = permute $ Config
- <$?> pFont <|?> pBgColor
- <|?> pFgColor <|?> pPosition
- <|?> pLowerOnStart <|?> pCommands
- <|?> pSepChar <|?> pAlignSep
- <|?> pTemplate
- fields = [ "font", "bgColor", "fgColor", "sepChar", "alignSep"
- , "template", "position", "lowerOnStart", "commands"]
- pFont = strField font "font"
- pBgColor = strField bgColor "bgColor"
- pFgColor = strField fgColor "fgColor"
- pSepChar = strField sepChar "sepChar"
- pAlignSep = strField alignSep "alignSep"
- pTemplate = strField template "template"
- pPosition = field position "position" $ tillFieldEnd >>= read' "position"
- pLowerOnStart = field lowerOnStart "lowerOnStart" $ tillFieldEnd >>= read' "lowerOnStart"
- pCommands = field commands "commands" $ readCommands
- staticPos = do string "Static"
- wrapSkip (string "{")
- p <- many (noneOf "}")
- wrapSkip (string "}")
- string ","
- return ("Static {" ++ p ++ "}")
- tillFieldEnd = staticPos <|> many (noneOf ",}\n\r")
- commandsEnd = wrapSkip (string "]") >> oneOf "},"
- readCommands = manyTill anyChar (try commandsEnd) >>= read' commandsErr . flip (++) "]"
- strField e n = field e n . between (strDel "start" n) (strDel "end" n) . many $ noneOf "\"\n\r"
- strDel t n = char '"' <?> strErr t n
- strErr t n = "the " ++ t ++ " of the string field " ++ n ++ " - a double quote (\")."
+ return x
+ perms = runPermsSep (WrappedParser $ wrapSkip $ string ",") $ liftM9 Config
+ <$> withDef font "font" strField
+ <*> withDef bgColor "bgColor" strField
+ <*> withDef fgColor "fgColor" strField
+ <*> withDef position "position" (field readsToParsec)
+ <*> withDef lowerOnStart "lowerOnStart" (field parseEnum )
+ <*> withDef commands "commands" (field readsToParsec)
+ <*> withDef sepChar "sepChar" strField
+ <*> withDef alignSep "alignSep" strField
+ <*> withDef template "template" strField
wrapSkip x = many space >> x >>= \r -> many space >> return r
sepEndSpc = mapM_ (wrapSkip . try . string)
@@ -169,11 +146,10 @@ parseConfig = runParser parseConf fields "Config" . stripComments
updateState (filter (/= n)) >> sepEndSpc [n,"="] >>
wrapSkip c >>= \r -> fieldEnd >> return r
- read' d s = case reads s of
- [(x, _)] -> return x
- _ -> fail $ "error reading the " ++ d ++ " field: " ++ s
+ withDef ext name parser = optAtom (do tell [name]; return $ ext defaultConfig)
+ (liftM return $ WrappedParser $ parser name)
-commandsErr :: String
-commandsErr = "commands: this usually means that a command could not be parsed.\n" ++
- "The error could be located at the begining of the command which follows the offending one."
+ parseEnum = choice $ map (\x -> x <$ string (show x)) [minBound .. maxBound]
+ strField name = flip field name $ between (char '"') (char '"') (many1 . satisfy $ (/= '"'))
+ field cont name = sepEndSpaces [name,"="] >> cont