path: root/Xmobar.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Xmobar.hs')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Xmobar.hs b/Xmobar.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc05d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Xmobar.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Xmobar
+-- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato
+-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Andrea Rossato <>
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- A status bar for the Xmonad Window Manager
+module Xmobar (-- * Main Stuff
+ -- $main
+ Xbar
+ , runXmobar
+ , eventLoop
+ , createWin
+ -- * Printing
+ -- $print
+ , drawInWin
+ , printStrings
+ -- * Program Execution
+ -- $commands
+ , execCommands
+ , execCommand
+ , runCommandLoop
+ , readVariables
+ -- * Unmamaged Windows
+ -- $unmanwin
+ , mkUnmanagedWindow
+ -- * Useful Utilities
+ , initColor
+ , io
+ ) where
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Misc
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Config
+import Parsers
+import Commands
+import Runnable
+-- $main
+-- The Xmobar data type and basic loops and functions.
+-- | This is just esthetics, stolen from XMonad: see 'runXmobar'
+newtype Xbar a = X (ReaderT Config (StateT XState IO) a)
+ deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState XState, MonadReader Config)
+-- | The State component of StateT
+data XState =
+ XState { display :: Display
+ , window :: Window
+ , vars :: [(ThreadId, MVar String)]
+ }
+-- | Totally useless: but it is nice to be able to use get to get the
+-- state and ask to get the configuration: functions requires less
+-- arguments, after all.
+runXmobar :: Config -> [(ThreadId, MVar String)] -> Display -> Window -> Xbar () -> IO ()
+runXmobar c v d w (X f) =
+ do runStateT (runReaderT f c) (XState d w v)
+ return ()
+-- | The event loop
+eventLoop :: Xbar ()
+eventLoop =
+ do c <- ask
+ s <- get
+ i <- io $ readVariables (vars s)
+ ps <- io $ parseString c i
+ drawInWin ps
+ -- back again: we are never ending
+ io $ tenthSeconds (refresh c)
+ eventLoop
+-- | The function to create the initial window
+createWin :: Config -> IO (Display, Window)
+createWin config =
+ do dpy <- openDisplay ""
+ let dflt = defaultScreen dpy
+ rootw <- rootWindow dpy dflt
+ win <- mkUnmanagedWindow dpy (defaultScreenOfDisplay dpy) rootw
+ (fi $ xPos config)
+ (fi $ yPos config)
+ (fi $ width config)
+ (fi $ height config)
+ mapWindow dpy win
+ return (dpy,win)
+-- $print
+-- | Draws in and updates the window
+drawInWin :: [(String, String)] -> Xbar ()
+drawInWin str =
+ do config <- ask
+ st <- get
+ let (dpy,win) = (display st, window st)
+ bgcolor <- io $ initColor dpy $ bgColor config
+ gc <- io $ createGC dpy win
+ --let's get the fonts
+ fontst <- io $ loadQueryFont dpy (font config)
+ io $ setFont dpy gc (fontFromFontStruct fontst)
+ -- create a pixmap to write to and fill it with a rectangle
+ p <- io $ createPixmap dpy win
+ (fi (width config))
+ (fi (height config))
+ (defaultDepthOfScreen (defaultScreenOfDisplay dpy))
+ -- the fgcolor of the rectangle will be the bgcolor of the window
+ io $ setForeground dpy gc bgcolor
+ io $ fillRectangle dpy p gc 0 0
+ (fi $ width config)
+ (fi $ height config)
+ -- write to the pixmap the new string
+ let strWithLenth = map (\(s,c) -> (s,c,textWidth fontst s)) str
+ p' <- printStrings p gc fontst 1 strWithLenth
+ -- copy the pixmap with the new string to the window
+ io $ copyArea dpy p' win gc 0 0 (fi (width config)) (fi (height config)) 0 0
+ -- free up everything (we do not want to leak memory!)
+ io $ freeFont dpy fontst
+ io $ freeGC dpy gc
+ io $ freePixmap dpy p'
+ -- resync
+ io $ sync dpy True
+-- | An easy way to print the stuff we need to print
+printStrings :: Drawable
+ -> GC
+ -> FontStruct
+ -> Position
+ -> [(String, String, Position)]
+ -> Xbar Pixmap
+printStrings p _ _ _ [] = return p
+printStrings p gc fontst offs sl@((s,c,l):xs) =
+ do config <- ask
+ st <- get
+ let (_,asc,_,_) = textExtents fontst s
+ totSLen = foldr (\(_,_,len) -> (+) len) 0 sl
+ valign = (fi (height config) + fi asc) `div` 2
+ remWidth = fi (width config) - fi totSLen
+ offset = case (align config) of
+ "center" -> (remWidth + offs) `div` 2
+ "right" -> remWidth - 1
+ "left" -> offs
+ _ -> offs
+ fgcolor <- io $ initColor (display st) c
+ bgcolor <- io $ initColor (display st) (bgColor config)
+ io $ setForeground (display st) gc fgcolor
+ io $ setBackground (display st) gc bgcolor
+ io $ drawImageString (display st) p gc offset valign s
+ p' <- printStrings p gc fontst (offs + l) xs
+ return p'
+-- $commands
+-- | Runs a list of programs as independent threads and returns their thread id
+-- and the MVar they will be writing to.
+execCommands :: Config -> [(Runnable,String,String)] -> IO [(ThreadId, MVar String)]
+execCommands _ [] = return []
+execCommands c (x:xs) =
+ do i <- execCommand c x
+ is <- execCommands c xs
+ return $ i : is
+execCommand :: Config -> (Runnable,String,String) -> IO (ThreadId, MVar String)
+execCommand c com =
+ do var <- newMVar "Updating..."
+ h <- forkIO $ runCommandLoop var c com
+ return (h,var)
+runCommandLoop :: MVar String -> Config -> (Runnable,String,String) -> IO ()
+runCommandLoop var conf c@(com,s,ss)
+ | alias com == "" =
+ do modifyMVar_ var (\_ -> return $ "Could not parse the template")
+ tenthSeconds (refresh conf)
+ runCommandLoop var conf c
+ | otherwise =
+ do str <- run com
+ modifyMVar_ var (\_ -> return $ s ++ str ++ ss)
+ tenthSeconds (rate com)
+ runCommandLoop var conf c
+-- | Reads MVars set by 'runCommandLoop'
+readVariables :: [(ThreadId, MVar String)] -> IO String
+readVariables [] = return ""
+readVariables ((_,v):xs) =
+ do f <- readMVar v
+ fs <- readVariables xs
+ return $! f ++ fs
+{- $unmanwin
+This is a way to create unmamaged window. It was a mistery in Haskell.
+Till I've found out...;-)
+-- | Creates a window with the attribute override_redirect set to True.
+-- Windows Managers should not touch this kind of windows.
+mkUnmanagedWindow :: Display
+ -> Screen
+ -> Window
+ -> Position
+ -> Position
+ -> Dimension
+ -> Dimension
+ -> IO Window
+mkUnmanagedWindow dpy scr rw x y w h = do
+ let visual = defaultVisualOfScreen scr
+ attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect
+ win <- allocaSetWindowAttributes $
+ \attributes -> do
+ set_override_redirect attributes True
+ createWindow dpy rw x y w h 0 (defaultDepthOfScreen scr)
+ inputOutput visual attrmask attributes
+ return win
+{- $utility
+Utilities, aka stollen without givin' credit stuff.
+-- | Get the Pixel value for a named color
+initColor :: Display -> String -> IO Pixel
+initColor dpy c = (color_pixel . fst) `liftM` allocNamedColor dpy colormap c
+ where colormap = defaultColormap dpy (defaultScreen dpy)
+-- | Short-hand for lifting in the IO monad
+io :: IO a -> Xbar a
+io = liftIO
+-- | Work arount to the Int max bound: since threadDelay takes an Int, it
+-- is not possible to set a thread delay grater than about 45 minutes.
+-- With a little recursion we solve the problem.
+tenthSeconds :: Int -> IO ()
+tenthSeconds s | s >= x = do threadDelay y
+ tenthSeconds (x - s)
+ | otherwise = threadDelay (s * 100000)
+ where y = (maxBound :: Int)
+ x = y `div` 100000
+-- | Short-hand for 'fromIntegral'
+fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
+fi = fromIntegral