path: root/src/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs
index 1277438..3cfbc74 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs
+++ b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Weather.hs
@@ -16,13 +16,11 @@ module Plugins.Monitors.Weather where
import Plugins.Monitors.Common
-import Control.Monad (when)
-import System.Process
-import System.Exit
-import System.IO
+import qualified Control.Exception as CE
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import Network.HTTP
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
weatherConfig :: IO MConfig
weatherConfig = mkMConfig
@@ -33,12 +31,16 @@ weatherConfig = mkMConfig
, "month"
, "day"
, "hour"
- , "wind"
+ , "windCardinal"
+ , "windAzimuth"
+ , "windMph"
+ , "windKnots"
, "visibility"
, "skyCondition"
, "tempC"
, "tempF"
- , "dewPoint"
+ , "dewPointC"
+ , "dewPointF"
, "rh"
, "pressure"
@@ -50,12 +52,16 @@ data WeatherInfo =
, month :: String
, day :: String
, hour :: String
- , wind :: String
+ , windCardinal :: String
+ , windAzimuth :: String
+ , windMph :: String
+ , windKnots :: String
, visibility :: String
, skyCondition :: String
, tempC :: Int
, tempF :: Int
- , dewPoint :: String
+ , dewPointC :: Int
+ , dewPointF :: Int
, humidity :: Int
, pressure :: Int
} deriving (Show)
@@ -69,7 +75,41 @@ pTime = do y <- getNumbersAsString
char ' '
(h:hh:mi:mimi) <- getNumbersAsString
char ' '
- return (y, m, d ,([h]++[hh]++":"++[mi]++mimi))
+ return (y, m, d ,h:hh:":"++mi:mimi)
+-- Occasionally there is no wind and a METAR report gives simply, "Wind: Calm:0"
+pWind0 ::
+ (
+ String -- cardinal direction
+ , String -- azimuth direction
+ , String -- speed (MPH)
+ , String -- speed (knot)
+ )
+pWind0 =
+ ("μ", "μ", "0", "0")
+pWind ::
+ Parser (
+ String -- cardinal direction
+ , String -- azimuth direction
+ , String -- speed (MPH)
+ , String -- speed (knot)
+ )
+pWind =
+ let tospace = manyTill anyChar (char ' ')
+ wind0 = do manyTill skipRestOfLine (string "Wind: Calm:0")
+ return pWind0
+ wind = do manyTill skipRestOfLine (string "Wind: from the ")
+ cardinal <- tospace
+ char '('
+ azimuth <- tospace
+ string "degrees) at "
+ mph <- tospace
+ string "MPH ("
+ knot <- tospace
+ manyTill anyChar newline
+ return (cardinal, azimuth, mph, knot)
+ in try wind0 <|> wind
pTemp :: Parser (Int, Int)
pTemp = do let num = digit <|> char '-' <|> char '.'
@@ -77,10 +117,10 @@ pTemp = do let num = digit <|> char '-' <|> char '.'
manyTill anyChar $ char '('
c <- manyTill num $ char ' '
- return $ (floor (read c :: Double), floor (read f :: Double))
+ return (floor (read c :: Double), floor (read f :: Double))
pRh :: Parser Int
-pRh = do s <- manyTill digit $ (char '%' <|> char '.')
+pRh = do s <- manyTill digit (char '%' <|> char '.')
return $ read s
pPressure :: Parser Int
@@ -89,53 +129,84 @@ pPressure = do manyTill anyChar $ char '('
return $ read s
+ example of '':
+ Station name not available
+ Aug 11, 2013 - 10:00 AM EDT / 2013.08.11 1400 UTC
+ Wind: from the N (350 degrees) at 1 MPH (1 KT):0
+ Visibility: 4 mile(s):0
+ Sky conditions: mostly clear
+ Temperature: 77 F (25 C)
+ Dew Point: 73 F (23 C)
+ Relative Humidity: 88%
+ Pressure (altimeter): 29.77 in. Hg (1008 hPa)
+ ob: VTUD 111400Z 35001KT 8000 FEW030 25/23 Q1008 A2977 INFO R RWY30
+ cycle: 14
parseData :: Parser [WeatherInfo]
parseData =
- do st <- getAllBut ","
- space
- ss <- getAllBut "("
+ do (st, ss) <- try (string "Station name not available" >> return ("??", "??")) <|>
+ (do st <- getAllBut ","
+ space
+ ss <- getAllBut "("
+ return (st, ss)
+ )
skipRestOfLine >> getAllBut "/"
(y,m,d,h) <- pTime
- w <- getAfterString "Wind: "
+ (wc, wa, wm, wk) <- pWind
v <- getAfterString "Visibility: "
sk <- getAfterString "Sky conditions: "
skipTillString "Temperature: "
(tC,tF) <- pTemp
- dp <- getAfterString "Dew Point: "
+ skipTillString "Dew Point: "
+ (dC, dF) <- pTemp
skipTillString "Relative Humidity: "
rh <- pRh
skipTillString "Pressure (altimeter): "
p <- pPressure
manyTill skipRestOfLine eof
- return $ [WI st ss y m d h w v sk tC tF dp rh p]
+ return [WI st ss y m d h wc wa wm wk v sk tC tF dC dF rh p]
defUrl :: String
defUrl = ""
+stationUrl :: String -> String
+stationUrl station = defUrl ++ station ++ ".TXT"
getData :: String -> IO String
-getData url=
- do (i,o,e,p) <- runInteractiveCommand ("curl " ++ defUrl ++ url ++ ".TXT")
- exit <- waitForProcess p
- let closeHandles = do hClose o
- hClose i
- hClose e
- case exit of
- ExitSuccess -> do str <- hGetContents o
- when (str == str) $ return ()
- closeHandles
- return str
- _ -> do closeHandles
- return "Could not retrieve data"
+getData station = do
+ let request = getRequest (stationUrl station)
+ CE.catch (simpleHTTP request >>= getResponseBody) errHandler
+ where errHandler :: CE.IOException -> IO String
+ errHandler _ = return "<Could not retrieve data>"
formatWeather :: [WeatherInfo] -> Monitor String
-formatWeather [(WI st ss y m d h w v sk tC tF dp r p)] =
+formatWeather [WI st ss y m d h wc wa wm wk v sk tC tF dC dF r p] =
do cel <- showWithColors show tC
far <- showWithColors show tF
- parseTemplate [st, ss, y, m, d, h, w, v, sk, cel, far, dp, show r , show p ]
-formatWeather _ = return "N/A"
+ parseTemplate [st, ss, y, m, d, h, wc, wa, wm, wk, v, sk, cel, far, show dC, show dF, show r , show p ]
+formatWeather _ = getConfigValue naString
runWeather :: [String] -> Monitor String
runWeather str =
do d <- io $ getData $ head str
i <- io $ runP parseData d
formatWeather i
+weatherReady :: [String] -> Monitor Bool
+weatherReady str = do
+ let station = head str
+ request = headRequest (stationUrl station)
+ io $ CE.catch (simpleHTTP request >>= checkResult) errHandler
+ where errHandler :: CE.IOException -> IO Bool
+ errHandler _ = return False
+ checkResult result =
+ case result of
+ Left _ -> return False
+ Right response ->
+ case rspCode response of
+ -- Permission or network errors are failures; anything
+ -- else is recoverable.
+ (4, _, _) -> return False
+ (5, _, _) -> return False
+ (_, _, _) -> return True