path: root/src/Xmobar/App/TextEventLoop.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/App/TextEventLoop.hs b/src/Xmobar/App/TextEventLoop.hs
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index d41e1a7..0000000
--- a/src/Xmobar/App/TextEventLoop.hs
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--- |
--- Module: Xmobar.App.TextEventLoop
--- Copyright: (c) 2022 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
--- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer:
--- Stability: unstable
--- Portability: unportable
--- Created: Fri Jan 28, 2022 01:21
--- Text-only event loop
-module Xmobar.App.TextEventLoop (textLoop) where
-import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-import Text.Printf
-import System.IO
-import Data.List (intercalate)
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Xmobar.System.Signal
-import Xmobar.Config.Types (Config(textOutputFormat), TextOutputFormat(..))
-import Xmobar.Run.Loop (initLoop, loop)
-import Xmobar.Run.Parsers ( Segment
- , Widget(..)
- , parseString
- , tColorsString
- , colorComponents)
--- | Starts the main event loop and threads
-textLoop :: Config -> IO ()
-textLoop conf = loop conf (startTextLoop' conf)
-startTextLoop' :: Config
- -> TMVar SignalType
- -> TMVar ()
- -> [[([Async ()], TVar String)]]
- -> IO ()
-startTextLoop' cfg sig pauser vs = do
- hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
- hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
- tv <- initLoop sig pauser vs
- eventLoop cfg tv sig
--- | Continuously wait for a signal from a thread or a interrupt handler
-eventLoop :: Config -> TVar [String] -> TMVar SignalType -> IO ()
-eventLoop cfg tv signal = do
- typ <- atomically $ takeTMVar signal
- case typ of
- Wakeup -> updateString cfg tv >>= putStrLn >> eventLoop cfg tv signal
- _ -> eventLoop cfg tv signal
-updateString :: Config -> TVar [String] -> IO String
-updateString conf v = do
- s <- readTVarIO v
- let l:c:r:_ = s ++ repeat ""
- liftIO $ concat `fmap` mapM (parseStringAsText conf) [l, c, r]
-asInt :: String -> String
-asInt x = case (reads $ "0x" ++ x) :: [(Integer, String)] of
- [(v, "") ] -> show v
- _ -> ""
-namedColor :: String -> String
-namedColor c =
- case c of
- "black" -> "0"; "red" -> "1"; "green" -> "2"; "yellow" -> "3"; "blue" -> "4";
- "magenta" -> "5"; "cyan" -> "6"; "white" -> "7"; _ -> ""
-ansiCode :: String -> String
-ansiCode ('#':r:g:[b]) = ansiCode ['#', '0', r, '0', g, '0', b]
-ansiCode ('#':r0:r1:g0:g1:b0:[b1]) =
- "2;" ++ intercalate ";" (map asInt [[r0,r1], [g0,g1], [b0,b1]])
-ansiCode ('#':n) = ansiCode n
-ansiCode c = "5;" ++ if null i then namedColor c else i where i = asInt c
-withAnsiColor :: (String, String) -> String -> String
-withAnsiColor (fg, bg) s = wrap "38;" fg (wrap "48;" bg s)
- where wrap cd cl w =
- if null cl
- then w
- else "\x1b[" ++ cd ++ ansiCode cl ++ "m" ++ w ++ "\x1b[0m"
-replaceAll :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-replaceAll c s = concatMap (\x -> if x == c then s else [x])
-xmlEscape :: String -> String
-xmlEscape s = replaceAll '"' "&quot;" $
- replaceAll '\'' "&apos;" $
- replaceAll '<' "&lt;" $
- replaceAll '>' "&gt;" $
- replaceAll '&' "&amp;" s
-withPangoColor :: (String, String) -> String -> String
-withPangoColor (fg, bg) s =
- printf fmt (xmlEscape fg) (xmlEscape bg) (xmlEscape s)
- where fmt = "<span foreground=\"%s\" background=\"%s\">%s</span>"
-withColor :: TextOutputFormat -> (String, String) -> String -> String
-withColor format color = case format of
- Plain -> id
- Ansi -> withAnsiColor color
- Pango -> withPangoColor color
-asText :: Config -> Segment -> String
-asText conf (Text s, info, _, _) =
- withColor (textOutputFormat conf) components s
- where components = colorComponents conf color
- color = tColorsString info
-asText colors (Hspace n, i, x, y) =
- asText colors (Text $ replicate (fromIntegral n) ' ', i, x, y)
-asText _ _ = ""
-parseStringAsText :: Config -> String -> IO String
-parseStringAsText c s = do
- segments <- parseString c s
- let txts = map (asText c) segments
- return (concat txts)