path: root/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
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index dd2ea2b..0000000
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
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--- |
--- Module: Xmobar.X11.CairoDraw
--- Copyright: (c) 2022 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
--- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer:
--- Stability: unstable
--- Portability: unportable
--- Created: Fri Sep 09, 2022 02:03
--- Drawing the xmobar contents using Cairo and Pango
-module Xmobar.X11.CairoDraw (drawSegments) where
-import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB as SRGB
-import qualified Data.Colour.Names as CNames
-import Control.Monad (foldM, when)
-import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo
-import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Pango as Pango
-import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Types(Surface)
-import qualified Xmobar.Config.Types as C
-import qualified Xmobar.Config.Parse as ConfigParse
-import qualified Xmobar.Run.Parsers as P
-import qualified Xmobar.Text.Pango as TextPango
-import qualified Xmobar.X11.Boxes as Boxes
-import qualified Xmobar.X11.Bitmap as B
-import qualified Xmobar.X11.Types as T
-type Renderinfo = (P.Segment, Surface -> Double -> Double -> IO (), Double)
-type BoundedBox = (Double, Double, [P.Box])
-type Acc = (Double, T.Actions, [BoundedBox])
-readColourName :: String -> (SRGB.Colour Double, Double)
-readColourName str =
- case CNames.readColourName str of
- Just c -> (c, 1.0)
- Nothing -> case SRGB.sRGB24reads str of
- [(c, "")] -> (c, 1.0)
- [(c,d)] -> (c, read ("0x" ++ d))
- _ -> (CNames.white, 1.0)
-setSourceColor :: (SRGB.Colour Double, Double) -> Cairo.Render ()
-setSourceColor (colour, alph) =
- if alph < 1 then Cairo.setSourceRGBA r g b alph else Cairo.setSourceRGB r g b
- where rgb = SRGB.toSRGB colour
- r = SRGB.channelRed rgb
- g = SRGB.channelGreen rgb
- b = SRGB.channelBlue rgb
-renderLines :: String -> Double -> [Boxes.Line] -> Cairo.Render ()
-renderLines color wd lns = do
- setSourceColor (readColourName color)
- Cairo.setLineWidth wd
- mapM_ (\(x0, y0, x1, y1) ->
- Cairo.moveTo x0 y0 >> Cairo.lineTo x1 y1 >> Cairo.stroke) lns
-segmentMarkup :: C.Config -> P.Segment -> String
-segmentMarkup conf (P.Text txt, info, idx, _actions) =
- let fnt = TextPango.fixXft $ ConfigParse.indexedFont conf idx
- (fg, bg) = P.colorComponents conf (P.tColorsString info)
- attrs = [Pango.FontDescr fnt, Pango.FontForeground fg]
- attrs' = if bg == C.bgColor conf
- then attrs
- else Pango.FontBackground bg:attrs
- in Pango.markSpan attrs' $ Pango.escapeMarkup txt
-segmentMarkup _ _ = ""
-withRenderinfo :: Pango.PangoContext -> T.DrawContext -> P.Segment -> IO Renderinfo
-withRenderinfo ctx dctx seg@(P.Text _, inf, idx, a) = do
- let conf = T.dcConfig dctx
- lyt <- Pango.layoutEmpty ctx
- mk <- Pango.layoutSetMarkup lyt (segmentMarkup conf seg) :: IO String
- (_, Pango.PangoRectangle o u w h) <- Pango.layoutGetExtents lyt
- let voff' = fromIntegral $ ConfigParse.indexedOffset conf idx
- voff = voff' + (T.dcHeight dctx - h + u) / 2.0
- wd = w - o
- slyt s off mx = do
- when (off + w > mx) $ do
- Pango.layoutSetEllipsize lyt Pango.EllipsizeEnd
- Pango.layoutSetWidth lyt (Just $ mx - off)
- Cairo.renderWith s $ Cairo.moveTo off voff >> Pango.showLayout lyt
- return ((P.Text mk, inf, idx, a), slyt, wd)
-withRenderinfo _ _ seg@(P.Hspace w, _, _, _) =
- return (seg, \_ _ _ -> return (), fromIntegral w)
-withRenderinfo _ dctx seg@(P.Icon p, _, _, _) = do
- let bm = T.dcBitmapLookup dctx p
- wd = maybe 0 (fromIntegral . B.width) bm
- ioff = C.iconOffset (T.dcConfig dctx)
- vpos = T.dcHeight dctx / 2 + fromIntegral ioff
- render _ off mx = when (off + wd <= mx) $ T.dcBitmapDrawer dctx off vpos p
- return (seg, render, wd)
-drawBox :: T.DrawContext -> Surface -> Double -> Double -> P.Box -> IO ()
-drawBox dctx surf x0 x1 box@(P.Box _ _ w color _) =
- Cairo.renderWith surf $
- renderLines color (fromIntegral w) (Boxes.boxLines box (T.dcHeight dctx) x0 x1)
-drawSegmentBackground ::
- T.DrawContext -> Surface -> P.TextRenderInfo -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
-drawSegmentBackground dctx surf info x0 x1 =
- when (bg /= C.bgColor conf && (top >= 0 || bot >= 0)) $
- Cairo.renderWith surf $ do
- setSourceColor (readColourName bg)
- Cairo.rectangle x0 top (x1 - x0) (T.dcHeight dctx - bot - top)
- Cairo.fillPreserve
- where conf = T.dcConfig dctx
- (_, bg) = P.colorComponents conf (P.tColorsString info)
- top = fromIntegral $ P.tBgTopOffset info
- bot = fromIntegral $ P.tBgBottomOffset info
-drawSegment :: T.DrawContext -> Surface -> Double -> Acc -> Renderinfo -> IO Acc
-drawSegment dctx surface maxoff (off, acts, boxs) (segment, render, lwidth) = do
- let end = min maxoff (off + lwidth)
- (_, info, _, a) = segment
- acts' = case a of Just as -> (as, round off, round end):acts; _ -> acts
- bs = P.tBoxes info
- boxs' = if null bs then boxs else (off, end, bs):boxs
- drawSegmentBackground dctx surface info off end
- render surface off maxoff
- return (off + lwidth, acts', boxs')
-renderOuterBorder :: C.Config -> Double -> Double -> Cairo.Render ()
-renderOuterBorder conf mw mh = do
- let (x0, y0, w, h) = Boxes.borderRect (C.border conf) mw mh
- setSourceColor (readColourName (C.borderColor conf))
- Cairo.setLineWidth (fromIntegral (C.borderWidth conf))
- Cairo.rectangle x0 y0 w h
- Cairo.stroke
-drawBorder :: C.Config -> Double -> Double -> Surface -> IO ()
-drawBorder conf w h surf =
- case C.border conf of
- C.NoBorder -> return ()
- _ -> Cairo.renderWith surf (renderOuterBorder conf w h)
-drawBBox :: T.DrawContext -> Surface -> BoundedBox -> IO ()
-drawBBox dctx surf (from, to, bs) = mapM_ (drawBox dctx surf from to) bs
-drawBoxes :: T.DrawContext -> Surface -> [BoundedBox] -> IO ()
-drawBoxes dctx surf ((from, to, b):(from', to', b'):bxs) =
- if to < from' || b /= b'
- then do drawBBox dctx surf (from, to, b)
- drawBoxes dctx surf $ (from', to', b'):bxs
- else drawBoxes dctx surf $ (from, to', b'):bxs
-drawBoxes dctx surf [bi] = drawBBox dctx surf bi
-drawBoxes _ _ [] = return ()
-#ifndef XRENDER
-drawCairoBackground :: DrawContext -> Surface -> IO ()
-drawCairoBackground dctx surf = do
- let (c, _) = readColourName (C.bgColor (dcConfig dctx))
- Cairo.renderWith surf $ setSourceColor (c, 1.0) >> Cairo.paint
-drawSegments :: T.DrawContext -> Surface -> IO T.Actions
-drawSegments dctx surf = do
- let [left, center, right] = take 3 $ T.dcSegments dctx ++ repeat []
- dh = T.dcHeight dctx
- dw = T.dcWidth dctx
- conf = T.dcConfig dctx
- sWidth = foldl (\a (_,_,w) -> a + w) 0
- ctx <- Pango.cairoCreateContext Nothing
- llyts <- mapM (withRenderinfo ctx dctx) left
- rlyts <- mapM (withRenderinfo ctx dctx) right
- clyts <- mapM (withRenderinfo ctx dctx) center
-#ifndef XRENDER
- drawCairoBackground dctx surf
- (lend, as, bx) <- foldM (drawSegment dctx surf dw) (0, [], []) llyts
- let rw = sWidth rlyts
- rstart = max (lend + 1) (dw - rw - 1)
- cmax = rstart - 1
- cw = sWidth clyts
- cstart = lend + 1 + max 0 (dw - rw - lend - cw) / 2.0
- (_, as', bx') <- foldM (drawSegment dctx surf cmax) (cstart, as, bx) clyts
- (_, as'', bx'') <- foldM (drawSegment dctx surf dw) (rstart, as', bx') rlyts
- drawBoxes dctx surf (reverse bx'')
- when (C.borderWidth conf > 0) (drawBorder conf dw dh surf)
- return as''