path: root/src/Xmobar/X11/XUtil.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/XUtil.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/XUtil.hs
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index 6e9eb2b..0000000
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/XUtil.hs
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--- |
--- Module : XUtil
--- Copyright : (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
--- (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato
--- License : BSD3
--- Maintainer :
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : unportable
-module Xmobar.X11.XUtil
- ( XFont(..)
- , initFont
- , initCoreFont
- , initUtf8Font
- , textExtents
- , textWidth
- ) where
-import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
-import Data.List
-import Foreign
-import Graphics.X11.Xlib hiding (textExtents, textWidth)
-import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as Xlib (textExtents, textWidth)
-import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
-import System.Mem.Weak ( addFinalizer )
-#if defined XFT
-import Xmobar.X11.MinXft
-import Graphics.X11.Xrender
-import System.IO(hPutStrLn, stderr)
-data XFont = Core FontStruct
- | Utf8 FontSet
-#ifdef XFT
- | Xft [AXftFont]
--- | When initFont gets a font name that starts with 'xft:' it switchs
--- to the Xft backend Example: 'xft:Sans-10'
-initFont :: Display -> String -> IO XFont
-initFont d s =
- let xftPrefix = "xft:" in
- if xftPrefix `isPrefixOf` s then
-#ifdef XFT
- fmap Xft $ initXftFont d s
- do
- hPutStrLn stderr $ "Warning: Xmobar must be built with "
- ++ "the with_xft flag to support font '" ++ s
- ++ ".' Falling back on default."
- initFont d miscFixedFont
- else
- fmap Utf8 $ initUtf8Font d s
-miscFixedFont :: String
-miscFixedFont = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
--- | Given a fontname returns the font structure. If the font name is
--- not valid the default font will be loaded and returned.
-initCoreFont :: Display -> String -> IO FontStruct
-initCoreFont d s = do
- f <- handle fallBack getIt
- addFinalizer f (freeFont d f)
- return f
- where getIt = loadQueryFont d s
- fallBack :: SomeException -> IO FontStruct
- fallBack = const $ loadQueryFont d miscFixedFont
--- | Given a fontname returns the font structure. If the font name is
--- not valid the default font will be loaded and returned.
-initUtf8Font :: Display -> String -> IO FontSet
-initUtf8Font d s = do
- (_,_,f) <- handle fallBack getIt
- addFinalizer f (freeFontSet d f)
- return f
- where getIt = createFontSet d s
- fallBack :: SomeException -> IO ([String], String, FontSet)
- fallBack = const $ createFontSet d miscFixedFont
-#ifdef XFT
-initXftFont :: Display -> String -> IO [AXftFont]
-initXftFont d s = do
- let fontNames = wordsBy (== ',') (drop 4 s)
- mapM openFont fontNames
- where
- openFont fontName = do
- f <- openAXftFont d (defaultScreenOfDisplay d) fontName
- addFinalizer f (closeAXftFont d f)
- return f
- wordsBy p str = case dropWhile p str of
- "" -> []
- str' -> w : wordsBy p str''
- where
- (w, str'') = break p str'
-textWidth :: Display -> XFont -> String -> IO Int
-textWidth _ (Utf8 fs) s = return $ fromIntegral $ wcTextEscapement fs s
-textWidth _ (Core fs) s = return $ fromIntegral $ Xlib.textWidth fs s
-#ifdef XFT
-textWidth dpy (Xft xftdraw) s = do
- gi <- xftTxtExtents' dpy xftdraw s
- return $ xglyphinfo_xOff gi
-textExtents :: XFont -> String -> IO (Int32,Int32)
-textExtents (Core fs) s = do
- let (_,a,d,_) = Xlib.textExtents fs s
- return (a,d)
-textExtents (Utf8 fs) s = do
- let (_,rl) = wcTextExtents fs s
- ascent = fromIntegral $ - (rect_y rl)
- descent = fromIntegral $ rect_height rl + fromIntegral (rect_y rl)
- return (ascent, descent)
-#ifdef XFT
-textExtents (Xft xftfonts) _ = do
- ascent <- fromIntegral `fmap` xft_ascent' xftfonts
- descent <- fromIntegral `fmap` xft_descent' xftfonts
- return (ascent, descent)