path: root/src/Xmobar/X11
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diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
index 2dfb34d..834b1f6 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-- |
-- Module: Xmobar.App.X11EventLoop
--- Copyright: (c) 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
+-- Copyright: (c) 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
-- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer:
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ import qualified Xmobar.Config.Template as CT
import qualified Xmobar.Run.Actions as A
import qualified Xmobar.Run.Loop as L
+import qualified Xmobar.Run.Exec as E
+import qualified Xmobar.Run.Runnable as R
import qualified Xmobar.System.Utils as U
import qualified Xmobar.System.Signal as S
@@ -56,6 +58,10 @@ import qualified Xmobar.X11.Window as W
import qualified Xmobar.X11.Events as E
+data Act = Run R.Runnable | Act [A.Action] deriving Show
+type ActPos = (Act, D.Position, D.Position)
+type Acts = [ActPos]
runX :: T.XConf -> T.X a -> IO a
runX xc f = MR.runReaderT f xc
@@ -69,10 +75,14 @@ x11Loop conf = do
(r,w) <- W.createWin d fs conf
L.loop conf (startLoop (T.XConf d r w (fs :| fl) Map.empty conf))
-startLoop :: T.XConf -> STM.TMVar S.SignalType -> STM.TVar [String] -> IO ()
-startLoop xcfg sig tv = do
+startLoop :: T.XConf
+ -> [R.Runnable]
+ -> STM.TMVar S.SignalType
+ -> STM.TVar [String]
+ -> IO ()
+startLoop xcfg runns sig tv = do
U.forkThread "X event handler" (eventLoop (T.display xcfg) (T.window xcfg) sig)
- signalLoop xcfg [] sig tv
+ signalLoop xcfg runns [] sig tv
-- | Translates X11 events received by w to signals handled by signalLoop
eventLoop :: X11.Display -> X11.Window -> STM.TMVar S.SignalType -> IO ()
@@ -99,17 +109,18 @@ eventLoop dpy w signalv =
where (b, p) = (X11x.ev_button ev, fromIntegral $ X11x.ev_x ev)
_ -> return ()
-- | Continuously wait for a signal from a thread or an interrupt handler.
-- The list of actions provides the positions of clickable rectangles,
-- and there is a mutable variable for received signals and the list
-- of strings updated by running monitors.
-signalLoop ::
- T.XConf -> D.Actions -> STM.TMVar S.SignalType -> STM.TVar [String] -> IO ()
-signalLoop xc@(T.XConf d r w fs is cfg) actions signalv strs = do
+signalLoop :: T.XConf -> [R.Runnable] -> D.Actions
+ -> STM.TMVar S.SignalType -> STM.TVar [String] -> IO ()
+signalLoop xc@(T.XConf d r w fs is cfg) runs actions signalv strs = do
typ <- STM.atomically $ STM.takeTMVar signalv
case typ of
S.Wakeup -> wakeup
- S.Action button x -> runActions actions button x >> loopOn
+ S.Action button x -> runActions runs actions button x >> loopOn
S.Reposition -> reposWindow cfg
S.ChangeScreen -> updateConfigPosition d cfg >>= reposWindow
S.Hide t -> hiderev t S.Hide W.hideWindow
@@ -118,7 +129,7 @@ signalLoop xc@(T.XConf d r w fs is cfg) actions signalv strs = do
S.TogglePersistent -> updateCfg $ cfg {C.persistent = not $ C.persistent cfg}
S.SetAlpha a -> updateCfg $ cfg {C.alpha = a}
- loopOn' xc' = signalLoop xc' actions signalv strs
+ loopOn' xc' = signalLoop xc' runs actions signalv strs
loopOn = loopOn' xc
updateCfg cfg' = loopOn' (xc {T.config = cfg'})
@@ -126,7 +137,7 @@ signalLoop xc@(T.XConf d r w fs is cfg) actions signalv strs = do
segs <- parseSegments cfg strs
xc' <- updateIconCache xc segs
actions' <- runX xc' (Draw.draw segs)
- signalLoop xc' actions' signalv strs
+ signalLoop xc' runs actions' signalv strs
hiderev t sign op
| t == 0 = MR.unless (C.persistent cfg) (op d w) >> loopOn
@@ -144,7 +155,7 @@ signalLoop xc@(T.XConf d r w fs is cfg) actions signalv strs = do
reposWindow rcfg = do
r' <- W.repositionWin d w (NE.head fs) rcfg
- signalLoop (T.XConf d r' w fs is rcfg) actions signalv strs
+ signalLoop (T.XConf d r' w fs is rcfg) runs actions signalv strs
parseSegments :: C.Config -> STM.TVar [String] -> IO [[C.Segment]]
parseSegments conf v = do
@@ -167,10 +178,21 @@ updateConfigPosition disp cfg =
else (cfg {C.position = C.OnScreen (n+1) o}))
o -> return (cfg {C.position = C.OnScreen 1 o})
-runActions :: D.Actions -> A.Button -> X11.Position -> IO ()
-runActions actions button pos =
- mapM_ A.runAction $
- filter (\(A.Spawn b _) -> button `elem` b) $
- concatMap (\(a,_,_) -> a) $
- filter (\(_, from, to) -> pos' >= from && pos' <= to) actions
+toActs :: [R.Runnable] -> D.Actions -> Acts -> Acts
+toActs [] _ res = reverse res
+toActs _ [] res = reverse res
+toActs (r:rs) (([a], x, y):as) res
+ | A.isEmpty a = toActs rs as ((Run r, x, y):res)
+toActs rs ((a, x, y):as) res = toActs rs as ((Act a, x, y):res)
+runAct :: A.Button -> ActPos -> IO ()
+runAct b (Run r, _, _) = E.onClick r b
+runAct b (Act as, _, _) =
+ mapM_ A.runAction $ filter (\(A.Spawn bs _) -> b `elem` bs) as
+runActions :: [R.Runnable] -> D.Actions -> A.Button -> X11.Position -> IO ()
+runActions runs actions button pos =
+ mapM_ (runAct button) $
+ filter (\(_, from, to) -> pos' >= from && pos' < to) acts
where pos' = fromIntegral pos
+ acts = toActs runs actions []