path: root/test/Plugins/Monitors/VolumeSpec.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Plugins/Monitors/VolumeSpec.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/test/Plugins/Monitors/VolumeSpec.hs b/test/Plugins/Monitors/VolumeSpec.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d724c21..0000000
--- a/test/Plugins/Monitors/VolumeSpec.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-module Plugins.Monitors.VolumeSpec
- ( main
- , spec
- ) where
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.Async
-import Control.Monad
-import Plugins.Monitors.Volume
-import System.FilePath
-import System.IO
-import System.IO.Temp
-import System.Posix.Files
-import System.Process
-import Test.Hspec
-main :: IO ()
-main = hspec spec
-spec :: Spec
-spec = do
- describe "Volume.getWaitMonitor" $
- it "produces the expected timeline (using a fake alsactl)" $
- runFakeAlsactlTest
- describe "Volume.parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs" $ do
- it "works with empty args" $ do
- opts <- parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs []
- refreshMode opts `shouldBe` RefreshModePoll
- it "parses --monitor" $ do
- opts <- parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs ["--", "--monitor"]
- refreshMode opts `shouldBe` RefreshModeMonitor Nothing
- it "parses --monitor=foo" $ do
- opts <- parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs ["--", "--monitor=foo"]
- refreshMode opts `shouldBe` RefreshModeMonitor (Just "foo")
-runFakeAlsactlTest :: Expectation
-runFakeAlsactlTest =
- withSystemTempDirectory "xmobar-test" $ \tmpDir -> do
- let fifoPath = tmpDir </> "fifo"
- fakeAlsactlPath = tmpDir </> "fake-alsactl"
- writeFile fakeAlsactlPath $
- unlines
- [ "#!/bin/bash"
- , "[[ $1 == monitor ]] || exit 99"
- , "exec cat \"$2\""
- ]
- setFileMode fakeAlsactlPath ownerModes
- withFifoWriteHandle fifoPath $ \fifo -> do
- timeline <- newMVar [] :: IO (MVar [TimelineEntry])
- runVolumeCompleted <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar Bool) -- True -> quit
- waiterTaskIsRunning <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar ())
- waiterTaskIsWaiting <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar ())
- waitFunc <- getMonitorWaiter fifoPath (Just fakeAlsactlPath)
- let addToTimeline e = modifyMVar_ timeline (pure . (e :))
- emitEvent = do
- addToTimeline EventEmitted
- hPutStrLn fifo "#17 (2,0,0,Master Playback Volume,0) VALUE"
- hFlush fifo
- putNow mv val = do
- ok <- tryPutMVar mv val
- unless ok $ expectationFailure "Expected the MVar to be empty"
- simulateRunVolumeCompleted = putNow runVolumeCompleted False
- quitWaiter = putNow runVolumeCompleted True
- waiterTaskMain = do
- addToTimeline RunVolume
- putNow waiterTaskIsRunning ()
- q <- takeMVar runVolumeCompleted
- unless q $ do
- addToTimeline Waiting
- putNow waiterTaskIsWaiting ()
- waitFunc
- waiterTaskMain
- delay_ms = threadDelay . (* 1000)
- withAsync waiterTaskMain $ \waiterTask -> do
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsRunning
- simulateRunVolumeCompleted
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsWaiting
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsRunning -- Waiter returns instantly once
- simulateRunVolumeCompleted
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsWaiting
- emitEvent
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsRunning
- simulateRunVolumeCompleted
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsWaiting
- let iters = 3
- burstSize = 5
- replicateM_ iters $ do
- emitEvent
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsRunning
- -- Now more events start to accumulate during runVolume
- replicateM_ burstSize emitEvent
- delay_ms 250 -- Give the events time to go through the pipe
- simulateRunVolumeCompleted
- -- runVolume completed and should run once more due to
- -- accumulated events
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsWaiting
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsRunning
- simulateRunVolumeCompleted
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsWaiting
- emitEvent
- takeMVar waiterTaskIsRunning
- quitWaiter
- wait waiterTask
- timelineValue <- reverse <$> readMVar timeline
- timelineValue `shouldBe`
- [RunVolume, Waiting, RunVolume, Waiting, EventEmitted, RunVolume, Waiting]
- ++ concat
- (replicate iters $
- [EventEmitted, RunVolume]
- ++ replicate burstSize EventEmitted
- ++ [Waiting, RunVolume, Waiting])
- ++ [EventEmitted, RunVolume]
-data TimelineEntry = EventEmitted | Waiting | RunVolume
- deriving(Eq)
-instance Show TimelineEntry where
- show x =
- case x of
- EventEmitted -> "E"
- Waiting -> "W"
- RunVolume -> "R"
-withFifoWriteHandle :: FilePath -> (Handle -> IO b) -> IO b
-withFifoWriteHandle fifoPath body = do
- createNamedPipe fifoPath ownerModes
- -- Can't seem to get the writing to the FIFO to work internally
- withCreateProcess
- (proc "bash" ["-c", "cat >> \"$0\"", fifoPath]) {std_in = CreatePipe}
- $ \(Just h) _ _ _ -> do
- hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
- body h \ No newline at end of file