path: root/Config.hs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2007-10-28Added support for text alignment commands in the output templateAndrea Rossato
WARNING: this patch breaks old configuration files. - removed align configuration option - added alignSep configuration option, a 2 character string: the text before the first character will be align to left, the text in between the 2 characters will be centered, and the text after the second character will be align to the right. For instance: with alignSep darcs-hash:20071028214720-d6583-be3839c8989a8075f4b1c94dcbc351b499342370.gz
2007-10-28Removed xPos yPos width and height configuration option and added positionAndrea Rossato
WARNING: this patch breaks old configuration files: - removed xPos, yPos, width and height - a "position" configuration option has been added: this can be set to: Top Bottom Static {xpos darcs-hash:20071028123638-d6583-46fce0bad4212d5fe23067eb3c7d7f8314dae015.gz
2007-10-02Config: removed the refresh configuration optionAndrea Rossato
WARNING: this patch breaks previous configuration files. To update just get rid of the refresh configuration option ;) darcs-hash:20071002114813-d6583-102431c169666d1049287a0ad9bd4672ec41e601.gz
2007-09-28Added a plugin to read from stdinAndrea Rossato
Try it with: xmobar -t "%StdinReader%" -c '[Run StdinReader]' then start writing ;) darcs-hash:20070928120432-d6583-8b2a37548db9176c0dcfe7818c5de62722d889fb.gz
2007-09-27Confg.hs: added PipeReader to the default configurationAndrea Rossato
2007-09-15Added Date to default configAndrea Rossato
2007-07-24Config.hs: removed %memory%" from default templateAndrea Rossato
2007-07-18Monitors are now a Plugin that can be removed from Config.hsAndrea Rossato
2007-07-14README and Cabal editsAndrea Rossato
Added some more credits, corrected typos, updated darcs version to 0.7, changed name to Xmonbar and removed references to XMonad. Xmobar is now just a minimalistic text based status bar for any kind of WM (the XMonad community adopted the more advanced and stable dzen, after all ;-) darcs-hash:20070714103913-d6583-b143dedf4ed5cbcb59b4f630ffce9afe82e32b86.gz
2007-07-13haddock tuningAndrea Rossato
2007-07-13Config.hs: more code cleanupAndrea Rossato
2007-07-12use of existential types for plugin supportAndrea Rossato
This patch, which *changes the configuration format*, adds easy plugin support by using an existential type for storing the list of commands to be executed. Adding a plugin is just a matter of writing the appropriate instance of the Exec class, after importing Commands.hs. I must thank Claus Reinke for the help in understanding the mysteries of reading existential types. The Read instance of Runnable must be credited to him. See here: darcs-hash:20070712175034-d6583-f10174bb3b0a9b4f6e08d05052c18f30e539b319.gz
2007-07-08updated configurations to reflect code changesAndrea Rossato
2007-07-05Fix few config name typosKrzysztof Kosciuszkiewicz
2007-06-26splitted filesAndrea Rossato