freebsd_instance: image_family: freebsd-13-0 build_task: env: CONFIG: "--enable-tests --enable-benchmarks -fwith_mpd -fwith_xft" # caches the freebsd package downloads # saves probably just a couple of seconds, but hey... pkg_cache: folder: /var/cache/pkg install_script: - pkg install -y ghc hs-hlint xorg-libraries hs-cabal-install git autoconf libmpdclient pkgconf libXft hs-hspec-discover # cache the hackage index file and downloads which are # cabal v2-update downloads an incremental update, so we don't need to keep this up2date packages_cache: # warning: don't use ~/.cabal here, this will break the cache folder: /.cabal/packages reupload_on_changes: false # cache the dependencies built by cabal # they have to be uploaded on every change to make the next build fast store_cache: # warning: don't use ~/.cabal here, this will break the cache folder: /.cabal/store fingerprint_script: cat xmobar.cabal reupload_on_changes: true build_script: - cabal v2-update - timeout 1800 cabal v2-build -j4 $CONFIG || (($?==124)) lint_script: - hlint src test_script: - cabal v2-test -j4 $CONFIG