-- |
-- Module      :  Xmobar.Main
-- Copyright   :  (c) Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- The main module of Xmobar, a text based status bar

module Main ( -- * Main Stuff
              -- $main
            , readConfig
            , readDefaultConfig
            ) where

import Xmobar
import Parsers
import Config
import HsLocale

import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Data.IORef
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import System.IO.UTF8 (readFile)
import System.Posix.Files

-- $main

-- | The main entry point
main :: IO ()
main = do
  d   <- openDisplay ""
  args     <- getArgs
  (o,file) <- getOpts args
  c        <- case file of
                [cfgfile] -> readConfig cfgfile
                _         -> readDefaultConfig

  -- listen for ConfigureEvents on the root window, for xrandr support:
  rootw <- rootWindow d (defaultScreen d)
  selectInput d rootw structureNotifyMask

  civ      <- newIORef c
  doOpts civ o
  conf     <- readIORef civ
  let loadFont = createFontSet d . font
  (_,_,fs) <- catch (loadFont conf) (const $ loadFont defaultConfig)
  cl       <- parseTemplate conf (template conf)
  vars     <- mapM startCommand cl
  (r,w)    <- createWin d fs conf
  eventLoop (XConf d r w fs conf) vars
  freeFontSet d fs

-- | Reads the configuration files or quits with an error
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO Config
readConfig f = do
  file <- fileExist f
  s    <- if file then readFile f else error $ f ++ ": file not found!\n" ++ usage
  case reads s of
    [(conf,_)] -> return conf
    []         -> error $ f ++ ": configuration file contains errors!\n" ++ usage
    _          -> error ("Some problem occured. Aborting...")

-- | Read default configuration file or load the default config
readDefaultConfig :: IO Config
readDefaultConfig = do
  home <- getEnv "HOME"
  let path = home ++ "/.xmobarrc"
  f <- fileExist path
  if f then readConfig path else return defaultConfig

data Opts = Help
          | Version
          | Font     String
          | BgColor  String
          | FgColor  String
          | T
          | B
          | AlignSep String
          | Commands String
          | SepChar  String
          | Template String
       deriving Show

options :: [OptDescr Opts]
options =
    [ Option ['h','?' ] ["help"     ] (NoArg  Help                ) "This help"
    , Option ['V'     ] ["version"  ] (NoArg  Version             ) "Show version information"
    , Option ['f'     ] ["font"     ] (ReqArg Font     "font name") "The font name"
    , Option ['B'     ] ["bgcolor"  ] (ReqArg BgColor  "bg color" ) "The background color. Default black"
    , Option ['F'     ] ["fgcolor"  ] (ReqArg FgColor  "fg color" ) "The foreground color. Default grey"
    , Option ['o'     ] ["top"      ] (NoArg  T                   ) "Place Xmobar at the top of the screen"
    , Option ['b'     ] ["bottom"   ] (NoArg  B                   ) "Place Xmobar at the bottom of the screen"
    , Option ['a'     ] ["alignsep" ] (ReqArg AlignSep "alignsep" ) "Separators for left, center and right text\nalignment. Default: '}{'"
    , Option ['s'     ] ["sepchar"  ] (ReqArg SepChar  "char"     ) "The character used to separate commands in\nthe output template. Default '%'"
    , Option ['t'     ] ["template" ] (ReqArg Template "template" ) "The output template"
    , Option ['c'     ] ["commands" ] (ReqArg Commands "commands" ) "The list of commands to be executed"

getOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Opts], [String])
getOpts argv =
    case getOpt Permute options argv of
      (o,n,[])   -> return (o,n)
      (_,_,errs) -> error (concat errs ++ usage)

usage :: String
usage = (usageInfo header options) ++ footer
    where header = "Usage: xmobar [OPTION...] [FILE]\nOptions:"
          footer = "\nMail bug reports and suggestions to " ++ mail

version :: String
version = "Xmobar 0.8 (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato " ++ mail ++ license

mail :: String
mail = "<andrea.rossato@unibz.it>\n"

license :: String
license = "\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n" ++
          "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n" ++
          "See the License for more details."

doOpts :: IORef Config -> [Opts] -> IO ()
doOpts _  [] = return ()
doOpts conf (o:oo) =
    case o of
      Help       -> putStr   usage   >> exitWith ExitSuccess
      Version    -> putStrLn version >> exitWith ExitSuccess
      Font     s -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { font     = s     }) >> go
      BgColor  s -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { bgColor  = s     }) >> go
      FgColor  s -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { fgColor  = s     }) >> go
      T          -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { position = Top   }) >> go
      B          -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { position = Bottom}) >> go
      AlignSep s -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { alignSep = s     }) >> go
      SepChar  s -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { sepChar  = s     }) >> go
      Template s -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { template = s     }) >> go
      Commands s -> case readCom s of
                      Right x -> modifyIORef conf (\c -> c { commands = x }) >> go
                      Left e  -> putStr (e ++ usage) >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    where readCom str =
              case readStr str of
	        [x] -> Right x
	        _   -> Left "xmobar: cannot read list of commands specified with the -c option\n"
          readStr str =
              [x | (x,t) <- reads str, ("","") <- lex t]
          go = doOpts conf oo