----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Xmobar.Parsers -- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- Parsers needed for Xmobar, a text based status bar -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Parsers ( -- * Parsing -- $parser parseString , stringParser , defaultColors , colorsAndText , templateStringParser , templateCommandParser , templateParser , parseTemplate ) where import Config import Commands import Runnable import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import qualified Data.Map as Map {- $parser These are the neede parsers. Don't trust them too much. There are parsers for the commands output and parsers for the formatting template. -} -- | Runs the actual string parsers parseString :: Config -> String -> IO [(String, String)] parseString config s = case (parse (stringParser config) "" s) of Left _ -> return [("Could not parse string: " ++ s , (fgColor config))] Right x -> return x -- | Gets the string and combines the needed parsers stringParser :: Config -> Parser [(String, String)] stringParser c = manyTill (colorsAndText c <|> defaultColors c) eof -- | Parses a string with the default color (no color set) defaultColors :: Config -> Parser (String, String) defaultColors config = do { s <- many $ noneOf "<" ; return (s,(fgColor config)) } <|> colorsAndText config -- | Parses a string with a color set colorsAndText :: Config -> Parser (String, String) colorsAndText config = do { string "<fc=" ; c <- colorSpec ; string ">" ; s <- many $ noneOf "<" ; string "</fc>" ; return (s,c) } <|> defaultColors config -- | Parses a color specification (hex or named) colorSpec :: Parser String colorSpec = many1 (alphaNum <|> char ',' <|> char '#') -- | Parses the output template string templateStringParser :: Config -> Parser (String,String,String) templateStringParser c = do{ s <- many $ noneOf (sepChar c) ; (com,_,_) <- templateCommandParser c ; ss <- many $ noneOf (sepChar c) ; return (com, s, ss) } -- | Parses the command part of the template string templateCommandParser :: Config -> Parser (String,String,String) templateCommandParser c = do { let chr = head $ sepChar c ; char chr ; com <- many $ noneOf (sepChar c) ; char chr ; return $ (com,"","") } -- | Combines the template parsers templateParser :: Config -> Parser [(String,String,String)] templateParser c = many (templateStringParser c) -- | Actually runs the template parsers parseTemplate :: Config -> String -> IO [(Runnable,String,String)] parseTemplate config s = do str <- case (parse (templateParser config) "" s) of Left _ -> return [("","","")] Right x -> return x let comList = map alias (commands config) m = Map.fromList $ zip comList (commands config) return $ combine config m str -- | Given a finite "Map" and a parsed templatet produces the -- | resulting output string. combine :: Config -> Map.Map String Runnable -> [(String, String, String)] -> [(Runnable,String,String)] combine _ _ [] = [] combine config m ((ts,s,ss):xs) = [(com, s, ss)] ++ combine config m xs where com = Map.findWithDefault dflt ts m dflt = Run $ Com ts [] [] 10