XMobar - a status bar for the XMonad Window Manager


Xmobar is a minimal status bar for the XMonad Window Manager.

It was inspired by the Ion3 status bar, and supports similar features.
See xmobar.config-sample for a sample configuration.

Try it with:
xmobar xmobar.config-sample


tar xvfz xmobar-0.1
runhaskell Setup.lhs configure --prefix=/usr/local
runhaskell Setup.lhs build
runhaskell Setup.lhs haddock (optional for building the code documentation)
runhaskell Setup.lhs install (possibly to be run as root)

Run with:
xmobar /path/to/config $


See xmobar.config-sample for an example.

For the output template:

- %command% will execute command and print the output. The output may
  contain markups to change the characters' color.

- <fc=#FF0000>string</fc> will print "string" with #FF0000 color (red).

Other configuration options:

fonts: Name of the font to be used
bgColor: Backgroud color
fgColor: Default font color
xPos: x position (origin in the upper left corner) of the XMobar window 
yPos: y position
width: width of the XMobar window 
hight: hight
align: text alignment 
refresh: Refresh rate in tenth of seconds
commands: For setting the options of the programs to run (optionals)
sepChar: The character to be used for indicating commands in the
         output template (default '%')
template: The output template 


Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it>


The XMobar home page:

XMobars darcs repository:

The XMonad Window Manager