{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Xmobar -- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A status bar for the Xmonad Window Manager -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Xmobar (-- * Main Stuff -- $main X, XConf (..), runX , eventLoop -- * Program Execution -- $command , startCommand -- * Window Management -- $window , createWin, updateWin -- * Printing -- $print , drawInWin, printStrings -- * Unmamaged Windows -- $unmanwin , mkUnmanagedWindow -- * Useful Utilities , initColor, io, nextEvent', fi ) where import Prelude hiding (catch) import Graphics.X11.Xlib import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras import Graphics.X11.Xinerama import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception hiding (handle) import Data.Bits import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..)) import Config import Parsers import Commands import Runnable -- $main -- -- The Xmobar data type and basic loops and functions. -- | The X type is a ReaderT type X = ReaderT XConf IO -- | The ReaderT inner component data XConf = XConf { display :: Display , rect :: Rectangle , window :: Window , fontS :: FontStruct , config :: Config } -- | Runs the ReaderT runX :: XConf -> X () -> IO () runX xc f = runReaderT f xc -- | The event loop eventLoop :: XConf -> [(Maybe ThreadId, TVar String)] -> IO () eventLoop xc@(XConf d _ w fs c) v = block $ do tv <- atomically $ newTVar [] t <- myThreadId ct <- forkIO (checker t tv "" `catch` \_ -> return ()) go tv ct where -- interrupt the drawing thread every time a var is updated checker t tvar ov = do nval <- atomically $ do nv <- fmap concat $ mapM readTVar (map snd v) guard (nv /= ov) writeTVar tvar nv return nv throwDynTo t () checker t tvar nval -- Continuously wait for a timer interrupt or an expose event go tv ct = do catchDyn (unblock $ allocaXEvent $ \e -> handle tv ct =<< (nextEvent' d e >> getEvent e)) (\() -> runX xc (updateWin tv) >> return ()) go tv ct -- event hanlder handle _ ct (ConfigureEvent {ev_window = win}) = do rootw <- rootWindow d (defaultScreen d) when (win == rootw) $ block $ do killThread ct destroyWindow d w (r',w') <- createWin d fs c eventLoop (XConf d r' w' fs c) v handle tvar _ (ExposeEvent {}) = runX xc (updateWin tvar) handle _ _ _ = return () -- $command -- | Runs a command as an independent thread and returns its thread id -- and the TVar the command will be writing to. startCommand :: (Runnable,String,String) -> IO (Maybe ThreadId, TVar String) startCommand (com,s,ss) | alias com == "" = do var <- atomically $ newTVar is atomically $ writeTVar var "Could not parse the template" return (Nothing,var) | otherwise = do var <- atomically $ newTVar is let cb str = atomically $ writeTVar var (s ++ str ++ ss) h <- forkIO $ start com cb return (Just h,var) where is = s ++ "Updating..." ++ ss -- $window -- | The function to create the initial window createWin :: Display -> FontStruct -> Config -> IO (Rectangle,Window) createWin d fs c = do let dflt = defaultScreen d r:_ <- getScreenInfo d rootw <- rootWindow d dflt let (_,as,ds,_) = textExtents fs [] ht = as + ds + 2 (x,y,w,h,o) = setPosition (position c) r (fi ht) win <- mkUnmanagedWindow d (defaultScreenOfDisplay d) rootw x y w h o selectInput d win (exposureMask .|. structureNotifyMask) setProperties h c d win mapWindow d win return (Rectangle x y w h,win) setPosition :: XPosition -> Rectangle -> Dimension -> (Position,Position,Dimension,Dimension,Bool) setPosition p (Rectangle rx ry rw rh) ht = case p of Top -> (rx , ry , rw , h , True) TopW L i -> (rx , ry , nw i , h , True) TopW R i -> (right i, ry , nw i , h , True) TopW C i -> (center i, ry , nw i , h , True) Bottom -> (rx , ny , rw , h , True) BottomW L i -> (rx , ny , nw i , h , True) BottomW R i -> (right i, ny , nw i , h , True) BottomW C i -> (center i, ny , nw i , h , True) Static cx cy cw ch -> (fi cx , fi cy , fi cw, fi ch, True) where ny = ry + fi (rh - ht) center i = rx + (fi $ div (remwid i) 2) right i = rx + (fi $ remwid i) remwid i = rw - pw (fi i) pw i = rw * (min 100 i) `div` 100 nw = fi . pw . fi h = fi ht setProperties :: Dimension -> Config -> Display -> Window -> IO () setProperties h c d w = do a1 <- internAtom d "_NET_WM_STRUT" False c1 <- internAtom d "CARDINAL" False a2 <- internAtom d "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE" False c2 <- internAtom d "ATOM" False v <- internAtom d "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK" False changeProperty32 d w a1 c1 propModeReplace $ map fi $ getStrutValues h c changeProperty32 d w a2 c2 propModeReplace [fromIntegral v] getStrutValues :: Dimension -> Config -> [Int] getStrutValues h c = case position c of Top -> [0, 0, fi h, 0 ] Bottom -> [0, 0, 0 , fi h] _ -> [0, 0, 0 , 0 ] updateWin :: TVar String -> X () updateWin v = do xc <- ask let (conf,rec) = (config &&& rect) xc [lc,rc] = if length (alignSep conf) == 2 then alignSep conf else alignSep defaultConfig i <- io $ atomically $ readTVar v let def = [i,[],[]] [l,c,r] = case break (==lc) i of (le,_:re) -> case break (==rc) re of (ce,_:ri) -> [le,ce,ri] _ -> def _ -> def ps <- io $ mapM (parseString conf) [l,c,r] drawInWin rec ps -- $print -- | Draws in and updates the window drawInWin :: Rectangle -> [[(String, String)]] -> X () drawInWin (Rectangle _ _ wid ht) ~[left,center,right] = do r <- ask let (c,d ) = (config &&& display) r (w,fs) = (window &&& fontS ) r bgcolor <- io $ initColor d $ bgColor c gc <- io $ createGC d w --let's get the fonts io $ setFont d gc (fontFromFontStruct fs) -- create a pixmap to write to and fill it with a rectangle p <- io $ createPixmap d w wid ht (defaultDepthOfScreen (defaultScreenOfDisplay d)) -- the fgcolor of the rectangle will be the bgcolor of the window io $ setForeground d gc bgcolor io $ fillRectangle d p gc 0 0 wid ht -- write to the pixmap the new string let strWithLenth = map (\(s,cl) -> (s,cl,textWidth fs s)) printStrings p gc fs 1 L $ strWithLenth left printStrings p gc fs 1 R $ strWithLenth right printStrings p gc fs 1 C $ strWithLenth center -- copy the pixmap with the new string to the window io $ copyArea d p w gc 0 0 wid ht 0 0 -- free up everything (we do not want to leak memory!) io $ freeGC d gc io $ freePixmap d p -- resync io $ sync d True -- | An easy way to print the stuff we need to print printStrings :: Drawable -> GC -> FontStruct -> Position -> Align -> [(String, String, Position)] -> X () printStrings _ _ _ _ _ [] = return () printStrings dr gc fontst offs a sl@((s,c,l):xs) = do r <- ask let (conf,d) = (config &&& display) r Rectangle _ _ wid ht = rect r (_,as,ds,_) = textExtents fontst s totSLen = foldr (\(_,_,len) -> (+) len) 0 sl valign = (fi ht + fi as - fi ds) `div` 2 remWidth = fi wid - fi totSLen offset = case a of C -> (remWidth + offs) `div` 2 R -> remWidth - 1 L -> offs (fc,bc) <- case (break (==',') c) of (f,',':b) -> do fgc <- io $ initColor d f bgc <- io $ initColor d b return (fgc,bgc) (f,_) -> do fgc <- io $ initColor d f bgc <- io $ initColor d (bgColor conf) return (fgc,bgc) io $ setForeground d gc fc io $ setBackground d gc bc io $ drawImageString d dr gc offset valign s printStrings dr gc fontst (offs + l) a xs {- $unmanwin This is a way to create unmamaged window. -} -- | Creates a window with the attribute override_redirect set to True. -- Windows Managers should not touch this kind of windows. mkUnmanagedWindow :: Display -> Screen -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Bool -> IO Window mkUnmanagedWindow dpy scr rw x y w h o = do let visual = defaultVisualOfScreen scr attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect allocaSetWindowAttributes $ \attributes -> do set_override_redirect attributes o createWindow dpy rw x y w h 0 (defaultDepthOfScreen scr) inputOutput visual attrmask attributes {- $utility Utilities -} -- | Get the Pixel value for a named color: if an invalid name is -- given the black pixel will be returned. initColor :: Display -> String -> IO Pixel initColor dpy c = catch (initColor' dpy c) (const . return . blackPixel dpy $ (defaultScreen dpy)) initColor' :: Display -> String -> IO Pixel initColor' dpy c = (color_pixel . fst) `liftM` allocNamedColor dpy colormap c where colormap = defaultColormap dpy (defaultScreen dpy) -- | A version of nextEvent that does not block in foreign calls. nextEvent' :: Display -> XEventPtr -> IO () nextEvent' d p = do pend <- pending d if pend /= 0 then nextEvent d p else do threadWaitRead (Fd fd) nextEvent' d p where fd = connectionNumber d -- | Short-hand for lifting in the IO monad io :: IO a -> X a io = liftIO -- | Short-hand for 'fromIntegral' fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b fi = fromIntegral