## Version 0.28.1 (October, 2018) Dependencies updated to work with GHC 8.6, avoiding [issue #354]. [issue #354]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/356 ## Version 0.28 (August, 2018) _New features_ - New `ComX`, which runs a command with custom exit error message. _Bug fixes_ - hinotify version upgraded ([issue #356]) [issue #356]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/356 ## Version 0.27 (July, 2018) _New features_ - Dropped support for GHC 7.x. See [issue #352]. - New configuration option, `textOffsets` to specify separate vertical offsets for each of the fonts in `additionalFonts`. See [issue #311]. _Bug fixes_ - Use the maximum width options `-T` and `-E` correctly when a monitor subtemplate contains font and color tags. [issue #311]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/311 [issue #352]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/352 ## Version 0.26 (April, 2018) _New features_ - New options to specify the ellipsis string for fields (`-e`) and total width (`-E`), thanks to Olivier Schneider. - `MultiCpu`: New option to specify fallback icon paths (`--fallback-icon-pattern`), thanks to Reed Koser. _Bug fixes_ - `CpuFreq` monitors honours `-d` (number of digits) if no suffix is given (cf. [issue #335]). - Race condition in network monitor fixed ([issue #347]). - Limiting dbus supported version (see [issue #346]). [issue #335]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/335 [issue #346]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/346 [issue #347]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/347 ## Version 0.25 (February, 2018) _New features_ - The X11 properties `WM_NAME` and `WM_CLASS` for xmobar windows can be setup in either the configuration file (`wmName` and `wmClass`) or using the new flags `-n` adn `-w` (see [issue #323]). - New flag `with_weather`, to build sans `Weather` monitor. _Bug fixes_ - Honouring -x in MPris monitor ([issue #325]) [issue #323]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/323 [issue #325]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/325 ## Version 0.24.5 (May, 2017) _Bug fixes_ - Fix for vertical bars ([issue #303]) [issue #303]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/303 ## Version 0.24.4 (April, 2017) _Infrastructure_ - Whe have now an active [Travis CI setup]. [Travis CI setup]: https://travis-ci.org/jaor/xmobar _Bug fixes_ - Reduce wakeups rate via rtsopts V0 (with new flag with_rtsopts to disable it) (see [issue #89]). - Fix Net monitor for lage uptimes and bytecounts (Tomas Janoušek). - Fix MultiCpu monitor for large uptimes (Zev Weiss). - Fix compilation when XMP is disabled (Sergi Trofimovich). - Better fatal error messages (Michael Bishop). - More paths to read from in CoreTemp (see [issue #291]). [issue #291]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/291 ## Version 0.24.3 (Sep 5, 2016) _Bug fixes_ - Battery monitor: fixes for cases where status is not consistently reported by the kernel (see [issue #271]). [issue #271]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/271 ## Version 0.24.2 (Aug 8, 2016) _Bug fixes_ - New Weather plugin URL (see [issue #270]). [issue #270]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/270 ## Version 0.24.1 (Jul 28, 2016) _Bug fixes_ - Restoring compatibility with GHC 7.6, (see [issue #269]). [issue #269]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/269 ## Version 0.24 (Jul 26, 2016) _New features_ - Use the new compilation flag `with_conduit` to compile an implemetation of the `Weather` plugin that will work behind proxies, by Dragos Boca. - New command line argument (`-p`) to specify xmobar's position, by Valentin Shirokov. - Wind speed in Km/h and m/s for the `Weather` plugin, by Michael Knabe. - `UVMeter`, a new optional plugin showing UV data for Australian users, by Roman Joost. - New template parameter `<date>` for the `MPD` plugin (by Bruno Heridet) - New monitor argument `-T` to specify the maximum total width of the monitor text. - New $VAR parameter syntax for using env vars in pipe monitors, by Will Song (see [issue #268]). _Bug fixes_ - The `Volume` plugin now supports capture devices (Antoine Eiche). - The `MPD` plugin will now automatically update on options changes (Ben Boeckel). - The `Battery` plugin does now a better job at tracking AC status and times (see [issue #231]). - `PipeReader` was polling too often (thanks to zlbruce). - The `MPris` monitor now honours field width and padding optons (-M, -w, etc.). - `Batt`: sensible thresholds for high/low power consumption (see [issue #265]). [issue #231]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/225 [issue #265]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/225 [issue #268]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/268 ## Version 0.23.1 (Apr 14, 2015) _Bug fixes_ - Vertical alignment for icons, [issue #216] - Improvements to vertical text alignment, with many thanks to Jan Palus (see ongoing discussion in [issue #221]). - Better error handling in `Volume` monitor, [issue #215] - Compilation with ghc 7.8 and 7.10 (thanks to Edward Tjörnhammar, see [issue #225]). [issue #225]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/225 [issue #221]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/221 [issue #216]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/216 [issue #215]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/215 ## Version 0.23 (Mar 8, 2015) _New features_ - Xmobar can now use a (semi)transparent background: set it with the new configuration option `alpha` (thanks to Edward Z. Yang, see [issue #114]). - Multiple fonts available by means of the new configuration parameter `additionalFonts` and the template markers `<fn=1>...</fn>`, by Markus Scherer. - New variables in `Mem` monitor for available memory as reported by Linux 3.14 and newer, by Samuli Thomasson. - New configuration parameters `textOffset` and `iconOffset` (see discussion in [issue #171] and [issue #201]). - New template variable `flags` in `MPD` monitor, by Duncan Burke. [issue #171]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/171 [issue #201]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/201 [issue #114]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/114 _Bug fixes_ - We honour the `-S` (show suffix) monitor flag in `CpuFreq`. - Better `Weather` parsing of wind direction, by Dino Morelli (see [pull #212]). [pull #212]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/pull/212 ## Version 0.22.1 (Oct 11, 2014) _Bug fixes_ - Fix compilation in systems that don't need mtl newer than the one shipped with GHC. ## Version 0.22 (Oct 9, 2014) _New features_ - New `MarqueePipeReader` plugin by Reto Hablützel. - `Network` monitor has now adaptive units (`-S` is used now to switch them on), by Axel Angel. - `Weather` now offers `dewPointC` and `dewPointF` instead of `dewPoint`, and the new `windCardinal`, `windAzimuth`, `windMph` and `windKnots` variables, by Tony Morris. - Strings in the configuration file can now span multiple lines using Haskell-style multiline script, thanks to dunric - Icons can now be also xpm files (if xmobar is compiled with `with_xpm`), thanks to Alexander Shabalin. - New `borderWidth` option to set xmobar's boder width, thanks to Travis Staton. - Support for multiple Xft fonts, thanks to Phil Xiaojun Hu and Cedric staub (see [pull request #196]). - Icon patterns for several monitors, that allow you to specify a collection of icons to use for successive integer variable values, thanks to Alexander Shabalin (see [pull request #192] and the documentation for details). - Upgrade to libmpd 0.9. _Bug fixes_ - Much more efficient implementation of the `Locks` plugin, thanks to Anton Vorontsov (see [pull request #195]). - Not colorizing total disk size in `DiskU` ([issue #189]). - Avoiding zombies on click actions, thanks to Phil Xiaojun Hu ([issue #181]). [issue #181]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/181 [issue #189]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/189 [pull request #192]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/pull/192 [pull request #195]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/pull/195 [pull request #196]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/pull/196 ## Version 0.21 (Jul 1, 2014) _New features_ - Vertical bar indicators using unicode available for most monitors, by Eric Mrak. - `CoreTemp`: support for linux 3.15, by Tomáš Janoušek. - New `CatInt` monitor, displaying integer values read from a file, by Nathaniel Wesley Filardo. - New `<raw>` tag for safer input parsing, also by Nathaniel. - New `UnsafeXMonadLog` monitor (by Eric Mrak) and their xproperty counterparts, `UnsafeXPropertyLog` and `UnsafeNamedXPropertyLog`. _Bug fixes_ - `Network` now reports status for ppp connections (see [issue #89]). - Fix for very long running `Cpu` monitors, by Robert J Macomber. [issue #89]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/89 ## Version 0.20.1 (March 13, 2014) _New features_ - Back to picking by default the first available screen, with a new configuration option, `pickBroadest`, for choosing the broadest (see [issue #158]). [issue #158]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/158 ## Version 0.20 (March 10, 2014) _New features_ - Mouse actions now support multiple buttons, by Marcin Mikołajczyk. - Non supported monitors are ignored in configuration files (see [issue #139]), by Adam Vogt. _Bug fixes_ - `Disk` monitor now ignores non-existent devices (Reto Hablützel). - `Weather` is now non-blocking and doesn't use curl (Ben Boeckel). - Fix for `Memory` monitor in 3.14 kernels (Ben Boeckel). - Fix for infinite loops in `AutoMPD` ([issue #76], [issue #111]). - More robust AC readings in `BatteryP`. - Fix for `Top` monitor's readings for processes whose name contains blanks. - Fixes for geometry computation on multihead (Dmitry Malikov). - Fixes for missing XDG configuration (Thiago Negri and James McCoy, see [issue #133]). - Compatibility with latest `directory` ( [issue #76]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/76 [issue #111]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/111 [issue #133]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/133 [issue #139]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/133 ## Version 0.19 (October 27, 2013) As of this release, the old bug tracker at Google code is deprecated. Please use [Github's tracker] for new bugs. _New features_ - New monitor `BatteryN`, a variant of `BatteryP` that lets you specify the name of the monitor in the template. - Support for configuration file living in `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` (see [github #99]). - `Com` uses safer `runInteractiveProcess` instead of spawning a shell (David McLean). If you're using shell expansion in your `Com` (e.g. "~/bin/script") here's a workaround: `Run Com "/bin/bash" ["-c", "~/bin/script"]` (cf. [github #127]). - New plugin `UnsafeStdinReader` that allows actions from stdin. Now it's possible to have clickable workspaces! (Thiago Negri, see [github #125]). - New monitor configuration option (`-x` or `--nastring`) that allows specifying what string to display when a monitor is not available (defaulting to "N/A"). Cf. [github #119]. _Bug fixes_ - Using the width options `-w`, `-m` and `-M` in battery monitors watts display ([github #118]). - Using the `-d` option in `CoreTemp` ([github #115]) - Fix for systems not supporting PCRE regular expressions: we use now BCEs, so regex-compat should be enough everywhere (see [github #117]). - Weather monitor: support for stations without name (Sergei Trofimovich, [issue #65]). [Github's tracker]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues [github #99]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/115 [github #115]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/115 [github #117]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/117 [github #125]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/125 [issue #65]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=65 [github #118]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/118 [github #119]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/119 [github #127]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/127 ## Version 0.18 (June 5, 2013) _New features_ - All extra argument monitors taking a string (e.g. `-O` for `BatteryP`) accept now template variables (see [github #109] and [#110]). Thanks to Todd Lunter. - New battery monitor extra argument, `-i`, for the idle status. _Bug fixes_ - Safer standard input parsing, avoiding <action> injections. [github #109]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/109 [#110]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/110 ## Version 0.17 (May 5, 2013) _New features_ - Icons support: it's now possible to insert bitmaps in the template (Edward O'Callaghan, Alexander Polakov and Tomáš Janoušek). - Initial support for reacting to mouse clicks (Alexander Polakov). - New `TopP` and `BottomP` alignments, taking left and right paddings (thanks to Dmitry Malikov). - New `<freeratio>` field for memory monitor (Peter Simons). - New `allDesktops` and `overrideRedirect` configuration options, providing dock behaviour in tiling WMs (when set to True and False respectively). Cf. discussion at [github #105]. - Experimental `-d` (start as a dock) option, may address [github #67] in some window managers. _Bug fixes_ - Partial (as reports go) fix for [github #77]. - Safer volume plugin (Dmitry Malikov). - Battery percentage capped at 100% (RJ Regenold). [github #67]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/67 [github #77]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/77 [github #105]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/105 ## Version 0.16 (Dec 3, 2012) _New features_ - New monitor `AutoMPD`, which uses asynchronous events to display MPD status (thanks to Ben Boeckel). - New monitor `BufferedPipeReader` displaying data from multiple pipes (thanks to Jochen Keil). - New monitor `DynNetwork`, which detects the active interface automatically, by Reto Hablützel - New monitor, `Locks`, displaying the status of lock keys, by Patrick Chilton. - Extension for DBUS signal handling (Jochen Keil) - Hide/Reveal: one can send signals to xmobar and make it (un)hide itself (Jochen again). - `PipeReader`'s default text is now configurable, by Reto Hablützel. - Dependencies updated to latest mtl and libmpd (thanks to Sergei Trofimovich). - Dependencies on the deprecated dbus-core removed in favour of dbus 0.10 (thanks to Jochen Keil). - MPris2 now includes genre and composer among its fields. _Bug fixes_ - `DiskIO` now can report overall activity in all partitions of a device which is not mounted itself (e.g., sda when sda1, sda3, etc. are the mounted partitions). Thanks to John Soros. See [github #73]. - `DiskU`, the disk usage monitor, works again correctly on Linux, instead of randomly crashing every now and then, and reporting wrong used size. - When using antialiased fonts, we were causing a memory leak in the X server by repeatedly allocating colors that, apparently, the server doesn't know how to get rid of (even when told so!). We're caching them now and X server memory doesn't grow. - Compilation errors and warnings with GHC 7.6 removed (thanks to Raghavendra D Prabhu for his reports in [github #71]). _Known problems_ Some users have reported problems with xmobar compiled with GHC 7.6 in ArchLinux: see [github #78] and pointers therein. Please, send reports of any problems or successes in that regard so that we can fix any remaining issues. Thanks! [github #71]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/71 [github #73]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/73 [github #78]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/78 ## Version 0.15 (June 4, 2012) _Incompatible changes_ - `Batt` monitor no longer uses `-c` to specify the charge file: it should figure things out by itself (cf. [issue 69]). _New features_ - New command line option, `-C`, that allows *adding* commands to those specified in the configuration file (Ben Boeckel). - Dependency on GHC's threaded runtime has been eliminated. - New MPRIS (versions 1 and 2) monitor, by Artem Tarasov. - New monitor option `-d` to specify the number of decimal places to display for float numbers. Defaults to 0. See [issue 58]. - New compilation option `--with_threaded`, to use GHC's threaded runtime to compile xmobar. Disabled by default (cf. discussion in [github #36]). _Bug fixes_ - Stricter build dependencies versioning in cabal file. - [issue 56] vertical alignment of text improved. - [issue 64] display of `watts` in `Batt` monitor fixed. - [issue 69] miscellaneous battery reporting issues. - [issue 67] compilation in DragonFly. - DiskIO works also when device path in mtab are symbolic links to the real device file. - Wireless monitor honours padding settings for ESSID names. - CoreTemp monitor fixed for newer kernels ([github #38]). [issue 56]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=56 [issue 58]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=58 [issue 64]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=64 [issue 67]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=67 [issue 69]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=69 [github #36]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/36 [github #38]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/issues/38 ## Version 0.14 (Dec 10, 2011) _New features_ - New brightness monitor, courtesy of Martin Perner. - New DateZone plugin, for configurable timezone and localized datetimes, also by Martin. - New keyboard layout monitor (Kbd). Yes, by Martin. - Rewrite of the event handling ([issue 53], [issue 57]), you guessed it. - Cpu monitor now also reports `iowait` field ([issue 55]). - Battery monitor: the full charge file is now settable in the monitor arguments (olpc systems use `charge_full_design`; see [issue 62]). _Bug fixes_ - [issue 45] Fix for crashes with AC status changes in battery monitor. - [issue 48] The <quality> field of Wireless behaves like a percentage. - [issue 50]/[issue 61]: `MPD` monitor now works with libmpd 0.6. - [issue 60] Fixes for crashes on power resume for battery monitor. - Template sections without fields are now correctly displayed. - Catch errors when reading battery status (Ben Boeckel). - Compilation issues with ghc 7.x (Sergei Trofimovich). - Fixes for CoreTemp monitor in new kernels (Norbert Zeh). - Fix for pulseaudio problems in volume monitor (Martin Perner). - Fix for parsing errors when a `Run` entry ended in an array (Martin). - Fixed compilation in OpenBSD (Ivo van der Sangen). [issue 45]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=45 [issue 48]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=48 [issue 50]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=50 [issue 53]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=53 [issue 55]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=55 [issue 57]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=57 [issue 60]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=60 [issue 61]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=61 [issue 62]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=62 ## Version 0.13 (March 28, 2011) _New features_ - New `Volume` monitor displaying ALSA soundcards information, by Thomas Tuegel. - New `ThermalZone` plugin substituting `Thermal` and using linux's *sysfs* interface (you need this one if you're using a kernel version equal to or above 2.6.37). See [issue 44]. - xmobar app new has WM_CLASS, WM_NAME and _NET_WM_PID xprops ([issue 38]). _Incompatible changes_ - In the process of solving [issue 14], we've broken those configurations that rely on including alignment separators in the input fed to `StdinReader`. - The MPD plugin does not accept host and port options anymore: use the environment variables MPD_HOST and MPD_PORT instead. - The `Mail` plugin now takes a second parameter (a string) specifying its alias. As a side-effect, this solves [issue 30]. _Bug fixes_ - [issue 14] `StdinReader` and other plugins accepting external input don't get confused anymore when characters from `alignSep` appear in their input. - [issue 27] `BottomSize` placement now respects its width argument. - [issue 28] Compilation in Mac OS X fixed. - [issue 30] `Mail` plugin can be specified anywhere in commands list. - [issue 36] Battery monitor now supports non-standard locations of the `/sys/class/power_supply/AC/online` file. - [issue 40] Battery monitor now supports the new power_now, that replaces current_now in linux kernels for v. 2.36 and above. - [issue 42] More accurate net monitor rates. - DiskIO, Cpu and MultiCpu monitors are also more accurate now. - Text is now correctly centered vertically. - `FullBM` border spec fixed. [issue 14]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=14 [issue 27]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=27 [issue 28]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=28 [issue 30]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=30 [issue 36]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=36 [issue 38]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=38 [issue 40]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=40 [issue 42]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=42 [issue 44]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=44 ## Version 0.12 (Dec 24, 2010) xmobar has a new [maintainer], a new [website], a new [mailing list] and uses a new [source code repository]. Many thanks to Andrea Rossato, xmobar's author and maintainer so far, for creating xmobar in the first place, and for giving me the chance to become its maintainer. And a big thanks to Ben Boeckel, Petr Rockai and Norbert Zeh for their patches. [website]: http://projects.haskell.org/xmobar/ [mailing list]: http://projects.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/xmobar [source code repository]: https://github.com/jaor/xmobar [maintainer]: http://hacks-galore.org/jao/ _New features_ - Window borders: configuration options `border` and `borderColor` allow drawing borders around xmobar's window. - New monitor, `Uptime`, showing the system uptime. - New monitor argument (`-S`) to enable displaying the `%` symbol in percentages or other suffixes (e.g., units in Uptime and Network); the symbol is now never included by default. - New 'run once' commands, by specifying a 0 refresh rate in `Run Com` ([issue 26]). - MPD monitor: updated to libmpd 1.5. New fields `ppos` (playlist position) and `remaining` (remaining time). New configuration options to specify MPD's host, user name and password. - Battery monitor: new `watts` and `timeleft` fields (Petr Rockai), and specific arguments to control coloring and thresholds of the former. - MultiCPU monitor: new `auto*` fields that automatically detect all present CPUs (Ben Boeckel). - CpuFreq monitor uses just one decimal digit for GHz values (Petr Rockai). - Mail plugin expands paths starting with "~/" (Ben Boeckel). Ditto MBox. - Weather monitor now skips not retrieved fields, instead of displaying a long error message. - New compilation flag, `all_extensions`. - Documentation and website updates. _Bug fixes_ - [issue 23] Wireless monitor is now compatible with iwlib 29. - [issue 24] Swap monitor's used ratio display fixed. - [issue 25] Percentages only include `%` if requested using `-P`. - [issue 31] MPD monitor now respects `-W` argument. - Fixes in CPU frequency formatting, string alignment and colour boxes in monitors (Norbert Zeh). - TopMem and TopProc now use the `-L` and `-H` options correctly for memory template fields. - MBox skips non-existent mbox paths instead of hanging. [issue 23]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=23 [issue 24]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=24 [issue 25]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=25 [issue 26]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=26 [issue 31]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=31