* Compiling Xmobar from Source

If you don't have =cabal-install= installed, you can get xmobar's source
code in a variety of ways:

- From [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmobar/][Hackage]]. Just download the latest release from xmobar's hackage

- From [[http://github.com/jaor/xmobar/][Github]]. There are also tarballs available for every tagged
  release on [[https://github.com/jaor/xmobar/releases][Github's releases page]]

- From the bleeding edge repo. If you prefer to live dangerously, just
  get the latest and greatest (and buggiest, I guess) using git:

  #+begin_src shell
    git clone git://github.com/jaor/xmobar

If you have cabal installed, you can now use it from within xmobar's
source tree:

#+begin_src shell
  cabal install --flags="all_extensions"

There is also a =stack.yaml= file that will allow you to install the
xmobar executable with

#+begin_src shell
  stack install

See the =stack.yaml= file for the enabled extensions. You can also pass
them to =stack= directly:

#+begin_src shell
  stack install --flag xmobar:all_extensions

** Optional features

You can configure xmobar to include some optional plugins and features,
which are not compiled by default. To that end, you need to add one or
more flags to either the cabal install command or the configure setup
step, as shown in the examples above.

Extensions need additional libraries (listed below) that will be
automatically downloaded and installed if you're using cabal install.
Otherwise, you'll need to install them yourself.

- =with_dbus= Enables support for DBUS by making xmobar to publish a
  service on the session bus. Requires the [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dbus][dbus]] package.

- =with_threaded= Uses GHC's threaded runtime. Use this option if xmobar
  enters a high-CPU regime right after starting.

- =with_utf8= UTF-8 support. Requires the [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/utf8-string/][utf8-string]] package.

- =with_xft= Antialiased fonts. Requires the [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/X11-xft/][X11-xft]] package. This
  option automatically enables UTF-8. To use XFT fonts you need to use
  the =xft:= prefix in the =font= configuration option. For instance:

  #+begin_src haskell
    font = "xft:Times New Roman-10:italic"

  Or to have fallback fonts, just separate them by commas:

  #+begin_src haskell
    font = "xft:Open Sans:size=9,WenQuanYi Zen Hei:size=9"

- =with_mpd= Enables support for the [[http://mpd.wikia.com/][MPD]] daemon. Requires the [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/libmpd/][libmpd]]

- =with_mpris= Enables support for MPRIS v1/v2 protocol. Requires the
  [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dbus][dbus]] and [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/text][text]] packages.

- =with_inotify= Support for inotify in modern Linux kernels. This
  option is needed for the MBox and Mail plugins to work. Requires the
  [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hinotify/][hinotify]] package.

- =with_nl80211= Support for wireless cards on Linux via nl80211 (all
  upstream drivers). Enables the Wireless plugin. Requires [netlink] and
  [cereal] packages.

- =with_iwlib= Support for wireless cards via Wext ioctls (deprecated).
  Enables the Wireless plugin. No Haskell library is required, but you
  will need the [[http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Tools.html][iwlib]] C library and headers in your system (e.g.,
  install =libiw-dev= in Debian-based systems or =wireless_tools= on
  Arch Linux). Conflicts with =with_nl80211=.

- =with_alsa= Support for ALSA sound cards. Enables the Volume plugin.
  Requires the [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/alsa-mixer][alsa-mixer]] package.  To install the latter, you'll need
  the [[http://packages.debian.org/stable/libasound2-dev][libasound]] C library and headers in your system (e.g., install
  =libasound2-dev= in Debian-based systems).

- =with_datezone= Support for other timezones. Enables the DateZone
  plugin. Requires [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/timezone-olson][timezone-olson]] and [[http://hackage.haskell.org/package/timezone-series][timezone-series]] package.

- =with_xpm= Support for xpm image file format. This will allow loading
  .xpm files in =<icon>=. Requires the [[http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libXpm][libXpm]] C library.

- =with_uvmeter= Enables UVMeter plugin. The plugin shows UV data for

- =with_weather= Support to display weather information. Enables Weather

- =all_extensions= Enables all the extensions above.