------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module: MinXft -- Copyright: (c) 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz -- (c) Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens@endorphin.org> 2007 -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer: jao@gnu.org -- Stability: unstable -- Portability: unportable -- Created: Mon Sep 10, 2012 18:12 -- -- -- Pared down Xft library, based on Graphics.X11.Xft and providing -- explicit management of XftColors, so that they can be cached. -- -- Most of the code is lifted from Clemens's. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls #-} module MinXft ( AXftColor , AXftDraw (..) , AXftFont , mallocAXftColor , freeAXftColor , withAXftDraw , drawXftString , drawXftString' , drawBackground , drawXftRect , openAXftFont , closeAXftFont , xftTxtExtents , xftTxtExtents' , xft_ascent , xft_ascent' , xft_descent , xft_descent' , xft_height , xft_height' ) where import Graphics.X11 import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types import Graphics.X11.Xrender import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras (xGetWindowProperty, xFree) import Foreign import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.C.String import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8 import Data.Char (ord) import Control.Monad (when) #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> -- Color Handling newtype AXftColor = AXftColor (Ptr AXftColor) foreign import ccall "XftColorAllocName" cXftColorAllocName :: Display -> Visual -> Colormap -> CString -> AXftColor -> IO (#type Bool) -- this is the missing bit in X11.Xft, not implementable from the -- outside because XftColor does not export a constructor. mallocAXftColor :: Display -> Visual -> Colormap -> String -> IO AXftColor mallocAXftColor d v cm n = do color <- mallocBytes (#size XftColor) withCAString n $ \str -> cXftColorAllocName d v cm str (AXftColor color) return (AXftColor color) foreign import ccall "XftColorFree" freeAXftColor :: Display -> Visual -> Colormap -> AXftColor -> IO () -- Font handling newtype AXftFont = AXftFont (Ptr AXftFont) xft_ascent :: AXftFont -> IO Int xft_ascent (AXftFont p) = peekCUShort p #{offset XftFont, ascent} xft_ascent' :: [AXftFont] -> IO Int xft_ascent' = (fmap maximum) . (mapM xft_ascent) xft_descent :: AXftFont -> IO Int xft_descent (AXftFont p) = peekCUShort p #{offset XftFont, descent} xft_descent' :: [AXftFont] -> IO Int xft_descent' = (fmap maximum) . (mapM xft_descent) xft_height :: AXftFont -> IO Int xft_height (AXftFont p) = peekCUShort p #{offset XftFont, height} xft_height' :: [AXftFont] -> IO Int xft_height' = (fmap maximum) . (mapM xft_height) foreign import ccall "XftTextExtentsUtf8" cXftTextExtentsUtf8 :: Display -> AXftFont -> CString -> CInt -> Ptr XGlyphInfo -> IO () xftTxtExtents :: Display -> AXftFont -> String -> IO XGlyphInfo xftTxtExtents d f string = withArrayLen (map fi (UTF8.encode string)) $ \len str_ptr -> alloca $ \cglyph -> do cXftTextExtentsUtf8 d f str_ptr (fi len) cglyph peek cglyph xftTxtExtents' :: Display -> [AXftFont] -> String -> IO XGlyphInfo xftTxtExtents' d fs string = do chunks <- getChunks d fs string let (_, _, gi, _, _) = last chunks return gi foreign import ccall "XftFontOpenName" c_xftFontOpen :: Display -> CInt -> CString -> IO AXftFont openAXftFont :: Display -> Screen -> String -> IO AXftFont openAXftFont dpy screen name = withCAString name $ \cname -> c_xftFontOpen dpy (fi (screenNumberOfScreen screen)) cname foreign import ccall "XftFontClose" closeAXftFont :: Display -> AXftFont -> IO () foreign import ccall "XftCharExists" cXftCharExists :: Display -> AXftFont -> (#type FcChar32) -> IO (#type FcBool) xftCharExists :: Display -> AXftFont -> Char -> IO Bool xftCharExists d f c = bool `fmap` cXftCharExists d f (fi $ ord c) where bool 0 = False bool _ = True -- Drawing fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b fi = fromIntegral newtype AXftDraw = AXftDraw (Ptr AXftDraw) foreign import ccall "XftDrawCreate" c_xftDrawCreate :: Display -> Drawable -> Visual -> Colormap -> IO AXftDraw foreign import ccall "XftDrawDisplay" c_xftDrawDisplay :: AXftDraw -> IO Display foreign import ccall "XftDrawDestroy" c_xftDrawDestroy :: AXftDraw -> IO () withAXftDraw :: Display -> Drawable -> Visual -> Colormap -> (AXftDraw -> IO a) -> IO a withAXftDraw d p v c act = do draw <- c_xftDrawCreate d p v c a <- act draw c_xftDrawDestroy draw return a foreign import ccall "XftDrawStringUtf8" cXftDrawStringUtf8 :: AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> AXftFont -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (#type FcChar8) -> CInt -> IO () drawXftString :: (Integral a1, Integral a) => AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> AXftFont -> a -> a1 -> String -> IO () drawXftString d c f x y string = withArrayLen (map fi (UTF8.encode string)) (\len ptr -> cXftDrawStringUtf8 d c f (fi x) (fi y) ptr (fi len)) drawXftString' :: AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> [AXftFont] -> Integer -> Integer -> String -> IO () drawXftString' d c fs x y string = do display <- c_xftDrawDisplay d chunks <- getChunks display fs string mapM_ (\(f, s, _, xo, yo) -> drawXftString d c f (x+xo) (y+yo) s) chunks -- Split string and determine fonts/offsets for individual parts getChunks :: Display -> [AXftFont] -> String -> IO [(AXftFont, String, XGlyphInfo, Integer, Integer)] getChunks disp fts str = do chunks <- getFonts disp fts str getOffsets (XGlyphInfo 0 0 0 0 0 0) chunks where -- Split string and determine fonts for individual parts getFonts _ [] _ = return [] getFonts _ _ [] = return [] getFonts _ [ft] s = return [(ft, s)] getFonts d fonts@(ft:_) s = do -- Determine which glyph can be rendered by current font glyphs <- mapM (xftCharExists d ft) s -- Split string into parts that can/cannot be rendered let splits = split (runs glyphs) s -- Determine which font to render each chunk with concat `fmap` mapM (getFont d fonts) splits -- Determine fonts for substrings getFont _ [] _ = return [] getFont _ [ft] (_, s) = return [(ft, s)] -- Last font, use it getFont _ (ft:_) (True, s) = return [(ft, s)] -- Current font can render this substring getFont d (_:fs) (False, s) = getFonts d fs s -- Fallback to next font -- Helpers runs [] = [] runs (x:xs) = let (h, t) = span (==x) xs in (x, length h + 1) : runs t split [] _ = [] split ((x, c):xs) s = let (h, t) = splitAt c s in (x, h) : split xs t -- Determine coordinates for chunks using extents getOffsets _ [] = return [] getOffsets (XGlyphInfo _ _ x y xo yo) ((f, s):chunks) = do (XGlyphInfo w' h' _ _ xo' yo') <- xftTxtExtents disp f s let gi = XGlyphInfo (xo+w') (yo+h') x y (xo+xo') (yo+yo') rest <- getOffsets gi chunks return $ (f, s, gi, fromIntegral xo, fromIntegral yo) : rest foreign import ccall "XftDrawRect" cXftDrawRect :: AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> CInt -> CInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO () drawXftRect :: (Integral a3, Integral a2, Integral a1, Integral a) => AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> a -> a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> IO () drawXftRect draw color x y width height = cXftDrawRect draw color (fi x) (fi y) (fi width) (fi height) #include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h> type Picture = XID type PictOp = CInt data XRenderPictFormat data XRenderPictureAttributes = XRenderPictureAttributes -- foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/extensions/Xrender.h XRenderFillRectangle" -- xRenderFillRectangle :: Display -> PictOp -> Picture -> Ptr XRenderColor -> CInt -> CInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/extensions/Xrender.h XRenderComposite" xRenderComposite :: Display -> PictOp -> Picture -> Picture -> Picture -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/extensions/Xrender.h XRenderCreateSolidFill" xRenderCreateSolidFill :: Display -> Ptr XRenderColor -> IO Picture foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/extensions/Xrender.h XRenderFreePicture" xRenderFreePicture :: Display -> Picture -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h" memset :: Ptr a -> CInt -> CSize -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/extensions/Xrender.h XRenderFindStandardFormat" xRenderFindStandardFormat :: Display -> CInt -> IO (Ptr XRenderPictFormat) foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/extensions/Xrender.h XRenderCreatePicture" xRenderCreatePicture :: Display -> Drawable -> Ptr XRenderPictFormat -> CULong -> Ptr XRenderPictureAttributes -> IO Picture -- Attributes not supported instance Storable XRenderPictureAttributes where sizeOf _ = #{size XRenderPictureAttributes} alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt) peek _ = return XRenderPictureAttributes poke p XRenderPictureAttributes = memset p 0 #{size XRenderPictureAttributes} -- | Convenience function, gives us an XRender handle to a traditional -- Pixmap. Don't let it escape. withRenderPicture :: Display -> Drawable -> (Picture -> IO a) -> IO () withRenderPicture d p f = do format <- xRenderFindStandardFormat d 1 -- PictStandardRGB24 alloca $ \attr -> do pic <- xRenderCreatePicture d p format 0 attr f pic xRenderFreePicture d pic -- | Convenience function, gives us an XRender picture that is a solid -- fill of color 'c'. Don't let it escape. withRenderFill :: Display -> XRenderColor -> (Picture -> IO a) -> IO () withRenderFill d c f = do pic <- with c (xRenderCreateSolidFill d) f pic xRenderFreePicture d pic -- | Drawing the background to a pixmap and taking into account -- transparency drawBackground :: Display -> Drawable -> String -> Int -> Rectangle -> IO () drawBackground d p bgc alpha (Rectangle x y wid ht) = do let render opt bg pic m = xRenderComposite d opt bg m pic (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) 0 0 0 0 (fromIntegral wid) (fromIntegral ht) withRenderPicture d p $ \pic -> do -- Handle background color bgcolor <- parseRenderColor d bgc withRenderFill d bgcolor $ \bgfill -> withRenderFill d (XRenderColor 0 0 0 (257 * alpha)) (render pictOpSrc bgfill pic) -- Handle transparency internAtom d "_XROOTPMAP_ID" False >>= \xid -> let xroot = defaultRootWindow d in alloca $ \x1 -> alloca $ \x2 -> alloca $ \x3 -> alloca $ \x4 -> alloca $ \pprop -> do xGetWindowProperty d xroot xid 0 1 False 20 x1 x2 x3 x4 pprop prop <- peek pprop when (prop /= nullPtr) $ do rootbg <- peek (castPtr prop) :: IO Pixmap xFree prop withRenderPicture d rootbg $ \bgpic -> withRenderFill d (XRenderColor 0 0 0 (0xFFFF - 257 * alpha)) (render pictOpAdd bgpic pic) -- | Parses color into XRender color (allocation not necessary!) parseRenderColor :: Display -> String -> IO XRenderColor parseRenderColor d c = do let colormap = defaultColormap d (defaultScreen d) Color _ red green blue _ <- parseColor d colormap c return $ XRenderColor (fromIntegral red) (fromIntegral green) (fromIntegral blue) 0xFFFF pictOpSrc, pictOpAdd :: PictOp pictOpSrc = 1 pictOpAdd = 12 -- pictOpMinimum = 0 -- pictOpClear = 0 -- pictOpDst = 2 -- pictOpOver = 3 -- pictOpOverReverse = 4 -- pictOpIn = 5 -- pictOpInReverse = 6 -- pictOpOut = 7 -- pictOpOutReverse = 8 -- pictOpAtop = 9 -- pictOpAtopReverse = 10 -- pictOpXor = 11 -- pictOpSaturate = 13 -- pictOpMaximum = 13