{-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NamedFieldPuns, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Plugins.EWMH
-- Copyright   :  (c) Spencer Janssen
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- An experimental plugin to display EWMH pager information

module Plugins.EWMH (EWMH(..)) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Graphics.X11 hiding (Modifier, Color)
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import Plugins
#ifdef UTF8
#undef UTF8
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
#define UTF8
import Foreign.C (CChar, CLong)
import XUtil (nextEvent')

import Data.List (intersperse, intercalate)

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

data EWMH = EWMH | EWMHFMT Component deriving (Read, Show)

instance Exec EWMH where
    alias EWMH = "EWMH"

    start ew cb = allocaXEvent $ \ep -> execM $ do
        d <- asks display
        r <- asks root

        liftIO xSetErrorHandler

        liftIO $ selectInput d r propertyChangeMask
        handlers' <- mapM (\(a, h) -> liftM2 (,) (getAtom a) (return h)) handlers
        mapM_ ((=<< asks root) . snd) handlers'

        forever $ do
            liftIO . cb . fmtOf ew =<< get
            liftIO $ nextEvent' d ep
            e <- liftIO $ getEvent ep
            case e of
                PropertyEvent { ev_atom = a, ev_window = w } ->
                    case lookup a handlers' of
                        Just f -> f w
                        _      -> return ()
                _ -> return ()

        return ()

defaultPP = Sep (Text " : ") [ Workspaces [Color "white" "black" :% Current, Hide :% Empty]
                             , Layout
                             , Color "#00ee00" "" :$ Short 120 :$ WindowName]

fmtOf EWMH = flip fmt defaultPP
fmtOf (EWMHFMT f) = flip fmt f

sep :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
sep x xs = intercalate x $ filter (not . null) xs

fmt :: EwmhState -> Component -> String
fmt e (Text s) = s
fmt e (l :+ r) = fmt e l ++ fmt e r
fmt e (m :$ r) = modifier m $ fmt e r
fmt e (Sep c xs) = sep (fmt e c) $ map (fmt e) xs
fmt e WindowName = windowName $ Map.findWithDefault initialClient (activeWindow e) (clients e)
fmt e Layout = layout e
fmt e (Workspaces opts) = sep " "
                            [foldr ($) n [modifier m | (m :% a) <- opts, a `elem` as]
                                | (n, as) <- attrs]
    stats i = [ (Current, i == currentDesktop e)
              , (Empty, Set.notMember i nonEmptys && i /= currentDesktop e)
              -- TODO for visible , (Visibl
    attrs :: [(String, [WsType])]
    attrs = [(n, [s | (s, b) <- stats i, b]) | (i, n) <- zip [0 ..] (desktopNames e)]
    nonEmptys = Set.unions . map desktops . Map.elems $ clients e

modifier :: Modifier -> String -> String
modifier Hide = const ""
modifier (Color fg bg) = \x -> concat ["<fc=", fg, if null bg then "" else "," ++ bg
                                      , ">", x, "</fc>"]
modifier (Short n) = take n
modifier (Wrap l r) = \x -> l ++ x ++ r

data Component = Text String
               | Component :+ Component
               | Modifier :$ Component
               | Sep Component [Component]
               | WindowName
               | Layout
               | Workspaces [WsOpt]
    deriving (Read, Show)

infixr 0 :$
infixr 5 :+

data Modifier = Hide
              | Color String String
              | Short Int
              | Wrap String String
    deriving (Read, Show)

data WsOpt = Modifier :% WsType
           | WSep Component
    deriving (Read, Show)
infixr 0 :%

data WsType = Current | Empty | Visible
    deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

data EwmhConf  = C { root :: Window
                   , display :: Display }

data EwmhState = S { currentDesktop :: CLong
                   , activeWindow :: Window
                   , desktopNames :: [String]
                   , layout :: String
                   , clients :: Map Window Client }
    deriving Show

data Client = Cl { windowName :: String
                 , desktops :: Set CLong }
    deriving Show

getAtom :: String -> M Atom
getAtom s = do
    d <- asks display
    liftIO $ internAtom d s False

windowProperty32 :: String -> Window -> M (Maybe [CLong])
windowProperty32 s w = do
    (C {display}) <- ask
    a <- getAtom s
    liftIO $ getWindowProperty32 display a w

windowProperty8 :: String -> Window -> M (Maybe [CChar])
windowProperty8 s w = do
    (C {display}) <- ask
    a <- getAtom s
    liftIO $ getWindowProperty8 display a w

initialState :: EwmhState
initialState = S 0 0 [] [] Map.empty

initialClient :: Client
initialClient = Cl "" Set.empty

handlers, clientHandlers :: [(String, Updater)]
handlers = [ ("_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", updateCurrentDesktop)
           , ("_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES", updateDesktopNames )
           , ("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", updateActiveWindow)
           , ("_NET_CLIENT_LIST", updateClientList)
           ] ++ clientHandlers

clientHandlers = [ ("_NET_WM_NAME", updateName)
                 , ("_NET_WM_DESKTOP", updateDesktop) ]

newtype M a = M (ReaderT EwmhConf (StateT EwmhState IO) a)
    deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative, MonadIO, MonadReader EwmhConf, MonadState EwmhState)

execM :: M a -> IO a
execM (M m) = do
    d <- openDisplay ""
    r <- rootWindow d (defaultScreen d)
    let conf = C r d
    evalStateT (runReaderT m (C r d)) initialState

type Updater = Window -> M ()

updateCurrentDesktop, updateDesktopNames, updateActiveWindow :: Updater
updateCurrentDesktop _ = do
    (C {root}) <- ask
    mwp <- windowProperty32 "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP" root
    case mwp of
        Just [x] -> modify (\s -> s { currentDesktop = x })
        _        -> return ()

updateActiveWindow _ = do
    (C {root}) <- ask
    mwp <- windowProperty32 "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW" root
    case mwp of
        Just [x] -> modify (\s -> s { activeWindow = fromIntegral x })
        _        -> return ()

updateDesktopNames _ = do
    (C {root}) <- ask
    mwp <- windowProperty8 "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES" root
    case mwp of
        Just xs -> modify (\s -> s { desktopNames = parse xs })
        _       -> return ()
    dropNull ('\0':xs) = xs
    dropNull xs        = xs

    split []        = []
    split xs        = case span (/= '\0') xs of
                        (x, ys) -> x : split (dropNull ys)
    parse = split . decodeCChar

updateClientList _ = do
    (C {root}) <- ask
    mwp <- windowProperty32 "_NET_CLIENT_LIST" root
    case mwp of
        Just xs -> do
                    cl <- gets clients
                    let cl' = Map.fromList $ map (flip (,) initialClient . fromIntegral) xs
                        dels = Map.difference cl cl'
                        new = Map.difference cl' cl
                    modify (\s -> s { clients = Map.union (Map.intersection cl cl') cl'})
                    mapM_ (unmanage . fst) (Map.toList dels)
                    mapM_ (listen . fst)   (Map.toList cl')
                    mapM_ (update . fst)   (Map.toList new)
        _       -> return ()
    unmanage w = asks display >>= \d -> liftIO $ selectInput d w 0
    listen w = asks display >>= \d -> liftIO $ selectInput d w propertyChangeMask
    update w = mapM_ (($ w) . snd) clientHandlers

modifyClient :: Window -> (Client -> Client) -> M ()
modifyClient w f = modify (\s -> s { clients = Map.alter f' w $ clients s })
    f' Nothing  = Just $ f initialClient
    f' (Just x) = Just $ f x

updateName w = do
    mwp <- windowProperty8 "_NET_WM_NAME" w
    case mwp of
        Just xs -> modifyClient w (\c -> c { windowName = decodeCChar xs })
        _       -> return ()

updateDesktop w = do
    mwp <- windowProperty32 "_NET_WM_DESKTOP" w
    case mwp of
        Just x -> modifyClient w (\c -> c { desktops = Set.fromList x })
        _      -> return ()

decodeCChar :: [CChar] -> String
#ifdef UTF8
#undef UTF8
decodeCChar = UTF8.decode . map fromIntegral
#define UTF8
decodeCChar = map (toEnum . fromIntegral)