----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Plugins.Mail -- Copyright : (c) Spencer Janssen -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Spencer Janssen <sjanssen@cse.unl.edu> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A plugin for checking mail. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Plugins.Mail where import Prelude hiding (catch) import Plugins import Plugins.Utils (expandHome, changeLoop) import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent.STM import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.INotify import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S -- | A list of mail box names and paths to maildirs. data Mail = Mail [(String, FilePath)] String deriving (Read, Show) instance Exec Mail where alias (Mail _ a) = a start (Mail ms _) cb = do vs <- mapM (const $ newTVarIO S.empty) ms let ts = map fst ms rs = map ((</> "new") . snd) ms ev = [Move, MoveIn, MoveOut, Create, Delete] ds <- mapM expandHome rs i <- initINotify zipWithM_ (\d v -> addWatch i ev d (handle v)) ds vs forM_ (zip ds vs) $ \(d, v) -> do s <- fmap (S.fromList . filter (not . isPrefixOf ".")) $ getDirectoryContents d atomically $ modifyTVar v (S.union s) changeLoop (mapM (fmap S.size . readTVar) vs) $ \ns -> cb . unwords $ [m ++ ":" ++ show n | (m, n) <- zip ts ns , n /= 0 ] handle :: TVar (Set String) -> Event -> IO () handle v e = atomically $ modifyTVar v $ case e of Created {} -> create MovedIn {} -> create Deleted {} -> delete MovedOut {} -> delete _ -> id where delete = S.delete (filePath e) create = S.insert (filePath e)