-- |
-- Module: Xmobar.X11.EventLoop
-- Copyright: (c) 2018 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
-- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer: jao@gnu.org
-- Stability: unstable
-- Portability: portable
-- Created: Sat Nov 24, 2018 19:40
-- Event loop

module Xmobar.App.EventLoop (startLoop, startCommand) where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Graphics.X11.Xlib hiding (textExtents, textWidth)
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import Graphics.X11.Xinerama
import Graphics.X11.Xrandr

import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (handle, SomeException(..))
import Data.Bits
import Data.Map hiding (foldr, map, filter)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)

import Xmobar.System.Signal
import Xmobar.Config.Types
import Xmobar.Run.Commands
import Xmobar.Run.Runnable
import Xmobar.X11.Actions
import Xmobar.X11.Parsers
import Xmobar.X11.Window
import Xmobar.X11.Text
import Xmobar.X11.Draw
import Xmobar.X11.Bitmap as Bitmap
import Xmobar.X11.Types
import Xmobar.X11.Events(nextEvent')

#ifdef XFT
import Graphics.X11.Xft

#ifdef DBUS
import Xmobar.System.DBus

runX :: XConf -> X () -> IO ()
runX xc f = runReaderT f xc

-- | Starts the main event loop and threads
startLoop :: XConf -> TMVar SignalType -> [[([Async ()], TVar String)]]
             -> IO ()
startLoop xcfg@(XConf _ _ w _ _ _ _) sig vs = do
#ifdef XFT
    tv <- atomically $ newTVar []
    _ <- forkIO (handle (handler "checker") (checker tv [] vs sig))
    _ <- forkOS (handle (handler "eventer") (eventer sig))
    _ <- forkIO (handle (handler "eventer") (eventer sig))
#ifdef DBUS
    runIPC sig
    eventLoop tv xcfg [] sig
    handler thing (SomeException e) =
      void $ putStrLn ("Thread " ++ thing ++ " failed: " ++ show e)
    -- Reacts on events from X
    eventer signal =
      allocaXEvent $ \e -> do
        dpy <- openDisplay ""
        xrrSelectInput dpy (defaultRootWindow dpy) rrScreenChangeNotifyMask
        selectInput dpy w (exposureMask .|. structureNotifyMask .|. buttonPressMask)

        forever $ do
          nextEvent dpy e
          nextEvent' dpy e
          ev <- getEvent e
          case ev of
            ConfigureEvent {} -> atomically $ putTMVar signal Reposition
            ExposeEvent {} -> atomically $ putTMVar signal Wakeup
            RRScreenChangeNotifyEvent {} -> atomically $ putTMVar signal Reposition
            ButtonEvent {} -> atomically $ putTMVar signal (Action (ev_button ev) (fi $ ev_x ev))
            _ -> return ()

-- | Send signal to eventLoop every time a var is updated
checker :: TVar [String]
           -> [String]
           -> [[([Async ()], TVar String)]]
           -> TMVar SignalType
           -> IO ()
checker tvar ov vs signal = do
      nval <- atomically $ do
              nv <- mapM concatV vs
              guard (nv /= ov)
              writeTVar tvar nv
              return nv
      atomically $ putTMVar signal Wakeup
      checker tvar nval vs signal
      concatV = fmap concat . mapM (readTVar . snd)

-- | Continuously wait for a signal from a thread or a interrupt handler
eventLoop :: TVar [String]
             -> XConf
             -> [([Action], Position, Position)]
             -> TMVar SignalType
             -> IO ()
eventLoop tv xc@(XConf d r w fs vos is cfg) as signal = do
      typ <- atomically $ takeTMVar signal
      case typ of
         Wakeup -> do
            str <- updateString cfg tv
            xc' <- updateCache d w is (iconRoot cfg) str >>=
                     \c -> return xc { iconS = c }
            as' <- updateActions xc r str
            runX xc' $ drawInWin r str
            eventLoop tv xc' as' signal

         Reposition ->
            reposWindow cfg

         ChangeScreen -> do
            ncfg <- updateConfigPosition cfg
            reposWindow ncfg

         Hide   t -> hide   (t*100*1000)
         Reveal t -> reveal (t*100*1000)
         Toggle t -> toggle t

         TogglePersistent -> eventLoop
            tv xc { config = cfg { persistent = not $ persistent cfg } } as signal

         Action but x -> action but x

        isPersistent = not $ persistent cfg

        hide t
            | t == 0 =
                when isPersistent (hideWindow d w) >> eventLoop tv xc as signal
            | otherwise = do
                void $ forkIO
                     $ threadDelay t >> atomically (putTMVar signal $ Hide 0)
                eventLoop tv xc as signal

        reveal t
            | t == 0 = do
                when isPersistent (showWindow r cfg d w)
                eventLoop tv xc as signal
            | otherwise = do
                void $ forkIO
                     $ threadDelay t >> atomically (putTMVar signal $ Reveal 0)
                eventLoop tv xc as signal

        toggle t = do
            ismapped <- isMapped d w
            atomically (putTMVar signal $ if ismapped then Hide t else Reveal t)
            eventLoop tv xc as signal

        reposWindow rcfg = do
          r' <- repositionWin d w (head fs) rcfg
          eventLoop tv (XConf d r' w fs vos is rcfg) as signal

        updateConfigPosition ocfg =
          case position ocfg of
            OnScreen n o -> do
              srs <- getScreenInfo d
              return (if n == length srs
                        (ocfg {position = OnScreen 1 o})
                        (ocfg {position = OnScreen (n+1) o}))
            o -> return (ocfg {position = OnScreen 1 o})

        action button x = do
          mapM_ runAction $
            filter (\(Spawn b _) -> button `elem` b) $
            concatMap (\(a,_,_) -> a) $
            filter (\(_, from, to) -> x >= from && x <= to) as
          eventLoop tv xc as signal

-- $command

-- | Runs a command as an independent thread and returns its Async handles
-- and the TVar the command will be writing to.
startCommand :: TMVar SignalType
             -> (Runnable,String,String)
             -> IO ([Async ()], TVar String)
startCommand sig (com,s,ss)
    | alias com == "" = do var <- atomically $ newTVar is
                           atomically $ writeTVar var (s ++ ss)
                           return ([], var)
    | otherwise = do var <- atomically $ newTVar is
                     let cb str = atomically $ writeTVar var (s ++ str ++ ss)
                     a1 <- async $ start com cb
                     a2 <- async $ trigger com $ maybe (return ())
                                                 (atomically . putTMVar sig)
                     return ([a1, a2], var)
    where is = s ++ "Updating..." ++ ss

updateString :: Config -> TVar [String]
                -> IO [[(Widget, String, Int, Maybe [Action])]]
updateString conf v = do
  s <- readTVarIO v
  let l:c:r:_ = s ++ repeat ""
  liftIO $ mapM (parseString conf) [l, c, r]

updateActions :: XConf -> Rectangle -> [[(Widget, String, Int, Maybe [Action])]]
                 -> IO [([Action], Position, Position)]
updateActions conf (Rectangle _ _ wid _) ~[left,center,right] = do
  let (d,fs) = (display &&& fontListS) conf
      strLn :: [(Widget, String, Int, Maybe [Action])] -> IO [(Maybe [Action], Position, Position)]
      strLn  = liftIO . mapM getCoords
      iconW i = maybe 0 Bitmap.width (lookup i $ iconS conf)
      getCoords (Text s,_,i,a) = textWidth d (fs!!i) s >>= \tw -> return (a, 0, fi tw)
      getCoords (Icon s,_,_,a) = return (a, 0, fi $ iconW s)
      partCoord off xs = map (\(a, x, x') -> (fromJust a, x, x')) $
                         filter (\(a, _,_) -> isJust a) $
                         scanl (\(_,_,x') (a,_,w') -> (a, x', x' + w'))
                               (Nothing, 0, off)
      totSLen = foldr (\(_,_,len) -> (+) len) 0
      remWidth xs = fi wid - totSLen xs
      offs = 1
      offset a xs = case a of
                     C -> (remWidth xs + offs) `div` 2
                     R -> remWidth xs
                     L -> offs
  fmap concat $ mapM (\(a,xs) ->
                       (\xs' -> partCoord (offset a xs') xs') <$> strLn xs) $
                     zip [L,C,R] [left,center,right]