------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module: Xmobar.App.Main -- Copyright: (c) 2018, 2019, 2020 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer: jao@gnu.org -- Stability: unstable -- Portability: portable -- Created: Sun Nov 25, 2018 21:53 -- -- -- Support for creating executable main functions -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Xmobar.App.Main (xmobar, xmobarMain, configFromArgs) where import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, cancel) import Control.Exception (bracket) import Control.Monad (unless) import Data.Foldable (for_) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List (intercalate) import System.Posix.Process (executeFile) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.FilePath ((</>), takeBaseName, takeDirectory, takeExtension) import Text.Parsec.Error (ParseError) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Graphics.X11.Xlib import Xmobar.Config.Types import Xmobar.Config.Parse import Xmobar.System.Signal (setupSignalHandler, withDeferSignals) import Xmobar.Run.Template import Xmobar.X11.Types import Xmobar.X11.Text import Xmobar.X11.Window import Xmobar.App.Opts (recompileFlag, verboseFlag, getOpts, doOpts) import Xmobar.App.EventLoop (startLoop, startCommand, newRefreshLock, refreshLock) import Xmobar.App.Compile (recompile, trace) import Xmobar.App.Config import Xmobar.App.Timer (withTimer) xmobar :: Config -> IO () xmobar conf = withDeferSignals $ do initThreads d <- openDisplay "" fs <- initFont d (font conf) fl <- mapM (initFont d) (additionalFonts conf) cls <- mapM (parseTemplate (commands conf) (sepChar conf)) (splitTemplate (alignSep conf) (template conf)) sig <- setupSignalHandler refLock <- newRefreshLock withTimer (refreshLock refLock) $ bracket (mapM (mapM $ startCommand sig) cls) cleanupThreads $ \vars -> do (r,w) <- createWin d fs conf let ic = Map.empty to = textOffset conf ts = textOffsets conf ++ replicate (length fl) (-1) startLoop (XConf d r w (fs :| fl) (to :| ts) ic conf) sig refLock vars configFromArgs :: Config -> IO Config configFromArgs cfg = getArgs >>= getOpts >>= doOpts cfg . fst cleanupThreads :: [[([Async ()], a)]] -> IO () cleanupThreads vars = for_ (concat vars) $ \(asyncs, _) -> for_ asyncs cancel buildLaunch :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> ParseError -> IO () buildLaunch verb force p e = do let exec = takeBaseName p confDir = takeDirectory p ext = takeExtension p if ext `elem` [".hs", ".hsc", ".lhs"] then xmobarDataDir >>= \dd -> recompile confDir dd exec force verb >> executeFile (confDir </> exec) False [] Nothing else trace True ("Invalid configuration file: " ++ show e) >> trace True "\n(No compilation attempted: \ \only .hs, .hsc or .lhs files are compiled)" xmobar' :: [String] -> Config -> IO () xmobar' defs cfg = do unless (null defs || not (verbose cfg)) $ putStrLn $ "Fields missing from config defaulted: " ++ intercalate "," defs xmobar cfg xmobarMain :: IO () xmobarMain = do args <- getArgs (flags, rest) <- getOpts args cf <- case rest of [c] -> return (Just c) [] -> xmobarConfigFile _ -> error $ "Too many arguments: " ++ show rest case cf of Nothing -> case rest of (c:_) -> error $ c ++ ": file not found" _ -> doOpts defaultConfig flags >>= xmobar Just p -> do r <- readConfig defaultConfig p case r of Left e -> buildLaunch (verboseFlag flags) (recompileFlag flags) p e Right (c, defs) -> doOpts c flags >>= xmobar' defs