------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module: Xmobar.App.TextEventLoop -- Copyright: (c) 2022 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer: jao@gnu.org -- Stability: unstable -- Portability: unportable -- Created: Fri Jan 28, 2022 01:21 -- -- -- Text-only event loop -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Xmobar.App.TextEventLoop (textLoop) where import Prelude hiding (lookup) import Text.Printf import System.IO import Data.List (intercalate) import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Xmobar.System.Signal import Xmobar.Config.Types (Config(textOutputFormat), TextOutputFormat(..)) import Xmobar.Run.Loop (initLoop, loop) import Xmobar.X11.Parsers (Segment, Widget(..), parseString, tColorsString, colorComponents) -- | Starts the main event loop and threads textLoop :: Config -> IO () textLoop conf = loop conf (startTextLoop' conf) startTextLoop' :: Config -> TMVar SignalType -> TMVar () -> [[([Async ()], TVar String)]] -> IO () startTextLoop' cfg sig pauser vs = do hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering tv <- initLoop sig pauser vs eventLoop cfg tv sig -- | Continuously wait for a signal from a thread or a interrupt handler eventLoop :: Config -> TVar [String] -> TMVar SignalType -> IO () eventLoop cfg tv signal = do typ <- atomically $ takeTMVar signal case typ of Wakeup -> updateString cfg tv >>= putStrLn >> eventLoop cfg tv signal _ -> eventLoop cfg tv signal updateString :: Config -> TVar [String] -> IO String updateString conf v = do s <- readTVarIO v let l:c:r:_ = s ++ repeat "" liftIO $ concat `fmap` mapM (parseStringAsText conf) [l, c, r] asInt :: String -> String asInt x = case (reads $ "0x" ++ x) :: [(Integer, String)] of [(v, "") ] -> show v _ -> "" namedColor :: String -> String namedColor c = case c of "black" -> "0"; "red" -> "1"; "green" -> "2"; "yellow" -> "3"; "blue" -> "4"; "magenta" -> "5"; "cyan" -> "6"; "white" -> "7"; _ -> "" ansiCode :: String -> String ansiCode ('#':r:g:[b]) = ansiCode ['#', '0', r, '0', g, '0', b] ansiCode ('#':r0:r1:g0:g1:b0:[b1]) = "2;" ++ intercalate ";" (map asInt [[r0,r1], [g0,g1], [b0,b1]]) ansiCode ('#':n) = ansiCode n ansiCode c = "5;" ++ if null i then namedColor c else i where i = asInt c withAnsiColor :: (String, String) -> String -> String withAnsiColor (fg, bg) s = wrap "38;" fg (wrap "48;" bg s) where wrap cd cl w = if null cl then w else "\x1b[" ++ cd ++ ansiCode cl ++ "m" ++ w ++ "\x1b[0m" replaceAll :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] replaceAll c s = concatMap (\x -> if x == c then s else [x]) xmlEscape :: String -> String xmlEscape s = replaceAll '"' """ $ replaceAll '\'' "'" $ replaceAll '<' "<" $ replaceAll '>' ">" $ replaceAll '&' "&" s withPangoColor :: (String, String) -> String -> String withPangoColor (fg, bg) s = printf fmt (xmlEscape fg) (xmlEscape bg) (xmlEscape s) where fmt = "<span foreground=\"%s\" background=\"%s\">%s</span>" withColor :: TextOutputFormat -> (String, String) -> String -> String withColor format color = case format of Plain -> id Ansi -> withAnsiColor color Pango -> withPangoColor color asText :: Config -> Segment -> String asText conf (Text s, info, _, _) = withColor (textOutputFormat conf) components s where components = colorComponents conf color color = tColorsString info asText colors (Hspace n, i, x, y) = asText colors (Text $ replicate (fromIntegral n) ' ', i, x, y) asText _ _ = "" parseStringAsText :: Config -> String -> IO String parseStringAsText c s = do segments <- parseString c s let txts = map (asText c) segments return (concat txts)