{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ForeignFunctionInterface, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, PatternGuards #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Plugins.Kbd -- Copyright : (c) Martin Perner -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Martin Perner <martin@perner.cc> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A keyboard layout indicator for Xmobar -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Xmobar.Plugins.Kbd where import Graphics.X11.Xlib import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras import Foreign import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.C.String import Xmobar.Plugins import Control.Monad (forever) import Xmobar.XUtil (nextEvent') import Data.List (isPrefixOf, findIndex) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) #include <X11/XKBlib.h> #include <X11/extensions/XKB.h> #include <X11/extensions/XKBstr.h> -- -- Definition for XkbStaceRec and getKbdLayout taken from -- XMonad.Layout.XKBLayout -- data XkbStateRec = XkbStateRec { group :: CUChar, locked_group :: CUChar, base_group :: CUShort, latched_group :: CUShort, mods :: CUChar, base_mods :: CUChar, latched_mods :: CUChar, locked_mods :: CUChar, compat_state :: CUChar, grab_mods :: CUChar, compat_grab_mods :: CUChar, lookup_mods :: CUChar, compat_lookup_mods :: CUChar, ptr_buttons :: CUShort } instance Storable XkbStateRec where sizeOf _ = (#size XkbStateRec) alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort) poke _ _ = undefined peek ptr = do r_group <- (#peek XkbStateRec, group) ptr r_locked_group <- (#peek XkbStateRec, locked_group) ptr r_base_group <- (#peek XkbStateRec, base_group) ptr r_latched_group <- (#peek XkbStateRec, latched_group) ptr r_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, mods) ptr r_base_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, base_mods) ptr r_latched_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, latched_mods) ptr r_locked_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, locked_mods) ptr r_compat_state <- (#peek XkbStateRec, compat_state) ptr r_grab_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, grab_mods) ptr r_compat_grab_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, compat_grab_mods) ptr r_lookup_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, lookup_mods) ptr r_compat_lookup_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, compat_lookup_mods) ptr r_ptr_buttons <- (#peek XkbStateRec, ptr_buttons) ptr return XkbStateRec { group = r_group, locked_group = r_locked_group, base_group = r_base_group, latched_group = r_latched_group, mods = r_mods, base_mods = r_base_mods, latched_mods = r_latched_mods, locked_mods = r_locked_mods, compat_state = r_compat_state, grab_mods = r_grab_mods, compat_grab_mods = r_compat_grab_mods, lookup_mods = r_lookup_mods, compat_lookup_mods = r_compat_lookup_mods, ptr_buttons = r_ptr_buttons } foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbGetState" xkbGetState :: Display -> CUInt -> Ptr XkbStateRec -> IO CInt getKbdLayout :: Display -> IO Int getKbdLayout d = alloca $ \stRecPtr -> do xkbGetState d 0x100 stRecPtr st <- peek stRecPtr return $ fromIntegral (group st) -- -- -- data XkbKeyNameRec = XkbKeyNameRec { name :: Ptr CChar -- array } -- -- the t_ before alias is just because of name collisions -- data XkbKeyAliasRec = XkbKeyAliasRec { real :: Ptr CChar, -- array t_alias :: Ptr CChar -- array } -- -- the t_ before geometry is just because of name collisions -- data XkbNamesRec = XkbNamesRec { keycodes :: Atom, t_geometry :: Atom, symbols :: Atom, types :: Atom, compat :: Atom, vmods :: Ptr Atom, indicators :: Ptr Atom, -- array groups :: Ptr Atom, -- array keys :: Ptr XkbKeyNameRec, key_aliases :: Ptr CChar, -- dont care XkbKeyAliasRec, radio_groups :: Ptr Atom, phys_symbols :: Atom, num_keys :: CUChar, num_key_aliases :: CUChar, num_rg :: CUShort } -- -- the t_ before map, indicators and compat are just because of name collisions -- data XkbDescRec = XkbDescRec { t_dpy :: Ptr CChar, -- struct _XDisplay* ; don't care flags :: CUShort, device_spec :: CUShort, min_key_code :: KeyCode, max_key_code :: KeyCode, ctrls :: Ptr CChar, -- XkbControlsPtr ; dont' care server :: Ptr CChar, -- XkbServerMapPtr ; dont' care t_map :: Ptr CChar, --XkbClientMapPtr ; dont' care t_indicators :: Ptr CChar, -- XkbIndicatorPtr ; dont' care names :: Ptr XkbNamesRec, -- array t_compat :: Ptr CChar, -- XkbCompatMap ; dont' care geom :: Ptr CChar -- XkbGeometryPtr ; dont' care } instance Storable XkbKeyNameRec where sizeOf _ = (#size XkbKeyNameRec) alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort) poke _ _ = undefined peek ptr = do r_name <- (#peek XkbKeyNameRec, name) ptr return XkbKeyNameRec { name = r_name } instance Storable XkbKeyAliasRec where sizeOf _ = (#size XkbKeyAliasRec) alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort) poke _ _ = undefined peek ptr = do r_real <- (#peek XkbKeyAliasRec, real) ptr r_alias <- (#peek XkbKeyAliasRec, alias) ptr return XkbKeyAliasRec { real = r_real, t_alias = r_alias } instance Storable XkbNamesRec where sizeOf _ = (#size XkbNamesRec) alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort) poke _ _ = undefined peek ptr = do r_keycodes <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, keycodes) ptr r_geometry <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, geometry) ptr r_symbols <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, symbols ) ptr r_types <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, types ) ptr r_compat <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, compat ) ptr r_vmods <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, vmods ) ptr r_indicators <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, indicators ) ptr r_groups <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, groups ) ptr r_keys <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, keys ) ptr r_key_aliases <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, key_aliases ) ptr r_radio_groups <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, radio_groups ) ptr r_phys_symbols <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, phys_symbols ) ptr r_num_keys <- (#peek XkbNamesRec,num_keys ) ptr r_num_key_aliases <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, num_key_aliases ) ptr r_num_rg <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, num_rg ) ptr return XkbNamesRec { keycodes = r_keycodes, t_geometry = r_geometry, symbols = r_symbols, types = r_types, compat = r_compat, vmods = r_vmods, indicators = r_indicators, groups = r_groups, keys = r_keys, key_aliases = r_key_aliases, radio_groups = r_radio_groups, phys_symbols = r_phys_symbols, num_keys = r_num_keys, num_key_aliases = r_num_key_aliases, num_rg = r_num_rg } instance Storable XkbDescRec where sizeOf _ = (#size XkbDescRec) alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort) poke _ _ = undefined peek ptr = do r_dpy <- (#peek XkbDescRec, dpy) ptr r_flags <- (#peek XkbDescRec, flags) ptr r_device_spec <- (#peek XkbDescRec, device_spec) ptr r_min_key_code <- (#peek XkbDescRec, min_key_code) ptr r_max_key_code <- (#peek XkbDescRec, max_key_code) ptr r_ctrls <- (#peek XkbDescRec, ctrls) ptr r_server <- (#peek XkbDescRec, server) ptr r_map <- (#peek XkbDescRec, map) ptr r_indicators <- (#peek XkbDescRec, indicators) ptr r_names <- (#peek XkbDescRec, names) ptr r_compat <- (#peek XkbDescRec, compat) ptr r_geom <- (#peek XkbDescRec, geom) ptr return XkbDescRec { t_dpy = r_dpy, flags = r_flags, device_spec = r_device_spec, min_key_code = r_min_key_code, max_key_code = r_max_key_code, ctrls = r_ctrls, server = r_server, t_map = r_map, t_indicators = r_indicators, names = r_names, t_compat = r_compat, geom = r_geom } -- -- C bindings -- foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbAllocKeyboard" xkbAllocKeyboard :: IO (Ptr XkbDescRec) foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbGetNames" xkbGetNames :: Display -> CUInt -> (Ptr XkbDescRec) -> IO Status foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XGetAtomName" xGetAtomName :: Display -> Atom -> IO CString foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbFreeNames" xkbFreeNames :: (Ptr XkbDescRec) -> CUInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbFreeKeyboard" xkbFreeKeyboard :: (Ptr XkbDescRec) -> CUInt -> CInt -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbSelectEventDetails" xkbSelectEventDetails :: Display -> CUInt -> CUInt -> CULong -> CULong -> IO CUInt foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbSelectEvents" xkbSelectEvents :: Display -> CUInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO CUInt xkbUseCoreKbd :: CUInt xkbUseCoreKbd = #const XkbUseCoreKbd xkbStateNotify :: CUInt xkbStateNotify = #const XkbStateNotify xkbIndicatorStateNotify :: CUInt xkbIndicatorStateNotify = #const XkbIndicatorStateNotify xkbMapNotify :: CUInt xkbMapNotify = #const XkbMapNotify xkbMapNotifyMask :: CUInt xkbMapNotifyMask = #const XkbMapNotifyMask xkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask :: CUInt xkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask = #const XkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask xkbAllStateComponentsMask :: CULong xkbAllStateComponentsMask = #const XkbAllStateComponentsMask xkbGroupStateMask :: CULong xkbGroupStateMask = #const XkbGroupStateMask xkbSymbolsNameMask :: CUInt xkbSymbolsNameMask = #const XkbSymbolsNameMask xkbGroupNamesMask :: CUInt xkbGroupNamesMask = #const XkbGroupNamesMask type KbdOpts = [(String, String)] -- gets the layout string getLayoutStr :: Display -> IO String getLayoutStr dpy = do kbdDescPtr <- xkbAllocKeyboard status <- xkbGetNames dpy xkbSymbolsNameMask kbdDescPtr str <- getLayoutStr' status dpy kbdDescPtr xkbFreeNames kbdDescPtr xkbGroupNamesMask 1 xkbFreeKeyboard kbdDescPtr 0 1 return str getLayoutStr' :: Status -> Display -> (Ptr XkbDescRec) -> IO String getLayoutStr' st dpy kbdDescPtr = if st == 0 then -- Success do kbdDesc <- peek kbdDescPtr nameArray <- peek (names kbdDesc) atom <- xGetAtomName dpy (symbols nameArray) str <- peekCString atom return str else -- Behaviour on error do return "Error while requesting layout!" -- 'Bad' prefixes of layouts noLaySymbols :: [String] noLaySymbols = ["group", "inet", "ctr", "pc", "ctrl"] -- splits the layout string into the actual layouts splitLayout :: String -> [String] splitLayout s = splitLayout' noLaySymbols $ split s '+' splitLayout' :: [String] -> [String] -> [String] -- end of recursion, remove empty strings splitLayout' [] s = map (takeWhile (\x -> x /= ':')) $ filter (\x -> length x > 0) s -- remove current string if it has a 'bad' prefix splitLayout' bad s = splitLayout' (tail bad) [x | x <- s, not $ isPrefixOf (head bad) x] -- split String at each Char split :: String -> Char -> [String] split [] _ = [""] split (c:cs) delim | c == delim = "" : rest | otherwise = (c : head rest) : tail rest where rest = split cs delim -- replaces input string if on search list (exact match) with corresponding -- element on replacement list. -- -- if not found, return string unchanged searchReplaceLayout :: KbdOpts -> String -> String searchReplaceLayout opts s = let c = findIndex (\x -> fst x == s) opts in case c of Nothing -> s x -> let i = (fromJust x) in snd $ opts!!i -- returns the active layout getKbdLay :: Display -> KbdOpts -> IO String getKbdLay dpy opts = do lay <- getLayoutStr dpy curLay <- getKbdLayout dpy return $ searchReplaceLayout opts $ (splitLayout lay)!!(curLay) data Kbd = Kbd [(String, String)] deriving (Read, Show) instance Exec Kbd where alias (Kbd _) = "kbd" start (Kbd opts) cb = do dpy <- openDisplay "" -- initial set of layout cb =<< getKbdLay dpy opts -- enable listing for -- group changes _ <- xkbSelectEventDetails dpy xkbUseCoreKbd xkbStateNotify xkbAllStateComponentsMask xkbGroupStateMask -- layout/geometry changes _ <- xkbSelectEvents dpy xkbUseCoreKbd xkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask xkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask allocaXEvent $ \e -> forever $ do nextEvent' dpy e _ <- getEvent e cb =<< getKbdLay dpy opts closeDisplay dpy return () -- vim:ft=haskell:ts=4:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4:expandtab:foldlevel=20: