{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ForeignFunctionInterface, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, PatternGuards #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Plugins.Kbd
-- Copyright   :  (c) Martin Perner
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Martin Perner <martin@perner.cc>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- A keyboard layout indicator for Xmobar

module Xmobar.Plugins.Kbd where

import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Xmobar.Plugins
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Xmobar.XUtil (nextEvent')
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, findIndex)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XKB.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XKBstr.h>

-- Definition for XkbStaceRec and getKbdLayout taken from
-- XMonad.Layout.XKBLayout
data XkbStateRec = XkbStateRec {
    group :: CUChar,
    locked_group :: CUChar,
    base_group :: CUShort,
    latched_group :: CUShort,
    mods :: CUChar,
    base_mods :: CUChar,
    latched_mods :: CUChar,
    locked_mods :: CUChar,
    compat_state :: CUChar,
    grab_mods :: CUChar,
    compat_grab_mods :: CUChar,
    lookup_mods :: CUChar,
    compat_lookup_mods :: CUChar,
    ptr_buttons :: CUShort

instance Storable XkbStateRec where
    sizeOf _ = (#size XkbStateRec)
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort)
    poke _ _ = undefined
    peek ptr = do
        r_group <- (#peek XkbStateRec, group) ptr
        r_locked_group <- (#peek XkbStateRec, locked_group) ptr
        r_base_group <- (#peek XkbStateRec, base_group) ptr
        r_latched_group <- (#peek XkbStateRec, latched_group) ptr
        r_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, mods) ptr
        r_base_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, base_mods) ptr
        r_latched_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, latched_mods) ptr
        r_locked_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, locked_mods) ptr
        r_compat_state <- (#peek XkbStateRec, compat_state) ptr
        r_grab_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, grab_mods) ptr
        r_compat_grab_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, compat_grab_mods) ptr
        r_lookup_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, lookup_mods) ptr
        r_compat_lookup_mods <- (#peek XkbStateRec, compat_lookup_mods) ptr
        r_ptr_buttons <- (#peek XkbStateRec, ptr_buttons) ptr
        return XkbStateRec {
            group = r_group,
            locked_group = r_locked_group,
            base_group = r_base_group,
            latched_group = r_latched_group,
            mods = r_mods,
            base_mods = r_base_mods,
            latched_mods = r_latched_mods,
            locked_mods = r_locked_mods,
            compat_state = r_compat_state,
            grab_mods = r_grab_mods,
            compat_grab_mods = r_compat_grab_mods,
            lookup_mods = r_lookup_mods,
            compat_lookup_mods = r_compat_lookup_mods,
            ptr_buttons = r_ptr_buttons

foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbGetState"
    xkbGetState :: Display -> CUInt -> Ptr XkbStateRec -> IO CInt

getKbdLayout :: Display -> IO Int
getKbdLayout d = alloca $ \stRecPtr -> do
    xkbGetState d 0x100 stRecPtr
    st <- peek stRecPtr
    return $ fromIntegral (group st)


data XkbKeyNameRec = XkbKeyNameRec {
    name :: Ptr CChar -- array

-- the t_ before alias is just because of name collisions
data XkbKeyAliasRec = XkbKeyAliasRec {
    real  :: Ptr CChar, -- array
    t_alias :: Ptr CChar  -- array

-- the t_ before geometry is just because of name collisions
data XkbNamesRec = XkbNamesRec {
    keycodes :: Atom,
    t_geometry :: Atom,
    symbols :: Atom,
    types :: Atom,
    compat :: Atom,
    vmods :: Ptr Atom,
    indicators :: Ptr Atom, -- array
    groups :: Ptr Atom, -- array
    keys :: Ptr XkbKeyNameRec,
    key_aliases :: Ptr CChar, -- dont care XkbKeyAliasRec,
    radio_groups :: Ptr Atom,
    phys_symbols :: Atom,
    num_keys :: CUChar,
    num_key_aliases :: CUChar,
    num_rg :: CUShort

-- the t_ before map, indicators and compat are just because of name collisions
data XkbDescRec = XkbDescRec {
    t_dpy :: Ptr CChar, -- struct _XDisplay* ; don't care
    flags :: CUShort,
    device_spec :: CUShort,
    min_key_code :: KeyCode,
    max_key_code :: KeyCode,
    ctrls :: Ptr CChar, -- XkbControlsPtr ;  dont' care
    server :: Ptr CChar, -- XkbServerMapPtr ;  dont' care
    t_map :: Ptr CChar, --XkbClientMapPtr ;  dont' care
    t_indicators :: Ptr CChar, -- XkbIndicatorPtr ;  dont' care
    names :: Ptr XkbNamesRec, -- array
    t_compat :: Ptr CChar, -- XkbCompatMap ;  dont' care
    geom :: Ptr CChar -- XkbGeometryPtr ;  dont' care


instance Storable XkbKeyNameRec where
    sizeOf _ = (#size XkbKeyNameRec)
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort)
    poke _ _ = undefined
    peek ptr = do
        r_name <- (#peek XkbKeyNameRec, name) ptr

        return XkbKeyNameRec {
            name = r_name

instance Storable XkbKeyAliasRec where
    sizeOf _ = (#size XkbKeyAliasRec)
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort)
    poke _ _ = undefined
    peek ptr = do
        r_real <- (#peek XkbKeyAliasRec, real) ptr
        r_alias <- (#peek XkbKeyAliasRec, alias) ptr

        return XkbKeyAliasRec {
            real = r_real,
            t_alias = r_alias

instance Storable XkbNamesRec where
    sizeOf _ = (#size XkbNamesRec)
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort)
    poke _ _ = undefined
    peek ptr = do
        r_keycodes <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, keycodes) ptr
        r_geometry <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, geometry) ptr
        r_symbols <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, symbols ) ptr
        r_types <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, types ) ptr
        r_compat <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, compat ) ptr
        r_vmods <- (#peek XkbNamesRec,  vmods ) ptr
        r_indicators <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, indicators ) ptr
        r_groups <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, groups ) ptr
        r_keys <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, keys ) ptr
        r_key_aliases <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, key_aliases  ) ptr
        r_radio_groups <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, radio_groups  ) ptr
        r_phys_symbols <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, phys_symbols ) ptr
        r_num_keys <- (#peek XkbNamesRec,num_keys  ) ptr
        r_num_key_aliases <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, num_key_aliases  ) ptr
        r_num_rg <- (#peek XkbNamesRec, num_rg ) ptr

        return XkbNamesRec {
            keycodes = r_keycodes,
            t_geometry = r_geometry,
            symbols = r_symbols,
            types = r_types,
            compat = r_compat,
            vmods = r_vmods,
            indicators = r_indicators,
            groups = r_groups,
            keys = r_keys,
            key_aliases = r_key_aliases,
            radio_groups = r_radio_groups,
            phys_symbols = r_phys_symbols,
            num_keys = r_num_keys,
            num_key_aliases = r_num_key_aliases,
            num_rg = r_num_rg

instance Storable XkbDescRec where
    sizeOf _ = (#size XkbDescRec)
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CUShort)
    poke _ _ = undefined
    peek ptr = do
        r_dpy <- (#peek XkbDescRec, dpy) ptr
        r_flags <- (#peek XkbDescRec, flags) ptr
        r_device_spec <- (#peek XkbDescRec, device_spec) ptr
        r_min_key_code <- (#peek XkbDescRec, min_key_code) ptr
        r_max_key_code <- (#peek XkbDescRec, max_key_code) ptr
        r_ctrls <- (#peek XkbDescRec, ctrls) ptr
        r_server <- (#peek XkbDescRec, server) ptr
        r_map <- (#peek XkbDescRec, map) ptr
        r_indicators <- (#peek XkbDescRec, indicators) ptr
        r_names <- (#peek XkbDescRec, names) ptr
        r_compat <- (#peek XkbDescRec, compat) ptr
        r_geom <- (#peek XkbDescRec, geom) ptr

        return XkbDescRec {
            t_dpy = r_dpy,
            flags = r_flags,
            device_spec = r_device_spec,
            min_key_code = r_min_key_code,
            max_key_code = r_max_key_code,
            ctrls = r_ctrls,
            server = r_server,
            t_map = r_map,
            t_indicators = r_indicators,
            names = r_names,
            t_compat = r_compat,
            geom = r_geom

-- C bindings

foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbAllocKeyboard"
    xkbAllocKeyboard :: IO (Ptr XkbDescRec)

foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbGetNames"
    xkbGetNames :: Display -> CUInt -> (Ptr XkbDescRec)  -> IO Status

foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XGetAtomName"
    xGetAtomName :: Display -> Atom -> IO CString

foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbFreeNames"
    xkbFreeNames :: (Ptr XkbDescRec) -> CUInt -> CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbFreeKeyboard"
    xkbFreeKeyboard :: (Ptr XkbDescRec) -> CUInt -> CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbSelectEventDetails"
    xkbSelectEventDetails :: Display -> CUInt -> CUInt -> CULong -> CULong -> IO CUInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "X11/XKBlib.h XkbSelectEvents"
    xkbSelectEvents :: Display -> CUInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO CUInt

xkbUseCoreKbd :: CUInt
xkbUseCoreKbd = #const XkbUseCoreKbd

xkbStateNotify :: CUInt
xkbStateNotify = #const XkbStateNotify

xkbIndicatorStateNotify :: CUInt
xkbIndicatorStateNotify = #const XkbIndicatorStateNotify

xkbMapNotify :: CUInt
xkbMapNotify = #const XkbMapNotify

xkbMapNotifyMask :: CUInt
xkbMapNotifyMask = #const XkbMapNotifyMask

xkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask :: CUInt
xkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask  = #const XkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask

xkbAllStateComponentsMask :: CULong
xkbAllStateComponentsMask = #const XkbAllStateComponentsMask

xkbGroupStateMask :: CULong
xkbGroupStateMask = #const XkbGroupStateMask

xkbSymbolsNameMask :: CUInt
xkbSymbolsNameMask = #const XkbSymbolsNameMask

xkbGroupNamesMask :: CUInt
xkbGroupNamesMask = #const XkbGroupNamesMask

type KbdOpts = [(String, String)]

-- gets the layout string
getLayoutStr :: Display -> IO String
getLayoutStr dpy =  do
        kbdDescPtr <- xkbAllocKeyboard
        status <- xkbGetNames dpy xkbSymbolsNameMask kbdDescPtr
        str <- getLayoutStr' status dpy kbdDescPtr
        xkbFreeNames kbdDescPtr xkbGroupNamesMask 1
        xkbFreeKeyboard kbdDescPtr 0 1
        return str

getLayoutStr' :: Status -> Display -> (Ptr XkbDescRec) -> IO String
getLayoutStr' st dpy kbdDescPtr =
        if st == 0 then -- Success
            kbdDesc <- peek kbdDescPtr
            nameArray <- peek (names kbdDesc)
            atom <- xGetAtomName dpy (symbols nameArray)
            str <- peekCString atom
            return str
        else -- Behaviour on error
                return "Error while requesting layout!"

-- 'Bad' prefixes of layouts
noLaySymbols :: [String]
noLaySymbols = ["group", "inet", "ctr", "pc", "ctrl"]

-- splits the layout string into the actual layouts
splitLayout :: String -> [String]
splitLayout s = splitLayout' noLaySymbols $ split s '+'

splitLayout' :: [String] ->  [String] -> [String]
--                  end of recursion, remove empty strings
splitLayout' [] s = map (takeWhile (\x -> x /= ':')) $ filter (\x -> length x > 0) s
--                    remove current string if it has a 'bad' prefix
splitLayout' bad s  = splitLayout' (tail bad) [x | x <- s, not $ isPrefixOf (head bad) x]

-- split String at each Char
split :: String -> Char -> [String]
split [] _ = [""]
split (c:cs) delim
    | c == delim = "" : rest
    | otherwise = (c : head rest) : tail rest
            rest = split cs delim

-- replaces input string if on search list (exact match) with corresponding
-- element on replacement list.
-- if not found, return string unchanged
searchReplaceLayout :: KbdOpts -> String -> String
searchReplaceLayout opts s = let c = findIndex (\x -> fst x == s) opts in
    case c of
        Nothing -> s
        x -> let i = (fromJust x) in
            snd $ opts!!i

-- returns the active layout
getKbdLay :: Display -> KbdOpts -> IO String
getKbdLay dpy opts = do
        lay <- getLayoutStr dpy
        curLay <- getKbdLayout dpy
        return $ searchReplaceLayout opts $ (splitLayout lay)!!(curLay)

data Kbd = Kbd [(String, String)]
        deriving (Read, Show)

instance Exec Kbd where
        alias (Kbd _) = "kbd"
        start (Kbd opts) cb = do

            dpy <- openDisplay ""

            -- initial set of layout
            cb =<< getKbdLay dpy opts

            -- enable listing for
            -- group changes
            _ <- xkbSelectEventDetails dpy xkbUseCoreKbd xkbStateNotify xkbAllStateComponentsMask xkbGroupStateMask
            -- layout/geometry changes
            _ <- xkbSelectEvents dpy  xkbUseCoreKbd xkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask xkbNewKeyboardNotifyMask

            allocaXEvent $ \e -> forever $ do
                nextEvent' dpy e
                _ <- getEvent e
                cb =<< getKbdLay dpy opts

            closeDisplay dpy
            return ()

-- vim:ft=haskell:ts=4:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4:expandtab:foldlevel=20: