{-#LANGUAGE RecordWildCards#-}
-- |
-- Module: Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Strings
-- Copyright: (c) 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
-- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer: jao@gnu.org
-- Stability: unstable
-- Portability: portable
-- Created: Sun Dec 02, 2018 04:25
-- Utilities for formatting monitor outputs
module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Output ( IconPattern
, parseIconPattern
, padString
, colorizeString
, showWithPadding
, showWithColors
, showWithColors'
, showPercentWithColors
, showPercentsWithColors
, showPercentBar
, showVerticalBar
, showIconPattern
, showLogBar
, showLogVBar
, showLogIconPattern
, showWithUnits
, takeDigits
, showDigits
, floatToPercent
, parseFloat
, parseInt
, stringParser
, pShowPercentsWithColors
, pShowPercentBar
, pShowVerticalBar
, pShowIconPattern
, pShowPercentWithColors
) where
import Data.Char
import Data.List (intercalate, sort)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Numeric
import Control.Monad (zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Types
type IconPattern = Int -> String
pShowVerticalBar :: (MonadIO m) => MonitorConfig -> Float -> Float -> m String
pShowVerticalBar p v x = pColorizeString p v [convert $ 100 * x]
where convert :: Float -> Char
convert val
| t <= 9600 = ' '
| t > 9608 = chr 9608
| otherwise = chr t
where t = 9600 + (round val `div` 12)
pShowPercentsWithColors :: (MonadIO m) => MonitorConfig -> [Float] -> m [String]
pShowPercentsWithColors p fs =
do let fstrs = map (pFloatToPercent p) fs
temp = map (*100) fs
zipWithM (pShowWithColors p . const) fstrs temp
pShowPercentWithColors :: (MonadIO m) => MonitorConfig -> Float -> m String
pShowPercentWithColors p f = fmap head $ pShowPercentsWithColors p [f]
pShowPercentBar :: (MonadIO m) => MonitorConfig -> Float -> Float -> m String
pShowPercentBar p@MonitorConfig{..} v x = do
let len = min pBarWidth $ round (fromIntegral pBarWidth * x)
s <- pColorizeString p v (take len $ cycle pBarFore)
return $ s ++ take (pBarWidth - len) (cycle pBarBack)
pShowWithColors :: (Num a, Ord a, MonadIO m) => MonitorConfig -> (a -> String) -> a -> m String
pShowWithColors p f x = do
let str = pShowWithPadding p (f x)
pColorizeString p x str
pColorizeString :: (Num a, Ord a, MonadIO m) => MonitorConfig -> a -> String -> m String
pColorizeString p x s = do
let col = pSetColor p s
cols = map fromIntegral $ sort [pLow p, pHigh p] -- consider high < low
pure $ head $ [col pHighColor | x > (cols !! 1) ] ++
[col pNormalColor | x > head cols ] ++
[col pLowColor | True]
pSetColor :: MonitorConfig -> String -> PSelector (Maybe String) -> String
pSetColor config str s =
do let a = getPConfigValue config s
case a of
Nothing -> str
Just c -> "" ++ str ++ ""
pShowWithPadding :: MonitorConfig -> String -> String
pShowWithPadding MonitorConfig {..} =
padString pMinWidth pMaxWidth pPadChars pPadRight pMaxWidthEllipsis
pFloatToPercent :: MonitorConfig -> Float -> String
pFloatToPercent MonitorConfig{..} n = let p = showDigits 0 (n * 100)
ps = if pUseSuffix then "%" else ""
in padString pPpad pPpad pPadChars pPadRight "" p ++ ps
parseIconPattern :: String -> IconPattern
parseIconPattern path =
let spl = splitOnPercent path
in \i -> intercalate (show i) spl
where splitOnPercent [] = [[]]
splitOnPercent ('%':'%':xs) = [] : splitOnPercent xs
splitOnPercent (x:xs) =
let rest = splitOnPercent xs
in (x : head rest) : tail rest
type Pos = (Int, Int)
takeDigits :: Int -> Float -> Float
takeDigits d n =
fromIntegral (round (n * fact) :: Int) / fact
where fact = 10 ^ d
showDigits :: (RealFloat a) => Int -> a -> String
showDigits d n = showFFloat (Just d) n ""
showWithUnits :: Int -> Int -> Float -> String
showWithUnits d n x
| x < 0 = '-' : showWithUnits d n (-x)
| n > 3 || x < 10^(d + 1) = show (round x :: Int) ++ units n
| x <= 1024 = showDigits d (x/1024) ++ units (n+1)
| otherwise = showWithUnits d (n+1) (x/1024)
where units = (!!) ["B", "K", "M", "G", "T"]
padString :: Int -> Int -> String -> Bool -> String -> String -> String
padString mnw mxw pad pr ellipsis s =
let len = length s
rmin = max mnw 0
rmax = if mxw <= 0 then max len rmin else mxw
(rmn, rmx) = if rmin <= rmax then (rmin, rmax) else (rmax, rmin)
rlen = min (max rmn len) rmx
in if rlen < len then
take rlen s ++ ellipsis
else let ps = take (rlen - len) (cycle pad)
in if pr then s ++ ps else ps ++ s
parseFloat :: String -> Float
parseFloat s = case readFloat s of
(v, _):_ -> v
_ -> 0
parseInt :: String -> Int
parseInt s = case readDec s of
(v, _):_ -> v
_ -> 0
floatToPercent :: Float -> Monitor String
floatToPercent n =
do pad <- getConfigValue ppad
pc <- getConfigValue padChars
pr <- getConfigValue padRight
up <- getConfigValue useSuffix
let p = showDigits 0 (n * 100)
ps = if up then "%" else ""
return $ padString pad pad pc pr "" p ++ ps
stringParser :: Pos -> B.ByteString -> String
stringParser (x,y) =
B.unpack . li x . B.words . li y . B.lines
where li i l | length l > i = l !! i
| otherwise = B.empty
setColor :: String -> Selector (Maybe String) -> Monitor String
setColor str s =
do a <- getConfigValue s
case a of
Nothing -> return str
Just c -> return $
"" ++ str ++ ""
showWithPadding :: String -> Monitor String
showWithPadding s =
do mn <- getConfigValue minWidth
mx <- getConfigValue maxWidth
p <- getConfigValue padChars
pr <- getConfigValue padRight
ellipsis <- getConfigValue maxWidthEllipsis
return $ padString mn mx p pr ellipsis s
colorizeString :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> String -> Monitor String
colorizeString x s = do
h <- getConfigValue high
l <- getConfigValue low
let col = setColor s
cols = map fromIntegral $ sort [l, h] -- consider high < low
head $ [col highColor | x > cols !! 1 ] ++
[col normalColor | x > head cols ] ++
[col lowColor | True]
showWithColors :: (Num a, Ord a) => (a -> String) -> a -> Monitor String
showWithColors f x = showWithPadding (f x) >>= colorizeString x
showWithColors' :: (Num a, Ord a) => String -> a -> Monitor String
showWithColors' str = showWithColors (const str)
showPercentsWithColors :: [Float] -> Monitor [String]
showPercentsWithColors fs =
do fstrs <- mapM floatToPercent fs
zipWithM (showWithColors . const) fstrs (map (*100) fs)
showPercentWithColors :: Float -> Monitor String
showPercentWithColors f = fmap head $ showPercentsWithColors [f]
showPercentBar :: Float -> Float -> Monitor String
showPercentBar v x = do
bb <- getConfigValue barBack
bf <- getConfigValue barFore
bw <- getConfigValue barWidth
let c = bw < 1
w = if c then length bf else bw
len = min w $ (if c then ceiling else round) (fromIntegral w * x)
bfs = if c then [bf !! max 0 (len - 1)] else take len $ cycle bf
s <- colorizeString v bfs
return $ s ++ if c then "" else take (bw - len) (cycle bb)
showIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern -> Float -> Monitor String
showIconPattern Nothing _ = return ""
showIconPattern (Just str) x = return $ str $ convert $ 100 * x
where convert val
| t <= 0 = 0
| t > 8 = 8
| otherwise = t
where t = round val `div` 12
pShowIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern -> Float -> IO String
pShowIconPattern Nothing _ = return ""
pShowIconPattern (Just str) x = return $ str $ convert $ 100 * x
where convert val
| t <= 0 = 0
| t > 8 = 8
| otherwise = t
where t = round val `div` 12
showVerticalBar :: Float -> Float -> Monitor String
showVerticalBar v x = colorizeString v [convert $ 100 * x]
where convert :: Float -> Char
convert val
| t <= 9600 = ' '
| t > 9608 = chr 9608
| otherwise = chr t
where t = 9600 + (round val `div` 12)
logScaling :: Float -> Float -> Monitor Float
logScaling f v = do
h <- fromIntegral `fmap` getConfigValue high
l <- fromIntegral `fmap` getConfigValue low
bw <- fromIntegral `fmap` getConfigValue barWidth
let ws = sort [l, h]
bw' = if bw > 0 then bw else 10
scaled x | x == 0.0 = 0
| x <= head ws = 1 / bw'
| otherwise = f + logBase 2 (x / ws !! 1) / bw'
return $ scaled v
showLogBar :: Float -> Float -> Monitor String
showLogBar f v = logScaling f v >>= showPercentBar v
showLogVBar :: Float -> Float -> Monitor String
showLogVBar f v = logScaling f v >>= showVerticalBar v
showLogIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern -> Float -> Float -> Monitor String
showLogIconPattern str f v = logScaling f v >>= showIconPattern str