------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module: Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Parsers -- Copyright: (c) 2018 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer: jao@gnu.org -- Stability: unstable -- Portability: portable -- Created: Sun Dec 02, 2018 04:49 -- -- -- Parsing template strings -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Parsers ( runP , skipRestOfLine , getNumbers , getNumbersAsString , getAllBut , getAfterString , skipTillString , parseTemplate , parseTemplate' ) where import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec runP :: Parser [a] -> String -> IO [a] runP p i = case parse p "" i of Left _ -> return [] Right x -> return x getAllBut :: String -> Parser String getAllBut s = manyTill (noneOf s) (char $ head s) getNumbers :: Parser Float getNumbers = skipMany space >> many1 digit >>= \n -> return $ read n getNumbersAsString :: Parser String getNumbersAsString = skipMany space >> many1 digit >>= \n -> return n skipRestOfLine :: Parser Char skipRestOfLine = do many $ noneOf "\n\r" newline getAfterString :: String -> Parser String getAfterString s = do { try $ manyTill skipRestOfLine $ string s ; manyTill anyChar newline } <|> return "" skipTillString :: String -> Parser String skipTillString s = manyTill skipRestOfLine $ string s -- | Parses the output template string templateStringParser :: Parser (String,String,String) templateStringParser = do { s <- nonPlaceHolder ; com <- templateCommandParser ; ss <- nonPlaceHolder ; return (s, com, ss) } where nonPlaceHolder = fmap concat . many $ many1 (noneOf "<") <|> colorSpec <|> iconSpec -- | Recognizes color specification and returns it unchanged colorSpec :: Parser String colorSpec = try (string "</fc>") <|> try ( do string "<fc=" s <- many1 (alphaNum <|> char ',' <|> char '#') char '>' return $ "<fc=" ++ s ++ ">") -- | Recognizes icon specification and returns it unchanged iconSpec :: Parser String iconSpec = try (do string "<icon=" i <- manyTill (noneOf ">") (try (string "/>")) return $ "<icon=" ++ i ++ "/>") -- | Parses the command part of the template string templateCommandParser :: Parser String templateCommandParser = do { char '<' ; com <- many $ noneOf ">" ; char '>' ; return com } -- | Combines the template parsers templateParser :: Parser [(String,String,String)] templateParser = many templateStringParser --"%") trimTo :: Int -> String -> String -> (Int, String) trimTo n p "" = (n, p) trimTo n p ('<':cs) = trimTo n p' s where p' = p ++ "<" ++ takeWhile (/= '>') cs ++ ">" s = drop 1 (dropWhile (/= '>') cs) trimTo 0 p s = trimTo 0 p (dropWhile (/= '<') s) trimTo n p s = let p' = takeWhile (/= '<') s s' = dropWhile (/= '<') s in if length p' <= n then trimTo (n - length p') (p ++ p') s' else trimTo 0 (p ++ take n p') s' -- | Takes a list of strings that represent the values of the exported -- keys. The strings are joined with the exported keys to form a map -- to be combined with 'combine' to the parsed template. Returns the -- final output of the monitor, trimmed to MaxTotalWidth if that -- configuration value is positive. parseTemplate :: [String] -> Monitor String parseTemplate l = do t <- getConfigValue template e <- getConfigValue export w <- getConfigValue maxTotalWidth ell <- getConfigValue maxTotalWidthEllipsis let m = Map.fromList . zip e $ l s <- parseTemplate' t m let (n, s') = if w > 0 && length s > w then trimTo (w - length ell) "" s else (1, s) return $ if n > 0 then s' else s' ++ ell -- | Parses the template given to it with a map of export values and combines -- them parseTemplate' :: String -> Map.Map String String -> Monitor String parseTemplate' t m = do s <- io $ runP templateParser t combine m s -- | Given a finite "Map" and a parsed template t produces the -- | resulting output string as the output of the monitor. combine :: Map.Map String String -> [(String, String, String)] -> Monitor String combine _ [] = return [] combine m ((s,ts,ss):xs) = do next <- combine m xs str <- case Map.lookup ts m of Nothing -> return $ "<" ++ ts ++ ">" Just r -> let f "" = r; f n = n; in f <$> parseTemplate' r m return $ s ++ str ++ ss ++ next