------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module: Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Run -- Copyright: (c) 2018 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer: jao@gnu.org -- Stability: unstable -- Portability: portable -- Created: Sun Dec 02, 2018 04:17 -- -- -- Running a monitor -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Run ( runM , runMD , runMB , runMBD ) where import Control.Exception (SomeException,handle) import Data.List import Control.Monad.Reader import System.Console.GetOpt import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Types import Xmobar.Run.Exec (tenthSeconds) options :: [OptDescr Opts] options = [ Option "H" ["High"] (ReqArg High "number") "The high threshold" , Option "L" ["Low"] (ReqArg Low "number") "The low threshold" , Option "h" ["high"] (ReqArg HighColor "color number") "Color for the high threshold: ex \"#FF0000\"" , Option "n" ["normal"] (ReqArg NormalColor "color number") "Color for the normal threshold: ex \"#00FF00\"" , Option "l" ["low"] (ReqArg LowColor "color number") "Color for the low threshold: ex \"#0000FF\"" , Option "t" ["template"] (ReqArg Template "output template") "Output template." , Option "S" ["suffix"] (ReqArg UseSuffix "True/False") "Use % to display percents or other suffixes." , Option "d" ["ddigits"] (ReqArg DecDigits "decimal digits") "Number of decimal digits to display." , Option "p" ["ppad"] (ReqArg PercentPad "percent padding") "Minimum percentage width." , Option "m" ["minwidth"] (ReqArg MinWidth "minimum width") "Minimum field width" , Option "M" ["maxwidth"] (ReqArg MaxWidth "maximum width") "Maximum field width" , Option "w" ["width"] (ReqArg Width "fixed width") "Fixed field width" , Option "e" ["maxwidthellipsis"] (ReqArg WidthEllipsis "Maximum width ellipsis") "Ellipsis to be added to the field when it has reached its max width." , Option "c" ["padchars"] (ReqArg PadChars "padding chars") "Characters to use for padding" , Option "a" ["align"] (ReqArg PadAlign "padding alignment") "'l' for left padding, 'r' for right" , Option "b" ["bback"] (ReqArg BarBack "bar background") "Characters used to draw bar backgrounds" , Option "f" ["bfore"] (ReqArg BarFore "bar foreground") "Characters used to draw bar foregrounds" , Option "W" ["bwidth"] (ReqArg BarWidth "bar width") "Bar width" , Option "x" ["nastring"] (ReqArg NAString "N/A string") "String used when the monitor is not available" , Option "T" ["maxtwidth"] (ReqArg MaxTotalWidth "Maximum total width") "Maximum total width" , Option "E" ["maxtwidthellipsis"] (ReqArg MaxTotalWidthEllipsis "Maximum total width ellipsis") "Ellipsis to be added to the total text when it has reached its max width." ] doArgs :: [String] -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> ([String] -> Monitor Bool) -> Monitor String doArgs args action detect = case getOpt Permute options args of (o, n, []) -> do doConfigOptions o ready <- detect n if ready then action n else return "<Waiting...>" (_, _, errs) -> return (concat errs) doConfigOptions :: [Opts] -> Monitor () doConfigOptions [] = io $ return () doConfigOptions (o:oo) = do let next = doConfigOptions oo nz s = let x = read s in max 0 x bool = (`elem` ["True", "true", "Yes", "yes", "On", "on"]) (case o of High h -> setConfigValue (read h) high Low l -> setConfigValue (read l) low HighColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) highColor NormalColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) normalColor LowColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) lowColor Template t -> setConfigValue t template PercentPad p -> setConfigValue (nz p) ppad DecDigits d -> setConfigValue (nz d) decDigits MinWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) minWidth MaxWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) maxWidth Width w -> setConfigValue (nz w) minWidth >> setConfigValue (nz w) maxWidth WidthEllipsis e -> setConfigValue e maxWidthEllipsis PadChars s -> setConfigValue s padChars PadAlign a -> setConfigValue ("r" `isPrefixOf` a) padRight BarBack s -> setConfigValue s barBack BarFore s -> setConfigValue s barFore BarWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) barWidth UseSuffix u -> setConfigValue (bool u) useSuffix NAString s -> setConfigValue s naString MaxTotalWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) maxTotalWidth MaxTotalWidthEllipsis e -> setConfigValue e maxTotalWidthEllipsis) >> next runM :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO () runM args conf action r = runMB args conf action (tenthSeconds r) runMD :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> Int -> ([String] -> Monitor Bool) -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO () runMD args conf action r = runMBD args conf action (tenthSeconds r) runMB :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> IO () -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO () runMB args conf action wait = runMBD args conf action wait (\_ -> return True) runMBD :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> IO () -> ([String] -> Monitor Bool) -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO () runMBD args conf action wait detect cb = handle (cb . showException) loop where ac = doArgs args action detect loop = conf >>= runReaderT ac >>= cb >> wait >> loop showException :: SomeException -> String showException = ("error: "++) . show . flip asTypeOf undefined