{-#LANGUAGE RecordWildCards#-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Cpu -- Copyright : (c) 2011, 2017 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz -- (c) 2007-2010 Andrea Rossato -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A cpu monitor for Xmobar -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Cpu ( startCpu , runCpu , cpuConfig , CpuDataRef , CpuOpts , CpuArguments , parseCpu , getArguments ) where import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import System.Console.GetOpt import Xmobar.App.Timer (doEveryTenthSeconds) import Control.Monad (void) newtype CpuOpts = CpuOpts { loadIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern } defaultOpts :: CpuOpts defaultOpts = CpuOpts { loadIconPattern = Nothing } options :: [OptDescr (CpuOpts -> CpuOpts)] options = [ Option "" ["load-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { loadIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") "" ] barField :: String barField = "bar" vbarField :: String vbarField = "vbar" ipatField :: String ipatField = "ipat" totalField :: String totalField = "total" userField :: String userField = "user" niceField :: String niceField = "nice" systemField :: String systemField = "system" idleField :: String idleField = "idle" iowaitField :: String iowaitField = "iowait" cpuConfig :: IO MConfig cpuConfig = mkMConfig "Cpu: <total>%" [ barField , vbarField , ipatField , totalField , userField , niceField , systemField , idleField , iowaitField ] type CpuDataRef = IORef [Int] -- Details about the fields here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt cpuData :: IO [Int] cpuData = cpuParser <$> B.readFile "/proc/stat" readInt :: B.ByteString -> Int readInt bs = case B.readInt bs of Nothing -> 0 Just (i, _) -> i cpuParser :: B.ByteString -> [Int] cpuParser = map readInt . tail . B.words . head . B.lines data CpuData = CpuData { cpuUser :: !Float, cpuNice :: !Float, cpuSystem :: !Float, cpuIdle :: !Float, cpuIowait :: !Float, cpuTotal :: !Float } convertToCpuData :: [Float] -> CpuData convertToCpuData (u:n:s:ie:iw:_) = CpuData { cpuUser = u , cpuNice = n , cpuSystem = s , cpuIdle = ie , cpuIowait = iw , cpuTotal = sum [u, n, s] } convertToCpuData args = error $ "convertToCpuData: Unexpected list" <> show args parseCpu :: CpuDataRef -> IO CpuData parseCpu cref = do a <- readIORef cref b <- cpuData writeIORef cref b let dif = zipWith (-) b a tot = fromIntegral $ sum dif safeDiv n = case tot of 0 -> 0 v -> fromIntegral n / v percent = map safeDiv dif return $ convertToCpuData percent data Field = Field { fieldName :: !String, fieldCompute :: !ShouldCompute } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data ShouldCompute = Compute | Skip deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) formatField :: MonitorConfig -> CpuOpts -> CpuData -> Field -> IO String formatField cpuParams cpuOpts cpuInfo@CpuData {..} Field {..} | fieldName == barField = if fieldCompute == Compute then pShowPercentBar cpuParams (100 * cpuTotal) cpuTotal else pure [] | fieldName == vbarField = if fieldCompute == Compute then pShowVerticalBar cpuParams (100 * cpuTotal) cpuTotal else pure [] | fieldName == ipatField = if fieldCompute == Compute then pShowIconPattern (loadIconPattern cpuOpts) cpuTotal else pure [] | otherwise = if fieldCompute == Compute then pShowPercentWithColors cpuParams (getFieldValue fieldName cpuInfo) else pure [] getFieldValue :: String -> CpuData -> Float getFieldValue field CpuData{..} | field == barField = cpuTotal | field == vbarField = cpuTotal | field == ipatField = cpuTotal | field == totalField = cpuTotal | field == userField = cpuUser | field == niceField = cpuNice | field == systemField = cpuSystem | field == idleField = cpuIdle | otherwise = cpuIowait computeFields :: [String] -> [String] -> [Field] computeFields [] _ = [] computeFields (x:xs) inputFields = if x `elem` inputFields then (Field {fieldName = x, fieldCompute = Compute}) : computeFields xs inputFields else (Field {fieldName = x, fieldCompute = Skip}) : computeFields xs inputFields formatCpu :: CpuArguments -> CpuData -> IO [String] formatCpu CpuArguments{..} cpuInfo = do strs <- mapM (formatField cpuParams cpuOpts cpuInfo) cpuFields pure $ filter (not . null) strs getInputFields :: CpuArguments -> [String] getInputFields CpuArguments{..} = map (\(_,f,_) -> f) cpuInputTemplate optimizeAllTemplate :: CpuArguments -> CpuArguments optimizeAllTemplate args@CpuArguments {..} = let inputFields = getInputFields args allTemplates = filter (\(field, _) -> field `elem` inputFields) cpuAllTemplate in args {cpuAllTemplate = allTemplates} data CpuArguments = CpuArguments { cpuDataRef :: !CpuDataRef , cpuParams :: !MonitorConfig , cpuArgs :: ![String] , cpuOpts :: !CpuOpts , cpuInputTemplate :: ![(String, String, String)] -- [("Cpu: ","total","% "),("","user","%")] , cpuAllTemplate :: ![(String, [(String, String, String)])] -- [("bar",[]),("vbar",[]),("ipat",[]),("total",[]),...] , cpuFields :: ![Field] } getArguments :: [String] -> IO CpuArguments getArguments cpuArgs = do initCpuData <- cpuData cpuDataRef <- newIORef initCpuData void $ parseCpu cpuDataRef cpuParams <- computeMonitorConfig cpuArgs cpuConfig cpuInputTemplate <- runTemplateParser cpuParams cpuAllTemplate <- runExportParser (pExport cpuParams) nonOptions <- case getOpt Permute pluginOptions cpuArgs of (_, n, []) -> pure n (_, _, errs) -> error $ "getArguments: " <> show errs cpuOpts <- case getOpt Permute options nonOptions of (o, _, []) -> pure $ foldr id defaultOpts o (_, _, errs) -> error $ "getArguments options: " <> show errs let cpuFields = computeFields (map fst cpuAllTemplate) (map (\(_, f, _) -> f) cpuInputTemplate) pure $ optimizeAllTemplate CpuArguments {..} runCpu :: CpuArguments -> IO String runCpu args@CpuArguments {..} = do cpuValue <- parseCpu cpuDataRef temMonitorValues <- formatCpu args cpuValue let templateInput = TemplateInput { temInputTemplate = cpuInputTemplate , temAllTemplate = cpuAllTemplate , .. } pureParseTemplate cpuParams templateInput startCpu :: [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO () startCpu args refreshRate cb = do cpuArgs <- getArguments args doEveryTenthSeconds refreshRate (runCpu cpuArgs >>= cb)