{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Weather -- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A weather monitor for Xmobar -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Weather where import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common import qualified Control.Exception as CE import Network.HTTP.Conduit import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import Network.HTTP.Types.Method import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import Data.Char (toLower) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec weatherConfig :: IO MConfig weatherConfig = mkMConfig "<station>: <tempC>C, rh <rh>% (<hour>)" -- template ["station" -- available replacements , "stationState" , "year" , "month" , "day" , "hour" , "windCardinal" , "windAzimuth" , "windMph" , "windKnots" , "windKmh" , "windMs" , "visibility" , "skyCondition" , "skyConditionS" , "tempC" , "tempF" , "dewPointC" , "dewPointF" , "rh" , "pressure" ] data WindInfo = WindInfo { windCardinal :: String -- cardinal direction , windAzimuth :: String -- azimuth direction , windMph :: String -- speed (MPH) , windKnots :: String -- speed (knot) , windKmh :: String -- speed (km/h) , windMs :: String -- speed (m/s) } deriving (Show) data WeatherInfo = WI { stationPlace :: String , stationState :: String , year :: String , month :: String , day :: String , hour :: String , windInfo :: WindInfo , visibility :: String , skyCondition :: String , tempC :: Int , tempF :: Int , dewPointC :: Int , dewPointF :: Int , humidity :: Int , pressure :: Int } deriving (Show) pTime :: Parser (String, String, String, String) pTime = do y <- getNumbersAsString char '.' m <- getNumbersAsString char '.' d <- getNumbersAsString char ' ' (h:hh:mi:mimi) <- getNumbersAsString char ' ' return (y, m, d ,h:hh:":"++mi:mimi) noWind :: WindInfo noWind = WindInfo "μ" "μ" "0" "0" "0" "0" pWind :: Parser WindInfo pWind = let tospace = manyTill anyChar (char ' ') toKmh knots = knots $* 1.852 toMs knots = knots $* 0.514 ($*) :: String -> Double -> String op1 $* op2 = show (round ((read op1::Double) * op2)::Integer) -- Occasionally there is no wind and a METAR report gives simply, "Wind: Calm:0" wind0 = do manyTill skipRestOfLine (string "Wind: Calm:0") return noWind windVar = do manyTill skipRestOfLine (string "Wind: Variable at ") mph <- tospace string "MPH (" knot <- tospace manyTill anyChar newline return $ WindInfo "μ" "μ" mph knot (toKmh knot) (toMs knot) wind = do manyTill skipRestOfLine (string "Wind: from the ") cardinal <- tospace char '(' azimuth <- tospace string "degrees) at " mph <- tospace string "MPH (" knot <- tospace manyTill anyChar newline return $ WindInfo cardinal azimuth mph knot (toKmh knot) (toMs knot) in try wind0 <|> try windVar <|> try wind <|> return noWind pTemp :: Parser (Int, Int) pTemp = do let num = digit <|> char '-' <|> char '.' f <- manyTill num $ char ' ' manyTill anyChar $ char '(' c <- manyTill num $ char ' ' skipRestOfLine return (floor (read c :: Double), floor (read f :: Double)) pRh :: Parser Int pRh = do s <- manyTill digit (char '%' <|> char '.') return $ read s pPressure :: Parser Int pPressure = do manyTill anyChar $ char '(' s <- manyTill digit $ char ' ' skipRestOfLine return $ read s {- example of 'http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/decoded/VTUD.TXT': Station name not available Aug 11, 2013 - 10:00 AM EDT / 2013.08.11 1400 UTC Wind: from the N (350 degrees) at 1 MPH (1 KT):0 Visibility: 4 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: mostly clear Temperature: 77 F (25 C) Dew Point: 73 F (23 C) Relative Humidity: 88% Pressure (altimeter): 29.77 in. Hg (1008 hPa) ob: VTUD 111400Z 35001KT 8000 FEW030 25/23 Q1008 A2977 INFO R RWY30 cycle: 14 -} parseData :: Parser [WeatherInfo] parseData = do (st, ss) <- try (string "Station name not available" >> return ("??", "??")) <|> (do st <- getAllBut "," space ss <- getAllBut "(" return (st, ss) ) skipRestOfLine >> getAllBut "/" (y,m,d,h) <- pTime w <- pWind v <- getAfterString "Visibility: " sk <- getAfterString "Sky conditions: " skipTillString "Temperature: " (tC,tF) <- pTemp skipTillString "Dew Point: " (dC, dF) <- pTemp skipTillString "Relative Humidity: " rh <- pRh skipTillString "Pressure (altimeter): " p <- pPressure manyTill skipRestOfLine eof return [WI st ss y m d h w v sk tC tF dC dF rh p] defUrl :: String defUrl = "https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/decoded/" stationUrl :: String -> String stationUrl station = defUrl ++ station ++ ".TXT" getData :: String -> IO String getData station = CE.catch (do manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings request <- parseUrlThrow $ stationUrl station res <- httpLbs request manager return $ B.unpack $ responseBody res ) errHandler where errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO String errHandler _ = return "<Could not retrieve data>" formatSk :: Eq p => [(p, p)] -> p -> p formatSk ((a,b):sks) sk = if a == sk then b else formatSk sks sk formatSk [] sk = sk formatWeather :: [(String,String)] -> [WeatherInfo] -> Monitor String formatWeather sks [WI st ss y m d h (WindInfo wc wa wm wk wkh wms) v sk tC tF dC dF r p] = do cel <- showWithColors show tC far <- showWithColors show tF let sk' = formatSk sks (map toLower sk) parseTemplate [st, ss, y, m, d, h, wc, wa, wm, wk, wkh , wms, v, sk, sk', cel, far , show dC, show dF, show r , show p ] formatWeather _ _ = getConfigValue naString runWeather :: [String] -> Monitor String runWeather = runWeather' [] runWeather' :: [(String, String)] -> [String] -> Monitor String runWeather' sks args = do d <- io $ getData $ head args i <- io $ runP parseData d formatWeather sks i weatherReady :: [String] -> Monitor Bool weatherReady str = do initRequest <- parseUrlThrow $ stationUrl $ head str let request = initRequest{method = methodHead} io $ CE.catch ( do manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings res <- httpLbs request manager return $ checkResult $responseStatus res ) errHandler where errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO Bool errHandler _ = return False checkResult status | statusIsServerError status = False | statusIsClientError status = False | otherwise = True