----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Xmobar.Run.Actions -- Copyright : (c) Alexander Polakov -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Xmobar.Run.Actions ( Button , Action(..) , runAction , runAction' , stripActions) where import System.Process (system) import Control.Monad (void) import Text.Regex (Regex, subRegex, mkRegex, matchRegex) import Data.Word (Word32) type Button = Word32 data Action = Spawn [Button] String deriving (Eq, Read, Show) runAction :: Action -> IO () runAction (Spawn _ s) = void $ system (s ++ "&") -- | Run action with stdout redirected to stderr runAction' :: Action -> IO () runAction' (Spawn _ s) = void $ system (s ++ " 1>&2 &") stripActions :: String -> String stripActions s = case matchRegex actionRegex s of Nothing -> s Just _ -> stripActions strippedOneLevel where strippedOneLevel = subRegex actionRegex s "[action=\\1\\2]\\3[/action]" actionRegex :: Regex actionRegex = mkRegex "<action=`?([^>`]*)`?( +button=[12345]+)?>(.+)</action>"