{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module: Xmobar.Run.Timer -- Copyright: (c) 2019, 2020, 2022 Tomáš Janoušek -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer: Tomáš Janoušek <tomi@nomi.cz> -- Stability: unstable -- -- Timer coalescing for recurring actions. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Xmobar.Run.Timer ( doEveryTenthSeconds , tenthSeconds , withTimer ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.Async (withAsync) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (forever, forM, guard) import Data.Foldable (foldrM, for_) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import Data.Unique import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) type Periods = Map Unique Period data Tick = Tick (TMVar ()) | UnCoalesce data Period = Period { rate :: Int64, next :: Int64, tick :: TMVar Tick } data UnCoalesceException = UnCoalesceException deriving Show instance Exception UnCoalesceException {-# NOINLINE periodsVar #-} periodsVar :: TVar (Maybe Periods) periodsVar = unsafePerformIO $ newTVarIO Nothing now :: IO Int64 now = do posix <- getPOSIXTime return $ floor (10 * posix) newPeriod :: Int64 -> IO (Unique, Period) newPeriod r = do u <- newUnique t <- now v <- newEmptyTMVarIO let t' = t - t `mod` r return (u, Period { rate = r, next = t', tick = v }) -- | Perform a given action every N tenths of a second. -- -- The timer is aligned (coalesced) with other timers to minimize the number -- of wakeups and unnecessary redraws. If the action takes too long (one -- second or when the next timer is due), coalescing is disabled for it and it -- falls back to periodic sleep. doEveryTenthSeconds :: Int -> IO () -> IO () doEveryTenthSeconds r action = doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced r action `catch` \UnCoalesceException -> doEveryTenthSecondsSleeping r action -- | Perform a given action every N tenths of a second, -- coalesce with other timers using a given Timer instance. doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced :: Int -> IO () -> IO () doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced r action = do (u, p) <- newPeriod (fromIntegral r) bracket_ (push u p) (pop u) $ forever $ bracket (wait p) done $ const action where push u p = atomically $ modifyTVar' periodsVar $ \case Just periods -> Just $ M.insert u p periods Nothing -> throw UnCoalesceException pop u = atomically $ modifyTVar' periodsVar $ \case Just periods -> Just $ M.delete u periods Nothing -> Nothing wait p = atomically (takeTMVar $ tick p) >>= \case Tick doneVar -> return doneVar UnCoalesce -> throwIO UnCoalesceException done doneVar = atomically $ putTMVar doneVar () -- | Perform a given action every N tenths of a second, -- making no attempt to synchronize with other timers. doEveryTenthSecondsSleeping :: Int -> IO () -> IO () doEveryTenthSecondsSleeping r action = go where go = action >> tenthSeconds r >> go -- | Sleep for a given amount of tenths of a second. -- -- (Work around the Int max bound: since threadDelay takes an Int, it -- is not possible to set a thread delay grater than about 45 minutes. -- With a little recursion we solve the problem.) tenthSeconds :: Int -> IO () tenthSeconds s | s >= x = do threadDelay (x * 100000) tenthSeconds (s - x) | otherwise = threadDelay (s * 100000) where x = (maxBound :: Int) `div` 100000 -- | Start the timer coordination thread and perform a given IO action (this -- is meant to surround the entire xmobar execution), terminating the timer -- thread afterwards. -- -- Additionally, if the timer thread fails, individual -- 'doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced' invocations that are waiting to be -- coordinated by it are notified to fall back to periodic sleeping. -- -- The timer thread _will_ fail immediately when running in a non-threaded -- RTS. withTimer :: (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO a -> IO a withTimer pauseRefresh action = withAsync (timerThread `finally` cleanup) $ const action where timerThread = do atomically $ writeTVar periodsVar $ Just M.empty timerLoop pauseRefresh cleanup = atomically $ readTVar periodsVar >>= \case Just periods -> do for_ periods unCoalesceTimer' writeTVar periodsVar Nothing Nothing -> return () timerLoop :: (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () timerLoop pauseRefresh = forever $ do tNow <- now (toFire, tMaybeNext) <- atomically $ do periods <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar let toFire = timersToFire tNow periods let periods' = advanceTimers tNow periods let tMaybeNext = nextFireTime periods' writeTVar periodsVar $ Just periods' return (toFire, tMaybeNext) pauseRefresh $ do -- To avoid multiple refreshes, pause refreshing for up to 1 second, -- fire timers and wait for them to finish (update their text). -- Those that need more time (e.g. weather monitors) will be dropped -- from timer coalescing and will fall back to periodic sleep. timeoutVar <- registerDelay $ case tMaybeNext of Just tNext -> fromIntegral ((tNext - tNow) `max` 10) * 100000 Nothing -> 1000000 fired <- fireTimers toFire timeouted <- waitForTimers timeoutVar fired unCoalesceTimers timeouted delayUntilNextFire advanceTimers :: Int64 -> Periods -> Periods advanceTimers t = M.map advance where advance p | next p <= t = p { next = t - t `mod` rate p + rate p } | otherwise = p timersToFire :: Int64 -> Periods -> [(Unique, Period)] timersToFire t periods = [ (u, p) | (u, p) <- M.toList periods, next p <= t ] nextFireTime :: Periods -> Maybe Int64 nextFireTime periods | M.null periods = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ minimum [ next p | p <- M.elems periods ] fireTimers :: [(Unique, Period)] -> IO [(Unique, TMVar ())] fireTimers toFire = atomically $ forM toFire $ \(u, p) -> do doneVar <- newEmptyTMVar putTMVar (tick p) (Tick doneVar) return (u, doneVar) waitForTimers :: TVar Bool -> [(Unique, TMVar ())] -> IO [Unique] waitForTimers timeoutVar fired = atomically $ do timeoutOver <- readTVar timeoutVar dones <- forM fired $ \(u, doneVar) -> do done <- isJust <$> tryReadTMVar doneVar return (u, done) guard $ timeoutOver || all snd dones return [u | (u, False) <- dones] -- | Handle slow timers (drop and signal them to stop coalescing). unCoalesceTimers :: [Unique] -> IO () unCoalesceTimers timers = atomically $ do periods <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar periods' <- foldrM unCoalesceTimer periods timers writeTVar periodsVar $ Just periods' unCoalesceTimer :: Unique -> Periods -> STM Periods unCoalesceTimer u periods = do unCoalesceTimer' (periods M.! u) return $ u `M.delete` periods unCoalesceTimer' :: Period -> STM () unCoalesceTimer' p = do _ <- tryTakeTMVar (tick p) putTMVar (tick p) UnCoalesce delayUntilNextFire :: IO () delayUntilNextFire = do Just periods <- readTVarIO periodsVar let tMaybeNext = nextFireTime periods tNow <- now delayVar <- case tMaybeNext of Just tNext -> do -- Work around the Int max bound: threadDelay takes an Int, we can -- only sleep for so long, which is okay, we'll just check timers -- sooner and sleep again. let maxDelay = (maxBound :: Int) `div` 100000 delay = (tNext - tNow) `min` fromIntegral maxDelay delayUsec = fromIntegral delay * 100000 registerDelay delayUsec Nothing -> newTVarIO False atomically $ do delayOver <- readTVar delayVar periods' <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar let tMaybeNext' = nextFireTime periods' -- Return also if a new period is added (it may fire sooner). guard $ delayOver || tMaybeNext /= tMaybeNext'