{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Xmobar.Parsers -- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- Parsing for template substrings -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Xmobar.X11.Parsers (parseString, Box(..), BoxBorder(..), BoxOffset(..), BoxMargins(..), TextRenderInfo(..), Widget(..)) where import Xmobar.Config.Types import Xmobar.X11.Actions import Control.Monad (guard, mzero) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Int (Int32) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Graphics.X11.Types (Button) import Foreign.C.Types (CInt) data Widget = Icon String | Text String data BoxOffset = BoxOffset Align Int32 deriving Eq -- margins: Top, Right, Bottom, Left data BoxMargins = BoxMargins Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 deriving Eq data BoxBorder = BBTop | BBBottom | BBVBoth | BBLeft | BBRight | BBHBoth | BBFull deriving ( Read, Eq ) data Box = Box BoxBorder BoxOffset CInt String BoxMargins deriving Eq data TextRenderInfo = TextRenderInfo { tColorsString :: String , tBgTopOffset :: Int32 , tBgBottomOffset :: Int32 , tBoxes :: [Box] } type FontIndex = Int -- | Runs the string parser parseString :: Config -> String -> IO [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] parseString c s = case parse (stringParser ci 0 Nothing) "" s of Left _ -> return [(Text $ "Could not parse string: " ++ s , ci , 0 , Nothing)] Right x -> return (concat x) where ci = TextRenderInfo (fgColor c) 0 0 [] allParsers :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] allParsers c f a = textParser c f a <|> try (iconParser c f a) <|> try (rawParser c f a) <|> try (actionParser c f a) <|> try (fontParser c a) <|> try (boxParser c f a) <|> colorParser c f a -- | Gets the string and combines the needed parsers stringParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [[(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])]] stringParser c f a = manyTill (allParsers c f a) eof -- | Parses a maximal string without markup. textParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] textParser c f a = do s <- many1 $ noneOf "<" <|> try (notFollowedBy' (char '<') (try (string "fc=") <|> try (string "box") <|> try (string "fn=") <|> try (string "action=") <|> try (string "/action>") <|> try (string "icon=") <|> try (string "raw=") <|> try (string "/fn>") <|> try (string "/box>") <|> string "/fc>")) return [(Text s, c, f, a)] -- | Parse a "raw" tag, which we use to prevent other tags from creeping in. -- The format here is net-string-esque: a literal "<raw=" followed by a -- string of digits (base 10) denoting the length of the raw string, -- a literal ":" as digit-string-terminator, the raw string itself, and -- then a literal "/>". rawParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] rawParser c f a = do string "<raw=" lenstr <- many1 digit char ':' case reads lenstr of [(len,[])] -> do guard ((len :: Integer) <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) s <- count (fromIntegral len) anyChar string "/>" return [(Text s, c, f, a)] _ -> mzero -- | Wrapper for notFollowedBy that returns the result of the first parser. -- Also works around the issue that, at least in Parsec 3.0.0, notFollowedBy -- accepts only parsers with return type Char. notFollowedBy' :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a notFollowedBy' p e = do x <- p notFollowedBy $ try (e >> return '*') return x iconParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] iconParser c f a = do string "<icon=" i <- manyTill (noneOf ">") (try (string "/>")) return [(Icon i, c, f, a)] actionParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] actionParser c f act = do string "<action=" command <- choice [between (char '`') (char '`') (many1 (noneOf "`")), many1 (noneOf ">")] buttons <- (char '>' >> return "1") <|> (space >> spaces >> between (string "button=") (string ">") (many1 (oneOf "12345"))) let a = Spawn (toButtons buttons) command a' = case act of Nothing -> Just [a] Just act' -> Just $ a : act' s <- manyTill (allParsers c f a') (try $ string "</action>") return (concat s) toButtons :: String -> [Button] toButtons = map (\x -> read [x]) -- | Parsers a string wrapped in a color specification. colorParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] colorParser (TextRenderInfo _ _ _ bs) f a = do c <- between (string "<fc=") (string ">") colors let colorParts = break (==':') c let (ot,ob) = case break (==',') (Prelude.drop 1 $ snd colorParts) of (top,',':btm) -> (top, btm) (top, _) -> (top, top) s <- manyTill (allParsers (TextRenderInfo (fst colorParts) (fromMaybe (-1) $ readMaybe ot) (fromMaybe (-1) $ readMaybe ob) bs) f a) (try $ string "</fc>") return (concat s) -- | Parses a string wrapped in a box specification. boxParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] boxParser (TextRenderInfo cs ot ob bs) f a = do c <- between (string "<box") (string ">") (option "" (many1 (alphaNum <|> char '=' <|> char ' ' <|> char '#' <|> char ','))) let b = Box BBFull (BoxOffset C 0) 1 cs (BoxMargins 0 0 0 0) let g = boxReader b (words c) s <- manyTill (allParsers (TextRenderInfo cs ot ob (g : bs)) f a) (try $ string "</box>") return (concat s) boxReader :: Box -> [String] -> Box boxReader b [] = b boxReader b (x:xs) = do let (param,val) = case break (=='=') x of (p,'=':v) -> (p, v) (p, _) -> (p, "") boxReader (boxParamReader b param val) xs boxParamReader :: Box -> String -> String -> Box boxParamReader b _ "" = b boxParamReader (Box bb off lw fc mgs) "type" val = Box (fromMaybe bb $ readMaybe ("BB" ++ val)) off lw fc mgs boxParamReader (Box bb (BoxOffset alg off) lw fc mgs) "offset" (a:o) = Box bb (BoxOffset (fromMaybe alg $ readMaybe [a]) (fromMaybe off $ readMaybe o)) lw fc mgs boxParamReader (Box bb off lw fc mgs) "width" val = Box bb off (fromMaybe lw $ readMaybe val) fc mgs boxParamReader (Box bb off lw _ mgs) "color" val = Box bb off lw val mgs boxParamReader (Box bb off lw fc mgs@(BoxMargins mt mr mb ml)) ('m':pos) val = do let mgs' = case pos of "t" -> BoxMargins (fromMaybe mt $ readMaybe val) mr mb ml "r" -> BoxMargins mt (fromMaybe mr $ readMaybe val) mb ml "b" -> BoxMargins mt mr (fromMaybe mb $ readMaybe val) ml "l" -> BoxMargins mt mr mb (fromMaybe ml $ readMaybe val) _ -> mgs Box bb off lw fc mgs' boxParamReader b _ _ = b -- | Parsers a string wrapped in a font specification. fontParser :: TextRenderInfo -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [(Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])] fontParser c a = do f <- between (string "<fn=") (string ">") colors s <- manyTill (allParsers c (fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe f) a) (try $ string "</fn>") return (concat s) -- | Parses a color specification (hex or named) colors :: Parser String colors = many1 (alphaNum <|> char ',' <|> char ':' <|> char '#')