name: xmobar version: 0.24.5 homepage: synopsis: A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar description: Xmobar is a minimalistic text based status bar. . Inspired by the Ion3 status bar, it supports similar features, like dynamic color management, output templates, and extensibility through plugins. category: System license: BSD3 license-file: license author: Andrea Rossato and Jose A. Ortega Ruiz maintainer: Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <> bug-reports: cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple extra-source-files:,, samples/xmobar.config, samples/xmonadpropwrite.hs samples/Plugins/helloworld.config, samples/Plugins/HelloWorld.hs source-repository head type: git location: git:// branch: master flag with_xft description: Use Xft to render text. UTF-8 support included. default: False flag with_utf8 description: With UTF-8 support. default: True flag with_inotify description: inotify support (modern Linux only). Required for the Mail and MBox plugins. default: False flag with_iwlib description: Wireless info support. Required for the Wireless plugin, needs iwlib installed. default: False flag with_mpd description: MPD support. Needs libmpd installed. default: False flag all_extensions description: Includes all optional extensions. default: False flag with_alsa description: Use alsa-mixer to get the volume from soundcards. default: False flag with_datezone description: Enables localized date support. default: False flag with_mpris description: MPRIS v1, v2 support. default: False flag with_dbus description: Publish a service on the session bus for controlling xmobar. default: False flag with_xpm description: Enable usage of xpm for icons default: False flag with_threaded description: Use threaded runtime. default: False flag with_rtsopts description: Use -with-rtsopts=-V0 to reduce wakeups default: True flag with_uvmeter description: UVMeter only useful to australians. default: False flag with_weather description: Enable weather plugin default: True flag with_conduit description: Use http-conduits for getting weather data, only has an effect if with_weather is set. default: False executable xmobar hs-source-dirs: src main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Xmobar, Actions, Bitmap, Config, Parsers, Commands, Localize, XUtil, StatFS, Runnable, ColorCache, Window, Signal, Environment, Plugins, Plugins.BufferedPipeReader, Plugins.CommandReader, Plugins.Date, Plugins.EWMH, Plugins.PipeReader, Plugins.MarqueePipeReader, Plugins.StdinReader, Plugins.XMonadLog, Plugins.Utils, Plugins.Kbd, Plugins.Locks, Plugins.Monitors, Plugins.Monitors.Batt, Plugins.Monitors.Common, Plugins.Monitors.CoreCommon, Plugins.Monitors.CoreTemp, Plugins.Monitors.CpuFreq, Plugins.Monitors.Cpu, Plugins.Monitors.Disk, Plugins.Monitors.Mem, Plugins.Monitors.MultiCpu, Plugins.Monitors.Net, Plugins.Monitors.Swap, Plugins.Monitors.Thermal, Plugins.Monitors.ThermalZone, Plugins.Monitors.Top, Plugins.Monitors.Uptime, Plugins.Monitors.Bright, Plugins.Monitors.CatInt ghc-options: -funbox-strict-fields -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind extra-libraries: Xrandr Xrender build-depends: base == 4.*, containers, regex-compat, process, old-locale, bytestring, directory, unix, time, filepath, transformers, X11 >= 1.6.1, mtl >= 2.1 && < 2.3, parsec == 3.1.*, stm >= 2.3 && < 2.5 if flag(with_threaded) -- -threaded is a workaround for 100% CPU busy loop -- ( -- See also comments in ghc-options: -threaded cpp-options: -DTHREADED_RUNTIME if flag(with_rtsopts) ghc-options: -with-rtsopts=-V0 if flag(with_xft) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: utf8-string >= 0.3 && < 1.1, X11-xft >= 0.2 && < 0.4 other-modules: MinXft cpp-options: -DXFT if flag(with_utf8) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: utf8-string >= 0.3 && < 1.1 cpp-options: -DUTF8 if flag(with_inotify) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: hinotify == 0.3.* other-modules: Plugins.Mail, Plugins.MBox cpp-options: -DINOTIFY if flag(with_iwlib) || flag(all_extensions) extra-libraries: iw other-modules: IWlib, Plugins.Monitors.Wireless cpp-options: -DIWLIB if flag(with_mpd) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: libmpd >= other-modules: Plugins.Monitors.MPD cpp-options: -DLIBMPD if flag(with_alsa) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: alsa-mixer > build-depends: alsa-core == 0.5.* other-modules: Plugins.Monitors.Volume cpp-options: -DALSA if flag(with_datezone) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: timezone-olson == 0.1.*, timezone-series == 0.1.* other-modules: Plugins.DateZone cpp-options: -DDATEZONE if flag(with_mpris) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: dbus >= 0.10 other-modules: Plugins.Monitors.Mpris cpp-options: -DMPRIS if flag(with_dbus) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: dbus >= 0.10 other-modules: IPC.DBus cpp-options: -DDBUS if flag(with_xpm) || flag(all_extensions) extra-libraries: Xpm other-modules: XPMFile cpp-options: -DXPM if flag(with_weather) || flag(all_extensions) build-depends: HTTP >= 4000.2.4 other-modules: Plugins.Monitors.Weather cpp-options: -DWEATHER if flag(with_conduit) -- use http-conduit instead of simple-http build-depends: http-conduit, http-types cpp-options: -DHTTP_CONDUIT if flag(with_uvmeter) && flag(with_conduit) other-modules: Plugins.Monitors.UVMeter build-depends: http-conduit, http-types cpp-options: -DUVMETER