{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} import qualified Data.Map as M import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import XMonad hiding ( (|||) ) import XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys (keysMoveWindow, keysResizeWindow) import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo (raise, runOrRaise, raiseMaybe) import qualified XMonad.Actions.GridSelect as GS import qualified XMonad.Actions.CycleWS as CWS import XMonad.Actions.PerWindowKeys (bindFirst) import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers ((-?>)) import qualified XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks as MD import qualified XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers as MH import qualified XMonad.Hooks.ServerMode as SM import qualified XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar as SB import qualified XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP as SBP import qualified XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops as Ewm import qualified XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook as U import qualified XMonad.Layout.NoBorders as NB import XMonad.Layout.IM (withIM, Property(ClassName)) import XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators ((|||)) import qualified XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators as LJ import qualified XMonad.Layout.Renamed as LR import qualified XMonad.Layout.Spacing as SP import qualified XMonad.Layout.Reflect as Refl import qualified XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace as PW import qualified XMonad.Prompt as P import qualified XMonad.Prompt.Shell as PS import qualified XMonad.Prompt.XMonad as XmP import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import qualified XMonad.Util.EZConfig as EZ import qualified XMonad.Util.Hacks as UH import qualified XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad as NS -- import XMonad.Util.Paste (sendKey) import qualified XMonad.Util.WindowProperties as WP currentWindowProp prop = do d <- asks display gets (W.peek . windowset) >>= maybe (return Nothing) (\w -> getStringProperty d w prop) currentWindowName = currentWindowProp "WM_NAME" jaoscript scrpt = "/home/jao/etc/config/bin/" ++ scrpt defFace = "Hack-10" promptKeys = M.fromList [((controlMask, xK_a), P.startOfLine) ,((controlMask, xK_b), P.moveCursor P.Prev) ,((mod1Mask, xK_b), P.moveWord P.Prev) ,((controlMask, xK_d), P.deleteString P.Next) ,((mod1Mask, xK_d), P.killWord P.Next) ,((controlMask, xK_e), P.endOfLine) ,((controlMask, xK_f), P.moveCursor P.Next) ,((mod1Mask, xK_f), P.moveWord P.Next) ,((controlMask, xK_g), P.quit) ,((controlMask, xK_k), P.killAfter) ,((controlMask, xK_n), P.moveHistory W.focusUp') ,((mod1Mask, xK_n), P.moveHistory W.focusUp') ,((controlMask, xK_p), P.moveHistory W.focusDown') ,((mod1Mask, xK_p), P.moveHistory W.focusDown') ,((controlMask, xK_y), P.pasteString) ,((mod1Mask, xK_d), P.killWord P.Next) ] promptKM = M.union promptKeys P.defaultXPKeymap popConfig = P.def { P.font = "xft:" ++ defFace , P.promptKeymap = promptKM , P.position = P.Bottom , P.height = 25 , P.promptBorderWidth = 1 } darkPopConfig = popConfig { P.fgColor = "grey60" , P.bgColor = "grey10" , P.fgHLight = "lightgoldenrod2" , P.bgHLight = "grey20" , P.borderColor = "grey30" } lightPopConfig = popConfig { P.fgColor = "grey10" , P.bgColor = "#efebe7" , P.fgHLight = "sienna" , P.bgHLight = "lightyellow" , P.borderColor = "grey70" } defWorkspaces = ["E", "F", "D"] isEmacs = className =? "Emacs" <||> title =? "emacsclient" isntEmacs = not `fmap` isEmacs raiseEmacs = raise isEmacs runOrRaiseEmacs = do emacs <- liftIO $ lookupEnv "emacs" runOrRaise (case emacs of Just e -> e; _ -> "eterm") isEmacs openMusicWindow = "tidal" isMusic = className =? "Tidal" runOrRaiseFirefox = runOrRaise "firefox" $ className =? "Firefox" runOrRiseMusic = raiseMaybe (spawn openMusicWindow) isMusic toggleEmacs other = do ems <- mapM (WP.focusedHasProperty . WP.ClassName) ["Emacs"] ems' <- WP.focusedHasProperty (WP.Title "emacsclient") if or (ems':ems) then other else runOrRaiseEmacs emacsclient x = spawn $ "emacsclient -e '(" ++ x ++ ")'" zathuraToEmacs = do z <- WP.focusedHasProperty (WP.ClassName "Zathura") tl <- if z then currentWindowName else return Nothing case tl of Just fn -> emacsclient ("jao-zathura-goto-org \"" ++ fn ++ "\"") Nothing -> return () keyDefs conf = [ ("", backlight "5%+") , ("", backlight "5%-") , ("", backlight "5%+") , ("", backlight "5%-") , ("", spawn "amixer sset Master 10%+") , ("", spawn "amixer sset Master 10%-") , ("", spawn "amixer sset Master toggle") , ("", emacsclient "message \"audio play\"") , ("", spawn "import -window root ~/screenshot.png") , ("M-", move (10,0)) , ("M-", move (-10,0)) , ("M-", move (0,-10)) , ("M-", move (0,10)) , ("M-0", emacsAfio "scratch") , ("M-1", emacsAfio "main") , ("M-2", emacsAfio "mail") , ("M-3", emacsAfio "www") , ("M-4", emacsAfio "docs") , ("M-5", CWS.nextWS) , ("C-M-5", CWS.shiftToNext) , ("M-C-", resize (10,0) (0,0)) , ("M-C-", resize (-10,0) (0,1)) , ("M-C-", resize (0,-10) (0,0)) , ("M-C-", resize (0,10) (0,0)) , ("M-a", scratch "aptitude") , ("M-b", sendMessage $ MD.ToggleStruts) , ("M-S-d", scratch "tidal-hifi") , ("M-d", toggleEmacs $ windows (W.greedyView "D")) , ("M-e", toggleEmacs runOrRaiseFirefox) , ("M-C-e", spawn "emacsclient -c") , ("M-S-e", spawn (jaoscript "eterm")) , ("M-p", zathuraToEmacs >> raiseEmacs) , ("M-m", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transient-media") , ("M-r", bindFirst [(isntEmacs, runCmd), (pure True, emacsclient "jao-recoll-transient")]) , ("M-S-r", runCmd) , ("M-s", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transient-streaming") , ("M-S-s", withFocused $ windows . W.sink) , ("M-S-t", emacsAfio "main" >> emacsclient "vterm") , ("M-t", spawn "kitty") , ("M-w", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transient-utils") , ("M-x 1", emacsAfio "main") , ("M-x k", kill) , ("M-x M-f", withFocused float) , ("M-x s", withFocused $ windows . W.sink) , ("M-x g", GS.goToSelected GS.def) , ("M-x f", jumpToL "F") , ("M-x l", jumpToLE "L") , ("M-x r", jumpToLE "R") , ("M-x t", jumpToLE "T") , ("M-x n", sendMessage NextLayout) , ("M-S-x", XmP.xmonadPrompt $ conf {P.position = P.Top}) , ("M-z l", xdgscr "activate") , ("M-z u", spawn "toggle-screensaver.sh") , ("M-z z", zzCmd "suspend") , ("M-z h", zzCmd "hibernate") , ("M-z b", zzCmd "hybrid") , ("M-z l", i3lock) ] where jumpToL x = sendMessage (LJ.JumpToLayout x) >> return () withEmacs x = jumpToL "F" >> raiseEmacs >> emacsclient x emacsAfio f = withEmacs $ "jao-afio--goto-" ++ f -- sendCtrlC = sendKey controlMask xK_c jumpToLE x = emacsAfio "scratch-1" >> jumpToL x backlight x = spawn $ "brightnessctl -q s " ++ x i3lock = spawn "i3lock -e -i ~/.lockimage" xdgscr = spawn . ("xdg-screensaver " ++) zzCmd = spawn . ("sudo systemctl " ++) move r = withFocused $ keysMoveWindow r runCmd = PS.shellPrompt $ conf {P.position = P.Top} resize a b = withFocused $ keysResizeWindow a b scratch = NS.namedScratchpadAction scratchpads layouts = PW.onWorkspace "D" lytTall lytFullTall where spacing n = SP.spacingRaw False (SP.Border n 0 n 0) True (SP.Border 0 n 0 n) True namedLyt n = LR.renamed [LR.Replace n] lytFull = namedLyt "F" Full lytTall = namedLyt "T" $ spacing 1 (Tall 1 (1/100) (1/2)) lytLeft = namedLyt "L" $ withIM (11/26) (ClassName "Zathura") Full lytRight = namedLyt "R" $ Refl.reflectHoriz lytLeft emacsLyts = lytLeft ||| lytRight ||| lytFullTall lytFullTall = lytFull ||| lytTall scratchpads = [ NS.NS "music" openMusicWindow isMusic cf , NS.NS "tidal" "tidal-hifi" (className =? "tidal-hifi") cf , NS.NS "popup" "firefox --class=Popup -P popup" (className =? "Popup") cf , NS.NS "aptitude" "kitty -e aptitude" (title =? "aptitude") cf ] where cf = centerFloat (3/4) (7/8) scratchpad = NS.namedScratchpadManageHook scratchpads centerFloat width height = NS.customFloating $ W.RationalRect marginLeft marginTop width height where marginLeft = (1 - width) / 2 marginTop = (1 - height) / 2 mHook = MH.composeOne dlgs <+> composeAll (emf:cl) where dlgs = [MH.isDialog -?> MH.doCenterFloat] cfs = ["Display", "feh", "Gitk", "MPlayer", "Vlc", "mpv", "Mpv", "xli", "Blueman-services", "Blueman-manager", "Pavucontrol", "Pavumeter", "Xmessage", "XLogo"] cl = [className =? x --> MH.doCenterFloat | x <- cfs] emf = title =? "emacs popup" --> MH.doCenterFloat simplePP = SBP.def { SBP.ppLayout = const "" , SBP.ppHidden = const "" , SBP.ppCurrent = SBP.xmobarColor "orangered4" "" , SBP.ppTitle = take 25 , SBP.ppSep = " " , SBP.ppUrgent = const (SBP.xmobarColor "orangered3" "" "*") } main = do scheme <- lookupEnv "JAO_COLOR_SCHEME" let dark = Just "dark" == scheme popCfg = if dark then darkPopConfig else lightPopConfig defBorder = if dark then "grey80" else "grey70" defFBorder = if dark then "grey85" else "grey20" ehook = SM.serverModeEventHook <+> UH.trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook lyt = NB.smartBorders layouts localStartupHook = spawn "xmobars.sh" >> runOrRaiseEmacs sb = SB.statusBarProp "xmobar" (pure simplePP) uhook = U.withUrgencyHook U.NoUrgencyHook xmonad . uhook . (SB.withSB sb) . MD.docks . Ewm.ewmh $ def { manageHook = scratchpad <+> mHook <+> manageHook def , handleEventHook = ehook , layoutHook = MD.avoidStruts lyt , startupHook = localStartupHook , modMask = mod4Mask , borderWidth = 1 , focusedBorderColor = defFBorder , normalBorderColor = defBorder , terminal = (jaoscript "term") , workspaces = defWorkspaces , focusFollowsMouse = False } `EZ.removeKeysP` ["M-j", "M-n", "M-w", "M-m", "M-r", "M-p", "M-"] `EZ.additionalKeysP` (keyDefs popCfg)