diff options
authorjao <>2021-06-12 22:38:00 +0100
committerjao <>2021-06-12 22:38:00 +0100
commit78c612487485d53bf0b1fd86b3d3b356e1c2431a (patch)
parent5e8c95e1b79e78c6dc4d9df61e12fdc318a8f65e (diff)
no scripts here
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 8b18705..193a669 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -639,107 +639,3 @@
:link link
:description description)))))))
-* notmuch tagging scripts
-*** tag shell script
- #+begin_src bash :tangle ./bin/
- notmuch new > $HOME/var/log/notmuch.log 2>&1
- function tag_folder {
- notmuch tag +$1 +$2 -- tag:new AND folder:$1/$2
- }
- function tag_directory {
- for f in ~/var/mail/$1/*; do
- tag_folder $1 $(basename $f);
- done
- }
- function tag_list () {
- notmuch tag "+$1" $3 -- tag:new AND List:${2:-$1}
- }
- tag_directory bigml
- tag_directory jao
- tag_directory feeds
- notmuch tag -new -unread -- tag:spam
- nbml="tag:new AND tag:bigml AND"
- notmuch tag +bug -lists -drivel \
- -- "$nbml (List:bigmlcom/wintermute OR List:bigmlcom/universe)"
- notmuch tag +support -inbox -drivel -lists \
- -- "$nbml (List:support OR List:education)"
- notmuch tag +gmane -- tag:new AND folder:/gmane/
- for l in clojure elixir geiser notmuch haskell erlang emacs-devel emacs-diffs emacs; do
- tag_list $l
- done
- for l in chicken guile gambit scheme chez; do
- tag_list scheme $l
- done
- tag_list emacs-bugs bug-gnu-emacs -lists
- tag_list mailutils bug-mailutils -lists
- tag_list feeds Lobsters +programming -lists
- #+end_src
-*** move shell script
- #+begin_src bash :tangle ./bin/
- # Move a message file while removing its UID-part
- function safe_move { s=${1##*/}; s=${s%%,*}; mv -f $1 $2/$s; }
- function move_spam {
- for i in $(notmuch search --output=files \
- tag:spam and tag:$1 AND NOT folder:$1/spam); do
- safe_move $i ~/var/mail/$1/spam/cur
- done
- }
- move_spam jao
- move_spam bigml
- notmuch new >/dev/null
- #+end_src
-*** expiry shell script
- #+begin_src bash :tangle ./bin/
- spared_tags="tag:\"/^(trove|new|flagged|unread|draft|gmane)$/\""
- function tag_deleted {
- notmuch tag +deleted -- "$1 AND date:..${2:-3d} AND NOT $spared_tags"
- }
- tag_deleted "tag:bigml and tag:\"/^(drivel|lists|deploys|bugs)$/\"" 3d
- tag_deleted "tag:bigml and tag:reports" 1d
- tag_deleted "tag:bigml AND tag:support" 7d
- tag_deleted "tag:jao and tag:\"/^(drivel|lists|books|think|local)$/\"" 3d
- tag_deleted "tag:feeds" 3d
- tag_deleted "tag:\"/^(spam|trash)$/\" and folder:\"/(spam|trash)$/\"" 3d
- notmuch new > $HOME/var/log/notmuch-expire.log 2>&1
- notmuch compact >> $HOME/var/log/notmuch-expire.log 2>&1
- #+end_src
-*** delete shell script
- #+begin_src bash :tangle ./bin/
- notmuch search --output=files --format=text0 tag:deleted | xargs -r0 rm
- notmuch new > $HOME/var/log/notmuch-delete.log 2>&1
- notmuch compact >> $HOME/var/log/notmuch-delete.log 2>&1
- #+end_src
-*** cron fetcher
- #+begin_src bash :tangle ./bin/
- minute=$(date +%_M)
- hour=$(date +%k)
- mbs=/usr/local/bin/mbsync
- $mbs jao > $HOME/var/log/mbsync.jao.log
- $mbs bml > $HOME/var/log/mbsync.bml.log
- $HOME/bin/
- $HOME/bin/
- [[ $minute -gt 5 ]] || $HOME/bin/
- [[ $(($hour % 12)) -eq 0 && $minute -lt 5 ]] && $HOME/bin/
- XDG_RUNTIME_DIR='/run/user/1000' \
- /usr/local/bin/emacsclient -e '(jao-notmuch-notify)' > /dev/null
- #+end_src