diff options
11 files changed, 160 insertions, 688 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index a72a5ad..64e0cf1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@
(load custom-file)
(setq custom-unlispify-tag-names nil)
(setq custom-buffer-done-kill t)
+ (setq custom-raised-buttons nil)
*** Preamble (pre.el)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@@ -230,6 +231,16 @@
(defun jao-kb-toggled-p ()
(not (string-empty-p
(shell-command-to-string "setxkbmap -query|grep variant"))))
+ (set-keyboard-coding-system 'latin-1)
+ (setq default-input-method "catalan-prefix")
+ (set-language-environment "UTF-8")
+ (defun jao--set-kb-system (frame)
+ (select-frame frame)
+ (set-keyboard-coding-system 'latin-1)
+ t)
+ (add-to-list 'after-make-frame-functions 'jao--set-kb-system)
*** Battery
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@@ -269,7 +280,7 @@
(use-package pinentry :ensure t)
-* Colours and themes
+* Fonts and colour themes
*** Transparency
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defvar jao-frames-default-alpha (if (eq window-system 'pgtk) 96 90))
@@ -299,35 +310,39 @@
(set-frame-parameter nil 'alpha (list level level))
-*** Faces, fonts, fontsets
-***** General
+*** Fonts
+***** Unicode fonts
+ See [[][fonts - Line height with unicode characters]] for a good
+ discussion.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- ;;; Font lock
- (global-font-lock-mode 1)
- ;; customize buttons
- (setq custom-raised-buttons nil)
- ;; language environment
- (set-language-environment "UTF-8")
- (set-keyboard-coding-system 'latin-1)
- (setq default-input-method "catalan-prefix")
- (defun jao--set-kb-system (frame)
- (select-frame frame)
- (set-keyboard-coding-system 'latin-1)
- t)
+ (defun jao--set-fontsets (frame)
+ ;; (set-fontset-font t 'unicode "Hack-9")
+ (set-fontset-font t 'greek "GFS Didot")
+ (set-fontset-font t 'mathematical "FreeSerif")
+ (set-fontset-font t 64257 "Quivira")
+ (set-fontset-font t 65039 nil)
+ (set-fontset-font t '(9472 . 9599) "Symbola")
+ (set-fontset-font t 'symbol "Symbola-12") ;; "Noto Sans Symbols-10"
+ ;; (set-fontset-font t 'symbol "Unifont-12")
+ (set-fontset-font t 'egyptian "Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs")
+ (set-fontset-font t 'hangul "NanumGothicCoding"))
+ (add-to-list 'after-make-frame-functions 'jao--set-fontsets)
- (add-to-list 'after-make-frame-functions 'jao--set-kb-system)
+ ;; (use-package unicode-fonts :ensure t)
+ ;; (unicode-fonts-setup)
+***** list-fonts-display
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun list-fonts-display (&optional matching)
"Display a list of font-families available via font-config, in a new buffer.
- If the optional argument MATCHING is non-nil, only font families
- matching that regexp are displayed; interactively, a prefix
- argument will prompt for the regexp.
- The name of each font family is displayed using that family, as
- well as in the default font (to handle the case where a font
- cannot be used to display its own name)."
+ If the optional argument MATCHING is non-nil, only
+ font families matching that regexp are displayed;
+ interactively, a prefix argument will prompt for the
+ regexp. The name of each font family is displayed
+ using that family, as well as in the default font (to
+ handle the case where a font cannot be used to display
+ its own name)."
(and current-prefix-arg
@@ -363,118 +378,29 @@
(goto-char (point-min)))
(display-buffer buf))))
-***** Unicode fonts
- See [[][fonts - Line height with unicode characters]] for a good
- discussion.
- #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defun jao--set-fontsets (frame)
- ;; (set-fontset-font t 'unicode "Hack-9")
- (set-fontset-font t 'greek "GFS Didot")
- (set-fontset-font t 'mathematical "FreeSerif")
- (set-fontset-font t 64257 "Quivira")
- (set-fontset-font t 65039 nil)
- (set-fontset-font t '(9472 . 9599) "Symbola")
- (set-fontset-font t 'symbol "Symbola-12") ;; "Noto Sans Symbols-10"
- ;; (set-fontset-font t 'symbol "Unifont-12")
- (set-fontset-font t 'egyptian "Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs")
- (set-fontset-font t 'hangul "NanumGothicCoding"))
- (add-to-list 'after-make-frame-functions 'jao--set-fontsets)
- ;; (use-package unicode-fonts :ensure t)
- ;; (unicode-fonts-setup)
+ #+end_src
*** Themes
- #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defvar jao-colors-use-light-scheme t)
- (defvar jao-colors-theme nil)
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun jao-colors-scheme-dark-p ()
(equal "dark" (getenv "JAO_COLOR_SCHEME")))
(setq custom-theme-directory
(expand-file-name "lib/themes" jao-emacs-dir))
- (setq jao-frames-default-font "Hack-9") ;; "Iosevka-10"
- (if (or (not window-system) (jao-colors-scheme-dark-p))
- (setq jao-colors-use-light-scheme nil
- jao-colors-theme nil ;; 'doom
- jao-colors-theme
- (if (or (daemonp) window-system) jao-colors-theme 'console)
- jao-colors-doom-theme 'doom-tomorrow-night
- jao-colors-doom-theme 'doom-wilmersdorf
- jao-colors-doom-theme 'doom-nord
- jao-colors-doom-theme 'doom-sourcerer
- jao-frames-fringe-mode nil
- jao-vc-use-diff-hl t)
- (setq jao-colors-use-light-scheme t
- jao-colors-theme nil ;; 'doom
- ;; jao-colors-theme 'solarized-light
- jao-colors-doom-theme 'doom-solarized-light
- jao-vc-use-diff-hl t
- jao-frames-fringe-mode nil))
- ;; notification colors
- (setq jao-osd-cat-color-bg
- (if jao-colors-use-light-scheme "grey30" "white")
- jao-osd-cat-color-fg
- (if jao-colors-use-light-scheme "white" "grey30"))
+ (setq jao-frames-default-font "Hack-9")
(require 'jao-themes)
- (when (eq jao-colors-theme 'solarized)
- (use-package solarized-theme
- :ensure t
- :init (setq solarized-distinct-doc-face t
- solarized-distinct-fringe-background nil
- solarized-scale-org-headlines nil
- solarized-scale-outline-headlines nil
- solarized-use-variable-pitch nil
- solarized-use-less-bold t
- solarized-use-more-italic t)))
- (when (eq jao-colors-theme 'doom)
- (use-package doom-themes
- :ensure t
- :init (setq doom-nord-region-highlight 'frost
- doom-nord-brighter-modeline t
- doom-nord-light-region-highlight 'frost
- doom-nord-light-brighter-modeline t)))
- (when (eq jao-colors-theme 'modus)
- (use-package modus-operandi-theme
- :ensure t
- :init (setq modus-operandi-theme-completions 'opinionated
- modus-operandi-theme-diffs 'desaturated
- modus-operandi-theme-mode-line nil))
- (use-package modus-vivendi-theme
- :ensure t
- :init (setq modus-vivendi-theme-completions 'opinionated
- modus-vivendi-theme-diffs 'desaturated
- modus-vivendi-theme-mode-line nil)))
(defun jao-themes-setup ()
- (cond ((not jao-colors-theme)
- (let ((light jao-colors-use-light-scheme))
- (load-theme (if light 'jao-light 'jao-greenish) t)))
- ((eq jao-colors-theme 'modus)
- (let ((light jao-colors-use-light-scheme))
- (load-theme (if light 'modus-operandi 'modus-vivendi) t)))
- ((eq jao-colors-theme 'doom)
- (load-theme jao-colors-doom-theme t)
- ;; (load-theme 'jao-doom t)
- )
- ((eq jao-colors-theme 'solarized-light)
- (load-theme 'solarized-light t))
- ((eq jao-colors-theme 'zenburn)
- (require 'jao-zenburn-theme)
- (load-theme 'zenburn t))))
+ (let ((light (and window-system (not (jao-colors-scheme-dark-p)))))
+ (setq jao-osd-cat-color-bg (if light "grey30" "white")
+ jao-osd-cat-color-fg (if light "white" "grey30"))
+ (load-theme (if light 'jao-light 'jao-greenish) t)))
(when (not (eq window-system 'pgtk)) (jao-themes-setup))
+ (global-font-lock-mode 1)
+ #+end_src
* Help system
*** Echos and suggestions
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-dark-blue-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-dark-blue-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 800bc28..0000000
--- a/lib/themes/jao-dark-blue-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-(jao-define-custom-theme jao-dark-blue
- (:palette (fg unspecified "grey77")
- ;; (bg unspecified "#3f3f3f")
- ;; (bg unspecified "#0e1111")
- (bg unspecified "#192021")
- (box "color-237" "grey25")
- (button ((c 240) nul)
- ;; ((c "lightskyblue2" "#3f3f4f"))
- ((c "lightskyblue2" "#333436") nul))
- (hilite ((c nil "#303336")))
- (strike-through ((c 237)) (st))
- (italic ((c 137) it) (it (c "lightyellow3")))
- ;; (link ((c 108) nul) ((c "#F0DFAF") nit nul))
- ;; (visited-link ((c 36) nul) ((c "#E0CF9F") nul))
- (link ((c "antiquewhite3") nit nul))
- ;; (link ((c "lemonchiffon") nit nul))
- (visited-link ((c "burlywood3") nit nul))
- (tab-sel ((c 252 232) nbf))
- (tab-unsel ((c 245 232)))
- (comment ((c 102) it) ((c "lightsteelblue4") it))
- ;; (keyword ((c 151) nbf nul nit) ((c "darkseagreen3")))
- ;; (function ((c 115) nul nbf) ((c "palegreen3")))
- (keyword ((c 151) nbf nul nit) ((c "lightblue3")))
- ;; (function ((c 115) nul nbf) ((c "lightskyblue3")))
- (function ((c 115) nul nbf) ((c "cadetblue3")))
- (type ((c 72) nbf) ((c "honeydew3")))
- (variable-name ((c nil)))
- ;; (constant ((c 72)) ((c "lavenderblush4")))
- (constant ((c 72)) ((c "slategray3") nbf nit nul))
- ;; (string ((c 36)) ((c "thistle4")))
- (string ((c 36)) ((c "cadetblue")))
- (warning ((c 144)) ((c "#F0DFAF")))
- (error ((c 95)) ((c "goldenrod3")))
- ;; (dimm ((c 240)))
- (dimm ((c 59)) ((c "#6f6f6f")))
- (gnus-mail ((c "gray70" nil)))
- (gnus-news ((c "gray70" nil)))
- ;; (outline ((c "aquamarine3")))
- (outline ((c nil)))
- (f00 ((c 29)) ((c "slategray3")))
- (f01 ((c 108)) ((c "cadetblue")))
- (f02 ((c 102)) ((c "lightcyan4"))) ;; ((c "paleturquoise4"))
- (f10 ((c "cornsilk3")))
- (f11 ((c "lemonchiffon3")))
- (f12 ((c "azure3"))))
- (:faces (bold (c nil nil) nul)
- (button (c 66))
- (font-lock-doc-face (c 30))
- (gnus-button (c nil) nul)
- (gnus-header-subject (p f01))
- (gnus-summary-selected (c 250))
- ;; (gnus-summary-selected (c 66 nil) nul nbf)
- (match ul)
- (magit-log-tag-label (c 95 240) nbf)
- (mm-uu-extract (c nil 234))
- (mode-line (c 248 235) nbf nul)
- (mode-line-inactive (c 243 235) nbf nul)
- (org-hide (c 0 nil))
- (rcirc-other-nick (c 108))
- (vertical-border (c 59 nil) :inherit nil)
- (w3m-image (c 144))
- (w3m-tab-background (c 0 0) ul)
- (w3m-tab-line (c 0 0) ul)
- (widget-button (c 196))
- (widget-field (c 143 236)))
- (:x-faces (company-scrollbar-bg (c nil "#383941"))
- (company-scrollbar-fg (c nil "#484951"))
- (diff-hl-change (c "#3f3f3f" "darkseagreen4"))
- (diff-hl-delete (c "#3f3f3f" "goldenrod4"))
- (diff-hl-insert (c "#3f3f3f" "cadetblue4"))
- (fill-column-indicator (c "#303030") :inherit nil)
- (font-lock-doc-face (c "lightcyan3") it)
- (fringe (p dimm))
- (gnus-button (c "lightyellow3") nul)
- (gnus-summary-cancelled (c "dark slate gray" nil) st)
- (gnus-summary-selected (p warning) nul nbf)
- (header-line (p hilite))
- (mode-line (c "grey60" "#2f2f2f"))
- (mode-line-inactive (c "grey50" "#3f3f3f"))
- (org-hide (c 0 nil))
- (show-paren-match (c "darkseagreen1" "#5f5f5f"))
- (spaceline-read-only (c "lightgoldenrod2" "gray10") niv)
- (spaceline-modified (c "burlywood3" "gray10") nbf nit)
- (spaceline-unmodified (c "darkseagreen" "gray10") niv)
- (variable-pitch (c nil nil))
- (vertical-border (c "#3f3f3f") :inherit nil)
- (w3m-image (c "lightcyan2"))
- (w3m-tab-background (c nil nil))
- (w3m-tab-line (c 0 0) ul)
- (widget-button (c nil nil) nul))
- (:x-colors "lemonchiffon"
- "sienna3"
- "darkseagreen3"
- "lightgoldenrod3"
- "cadetblue4"
- "lightcyan4"
- "cadetblue3"
- "black"))
-(provide 'jao-dark-blue-theme)
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-dark-forest-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-dark-forest-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 42aaaac..0000000
--- a/lib/themes/jao-dark-forest-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-(jao-define-custom-theme jao-dark-forest
- (:names (zenburn-fg-05 "#989890")
- (zenburn-fg-1 "#656555")
- (zenburn-fg-15 "#6f6f69")
- (zenburn-fg-2 "#696969")
- (zenburn-fg-3 "#595959")
- (zenburn-yellow "#F0DFAF")
- (zenburn-yellow-1 "#E0CF9F")
- (zenburn-yellow-2 "#D0BF8F")
- (zenburn-yellow-3 "#C0AF7F")
- (zenburn-yellow-4 "#B09F6F")
- (zenburn-green "#7F9F7F")
- (zenburn-green+1 "#8FB28F")
- (zenburn-green+2 "#9FC29F")
- (zenburn-green-5 "#2F4F2F")
- (zenburn-green-4 "#3F5F3F")
- (zenburn-green-3 "#4F6F4F")
- (zenburn-green-2 "#5F7F5F")
- (zenburn-green-1 "#6F8F6F")
- (zenburn-orange "#DFAF8F")
- (zenburn-blue-5 "#366060")
- (zenburn-red "#CC9393")
- (zenburn-red-1 "#BC8383")
- (zenburn-red-2 "#AC7373")
- (zenburn-red-3 "#9C6363")
- (spaceline-bg "#1F1F1F")
- (dimm-line-fg "#3f3f3f")
- (box-line-fg "#303030")
- (comment-fg "honeydew4")
- (zenburn-bg-05 "#212121"))
- (:palette (fg unspecified "dark grey")
- (bg unspecified "#1f1f1f")
- (box zenburn-fg-05 "grey25")
- (button ((c 240) nul) (bx nul))
- (hilite ((c nil "#2a2b2c") ex))
- (strike-through ((c 237)) (st))
- (italic ((c 137) it) (it))
- (link ((c zenburn-green) nit nul))
- (visited-link ((c zenburn-green-2) nit nul))
- (tab-sel ((c 252 232) nbf))
- (tab-unsel ((c 245 232)))
- (comment ((c 102) it) ((c comment-fg)))
- (keyword ((c 151) nbf nul nit) ((c zenburn-green+1)))
- (function ((c 115) nul nbf) ((c zenburn-green-1)))
- (type ((c 72) nbf) ((c "honeydew3")))
- (variable-name ((c nil)))
- (constant ((c 72)) ((c zenburn-red-3) nbf nit nul))
- (string ((c 36)) ((c "wheat3"))) ;; "slate gray" "medium aquamarine"
- (error ((c 144)) ((c zenburn-red-1)))
- (warning ((c 95)) ((c zenburn-orange)))
- (success ((c zenburn-green+2)))
- (dimm ((c 59)) ((c "#6f6f6f")))
- (gnus-mail ((c zenburn-fg-05)))
- (gnus-news ((c zenburn-fg-05)))
- (outline ((c nil)))
- (f00 ((c 29)) ((c "burlywood3")))
- (f01 ((c 108)) ((c "burlywood4")))
- (f02 ((c 102)) ((c "lemonchiffon4"))) ;; ((c "paleturquoise4"))
- (f10 ((c "cornsilk3")))
- (f11 ((c "lemonchiffon3")))
- (f12 ((c "honeydew4"))))
- (:faces (bold (c nil nil) nul)
- (button (c 66))
- (font-lock-doc-face (c 30))
- (gnus-button (c nil) nul)
- (gnus-header-subject (p f01))
- (gnus-summary-selected (c 250))
- (match ul)
- (magit-log-tag-label (c 95 240) nbf)
- (mm-uu-extract (c nil 234))
- (mode-line (c 248 235) nbf nul)
- (mode-line-inactive (c 243 235) nbf nul)
- (org-hide (c 0 nil))
- (rcirc-other-nick (c 108))
- (vertical-border (c 59 nil) :inherit nil)
- (w3m-image (c 144))
- (w3m-tab-background (c 0 0) ul)
- (w3m-tab-line (c 0 0) ul)
- (widget-button (c 196))
- (widget-field (c 143 236)))
- (:x-faces (company-scrollbar-bg (c nil "#383941"))
- (company-scrollbar-fg (c nil "#484951"))
- (diff-hl-change (c dimm-line-fg "#313131"))
- (diff-hl-delete (c dimm-line-fg zenburn-red-3))
- (diff-hl-insert (c dimm-line-fg "lemonchiffon4"))
- (fill-column-indicator (c box-line-fg) :inherit nil)
- (font-lock-doc-face (~ font-lock-comment-face) it)
- (fringe (p dimm))
- (gnus-button (c "lightyellow3") nul)
- (gnus-cite-1 (c zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-cite-2 (c zenburn-fg-1))
- (gnus-cite-3 (c zenburn-fg-1))
- (gnus-cite-4 (c zenburn-fg-1))
- (gnus-group-mail-3 (c nil nil)) ;; "#252525"
- (gnus-group-mail-3-empty (c zenburn-fg-2))
- (gnus-group-news-3 (~ gnus-group-mail-3))
- (gnus-group-news-3-empty (~ gnus-group-mail-3-empty))
- (gnus-summary-cancelled (c "dark slate gray" nil) st)
- (gnus-summary-selected (p warning) nul nbf)
- (header-line (p hilite))
- (lui-track-bar (c nil "#303030") :height 0.1 ex)
- (magit-diff-context-highlight (c nil "grey20") ex)
- (mode-line (c "grey60" "#2b2b2b")
- :box (:line-width 1 :color "grey28"))
- (mode-line-inactive (c "grey35" zenburn-bg-05)
- :box (:line-width 1 :color "grey20"))
- (mode-line-buffer-id (c zenburn-green-2))
- (org-hide (c 0 nil))
- (scroll-bar (c box-line-fg))
- (show-paren-match (c "darkseagreen1" "#5f5f5f"))
- (spaceline-read-only (c "burlywood3" spaceline-bg) niv)
- (spaceline-modified (c zenburn-orange spaceline-bg) nbf nit)
- (spaceline-unmodified (c zenburn-green-3 spaceline-bg) niv)
- (variable-pitch (c nil nil))
- (vertical-border (c dimm-line-fg) :inherit nil)
- (w3m-image (c zenburn-fg-05) bx it)
- (w3m-tab-background (c nil nil))
- (w3m-tab-line (c 0 0) ul)
- (widget-button (c nil nil) nul))
- (:x-colors "lemonchiffon"
- "sienna3"
- "darkseagreen3"
- "lightgoldenrod3"
- "cadetblue4"
- "lightcyan4"
- "cadetblue3"
- "black"))
-;; (enable-theme 'jao-dark-forest)
-(provide 'jao-dark-forest-theme)
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-dark-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-dark-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2725e..0000000
--- a/lib/themes/jao-dark-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-(jao-define-custom-theme jao-dark
- (:palette (fg unspecified "grey60")
- (bg unspecified "grey2")
- (box "yellow" "grey30")
- (button ((c 11) nul))
- (hilite ((c nil 8)))
- (strike-through ((c 8)))
- (italic ((c 101) nul) (it :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 100))
- (link ((c 2) nul))
- (visited-link ((c 2) nul))
- (tab-sel ((c 9 8) nbf))
- (tab-unsel ((c 15 6) bx))
- (comment ((c 3)) ((c 3)))
- (keyword ((c 12) nbf nul))
-;; (keyword ((c 151) nbf nul) (bf))
- (type ((c 11) nbf))
- (function ((c 108) nul nbf))
-;; (function ((c 13) nul bf))
- (variable-name ((c nil)))
- (constant ((c 4)))
- (string ((c 2)))
- (warning ((c 144)) ((c 1)))
- (error ((c 9)))
- (dimm ((c 3)))
- (gnus-mail ((c 15 nil)))
- (gnus-news ((c 15 nil)))
- (outline ((c 7)))
- (f00 ((c 11)))
- (f01 ((c 10)))
- (f02 ((c 23)) ((c "cadetblue4")))
- (f10 ((p f00)))
- (f11 ((p f01)))
- (f12 ((p f02))))
- (:faces (bold (c nil nil) nul)
- (font-lock-doc-face (c 10))
- (gnus-button (c nil nil) nul)
- (gnus-summary-selected (c nil nil) ul nbf)
- (mm-uu-extract (c nil 6))
- (mode-line (c 7 8) nbf nul)
- (mode-line-inactive (c 8 16) nbf nul)
- (org-hide (c 0 nil))
-;; (rcirc-other-nick (c 4) nbf)
- (vertical-border (c 8 nil) :inherit nil)
- (w3m-image (c 1))
- (w3m-tab-background (c 0 0))
- (w3m-tab-line (c 0 0))
- (widget-button (c nil nil) nul))
- (:x-faces (gnus-button (c nil nil) nul)
- (gnus-summary-selected (c "grey40" nil) ul)
- (mode-line (c 14 8) nbf nul bx)
- (mode-line-inactive (c 3 8) nbf nul bx)
- (org-hide (c 0 nil))
- (font-lock-doc-face (c 10))
- (fringe (p dimm))
- (rcirc-other-nick (c 5))
- (vertical-border (c 8 nil) :inherit nil)
- (w3m-image (c 9))
- (w3m-tab-background (c 0 0))
- (widget-button (c nil nil) nul))
- (:x-colors "#050505"
- "lightgoldenrod3"
- "darkseagreen4"
- "grey40"
- "lightcyan4"
- "paleturquoise4"
- "grey7"
- "grey60"
- "grey20"
- "sienna4"
- "#44836e"
- "#648f81"
- "darkseagreen4"
- "aquamarine4"
- "azure4"
- "grey60"))
-(provide 'jao-dark-theme)
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-doom-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-doom-theme.el
index 0f4b2df..4c16a43 100644
--- a/lib/themes/jao-doom-theme.el
+++ b/lib/themes/jao-doom-theme.el
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+;;; jao-doom.el --- tweaks to an existing (doom) theme -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Author: jao <>
+;; Keywords: themes
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(deftheme jao-doom
"Created 2019-12-13.")
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-doomish-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-doomish-theme.el
index 5ac666c..8f93cde 100644
--- a/lib/themes/jao-doomish-theme.el
+++ b/lib/themes/jao-doomish-theme.el
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+;;; jao-doomish-theme.el --- a dark theme inspired by doom -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Author: jao <>
+;; Keywords: themes
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(jao-define-custom-theme jao-doomish
(:names (bg "#282b33" nil nil)
(bg-alt "#1f2024" nil nil)
@@ -139,14 +157,4 @@
;; (enable-theme 'jao-doomish)
-;; (base0 "#222228" "black" "black")
-;; (base1 "#282b33" "#1e1e1e" "brightblack")
-;; (base2 "#34373e" "#2e2e2e" "brightblack")
-;; (base3 "#41454b" "#262626" "brightblack")
-;; (base4 "#515462" "#3f3f3f" "brightblack")
-;; (base5 "#888395" "#525252" "brightblack")
-;; (base6 "#929292" "#6b6b6b" "brightblack")
-;; (base7 "#727269" "#979797" "brightblack")
-;; (base8 "#eceff4" "#dfdfdf" "white")
(provide 'jao-doomish-theme)
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-greenish-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-greenish-theme.el
index 1bed7fb..d54cf3d 100644
--- a/lib/themes/jao-greenish-theme.el
+++ b/lib/themes/jao-greenish-theme.el
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+;;; jao-greenish-theme.el --- a dark theme with green accent -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Author: jao <>
+;; Keywords: themes
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(jao-define-custom-theme jao-greenish
(:names (bg "#282b33" nil nil)
(bg-alt "#1f2024" nil nil)
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-light-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-light-theme.el
index e8fe039..369fb38 100644
--- a/lib/themes/jao-light-theme.el
+++ b/lib/themes/jao-light-theme.el
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+;;; jao-light-theme.el --- a light theme -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Author: jao <>
+;; Keywords: themes
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(jao-define-custom-theme jao-light
(:names (dimm-background "#f4f4f4")
(dimm-background-2 "#f0f0f0")
@@ -9,9 +27,9 @@
(pale-yellow "#fff8e5")
(paler-yellow "#fffff8")
(green "#005555")
+ (slate "dark slate gray")
(light-green "darkolivegreen4")
(greyish "#626262")
- ;; (blueish "midnightblue")
(blueish "deepskyblue4")
(blue "#819cd6")
(blue2 "#51afef")
@@ -27,12 +45,12 @@
(:palette (fg unspecified "black")
(bg unspecified "white")
;; (bg unspecified "#fffff8")
- (box "grey80" "antiquewhite3")
- (button ((c link) nit))
+ (box "grey90" "grey88")
+ (button ((c "grey10" dimm-background-4) bx nit))
(hilite ((c nil dimm-background)))
(strike-through ((c 1)) (st))
(italic (it))
- (link ((c dark-blue-2) nul nbf))
+ (link ((c dark-blue-2) (ul "grey80") nbf))
(visited-link ((c dark-blue-1) nul nbf))
(tab-sel ((~ mode-line)))
(tab-unsel ((~ mode-line-inactive)))
@@ -54,9 +72,9 @@
(outline-3 ((c link) it nbf))
(outline-4 ((c nil) it nbf))
(outline-5 ((c nil)))
- (f00 ((c green)))
- (f01 ((c dark-blue-1)))
- (f02 ((c blueish)))
+ (f00 ((c slate)))
+ (f01 ((c dark-blue-2)))
+ (f02 ((c green)))
(f10 ((p f00)))
(f11 ((p f01)))
(f12 ((p f02))))
@@ -78,7 +96,11 @@
(diff-hl-delete (c "white" "wheat1"))
(fill-column-indicator (c "grey80"))
(fringe (c "grey70" nil))
- (gnus-button (p link))
+ (gnus-button (p link) nul)
+ (gnus-cite-1 (c "darkslategray"))
+ (gnus-cite-2 (c "darkslategray"))
+ (gnus-cite-3 (c "slate gray"))
+ (gnus-cite-4 (c "slate gray"))
(gnus-summary-selected (c green) nbf)
(gnus-summary-cancelled (c "sienna3") st)
(header-line (c nil "#efebe7"))
@@ -95,16 +117,13 @@
(mode-line-buffer-id (~ mode-line) (c dark-blue-2) nit)
(mode-line-emphasis (c green nil))
(mode-line-highlight (c green nil))
- (org-link (p link) ul)
+ (org-link (p link) (ul "grey80"))
(scroll-bar (c "grey80"))
(success (p f00))
(vertical-border (c "grey70" nil))
(warning (c "burlywood4"))
- (w3m-image (c "midnightblue" "azure2"))
- (w3m-bold (c "darkslategray") bf)
- (w3m-tab-selected (c "orangered4" "white") bf)
- (w3m-tab-selected-retrieving (~ w3m-tab-selected) (c 1))
- (w3m-tab-background (c "white" "white") nul)))
+ (w3m-image (c slate "ghost white"))
+ (w3m-bold (c slate) nbf :height 1.1)))
;; (enable-theme 'jao-light)
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-mono-dark-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-mono-dark-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index a5cf532..0000000
--- a/lib/themes/jao-mono-dark-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-(jao-define-custom-theme jao-mono-dark
- (:palette (fg unspecified "grey77")
- ;; (bg unspecified "#3f3f3f")
- ;; (bg unspecified "#0e1111")
- (bg unspecified "#192021")
- (box "color-237" "grey25")
- (button ((c 240) nul)
- ;; ((c "lightskyblue2" "#3f3f4f"))
- ((c "lightskyblue2" "#333436") nul))
- (hilite ((c nil "#303336")))
- (strike-through ((c 237)) (st))
- (italic ((c 137) it) (it (c "lightyellow3")))
- ;; (link ((c 108) nul) ((c "#F0DFAF") nit nul))
- ;; (visited-link ((c 36) nul) ((c "#E0CF9F") nul))
- (link ((c "antiquewhite3") nit nul))
- ;; (link ((c "lemonchiffon") nit nul))
- (visited-link ((c "burlywood3") nit nul))
- (tab-sel ((c 252 232) nbf))
- (tab-unsel ((c 245 232)))
- (comment ((c 102) it) ((c "darkslategray4") it))
- ;; (keyword ((c 151) nbf nul nit) ((c "darkseagreen3")))
- ;; (function ((c 115) nul nbf) ((c "palegreen3")))
- (keyword ((c 151) nbf nul nit) ((c "lightblue3")))
- (function ((c 115) nul nbf) ((c "lightskyblue3")))
- (type ((c 72) nbf) ((c "honeydew3")))
- (variable-name ((c nil)))
- (constant ((c 72)) ((c "mediumaquamarine") nbf nit nul))
- ;; (constant ((c 72)) ((c "lightblue3")))
- (string ((c 36)) ((c "darkslategray3")))
- ;; (string ((c 36)) ((c "light sea green")))
- (warning ((c 144)) ((c "#F0DFAF")))
- (error ((c 95)) ((c "goldenrod3")))
- ;; (dimm ((c 240)))
- (dimm ((c 59)) ((c "#6f6f6f")))
- (gnus-mail ((c "gray70" nil)))
- (gnus-news ((c "gray70" nil)))
- ;; (outline ((c "aquamarine3")))
- (outline ((c nil)))
- (f00 ((c 29)) ((c "darkseagreen")))
- (f01 ((c 108)) ((c "darkseagreen2")))
- (f02 ((c 102)) ((c "lightcyan4"))) ;; ((c "paleturquoise4"))
- (f10 ((c "cornsilk3")))
- (f11 ((c "lemonchiffon3")))
- (f12 ((c "azure3"))))
- (:faces (bold (c nil nil) nul)
- (button (c 66))
- (font-lock-doc-face (c 30))
- (gnus-button (c nil) nul)
- (gnus-header-subject (p f01))
- (gnus-summary-selected (c 250))
- ;; (gnus-summary-selected (c 66 nil) nul nbf)
- (match ul)
- (magit-log-tag-label (c 95 240) nbf)
- (mm-uu-extract (c nil 234))
- (mode-line (c 248 235) nbf nul)
- (mode-line-inactive (c 243 235) nbf nul)
- (org-hide (c 0 nil))
- (rcirc-other-nick (c 108))
- (vertical-border (c 59 nil) :inherit nil)
- (w3m-image (c 144))
- (w3m-tab-background (c 0 0) ul)
- (w3m-tab-line (c 0 0) ul)
- (widget-button (c 196))
- (widget-field (c 143 236)))
- (:x-faces (company-scrollbar-bg (c nil "#383941"))
- (company-scrollbar-fg (c nil "#484951"))
- (diff-hl-change (c "#3f3f3f" "darkseagreen4"))
- (diff-hl-delete (c "#3f3f3f" "goldenrod4"))
- (diff-hl-insert (c "#3f3f3f" "cadetblue4"))
- (font-lock-doc-face (c "lightcyan3") it)
- (fringe (p dimm))
- (gnus-button (c "lightyellow3") nul)
- (gnus-summary-cancelled (c "dark slate gray" nil) st)
- (gnus-summary-selected (p warning) nul nbf)
- (header-line (p hilite))
- (mode-line (c "grey60" "#2f2f2f"))
- (mode-line-inactive (c "grey50" "#3f3f3f"))
- (org-hide (c 0 nil))
- (show-paren-match (c "darkseagreen1" "#5f5f5f"))
- (spaceline-read-only (c "lightgoldenrod2" "gray10") niv)
- (spaceline-modified (c "burlywood3" "gray10") nbf nit)
- (spaceline-unmodified (c "darkseagreen" "gray10") niv)
- (variable-pitch (c nil nil))
- (vertical-border (c "#3f3f3f") :inherit nil)
- (w3m-image (c "lightcyan2"))
- (w3m-tab-background (c nil nil))
- (w3m-tab-line (c 0 0) ul)
- (widget-button (c nil nil) nul))
- (:x-colors "lemonchiffon"
- "sienna3"
- "darkseagreen3"
- "lightgoldenrod3"
- "cadetblue4"
- "lightcyan4"
- "cadetblue3"
- "black"))
-(provide 'jao-mono-dark-theme)
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-themes.el b/lib/themes/jao-themes.el
index d3f110d..c340b84 100644
--- a/lib/themes/jao-themes.el
+++ b/lib/themes/jao-themes.el
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+;;; jao-themes.el --- a DSL for color themes -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Author: jao <>
+;; Keywords: themes
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Code:
;;; palette
(defvar jao-themes--face-family "Inconsolata")
(defvar jao-themes--fg "black")
@@ -380,7 +400,7 @@
(custom-changed (p warning))
(custom-comment (p string))
(custom-comment-tag (p keyword))
- (custom-documentation (p string))
+ (custom-documentation (~ font-lock-doc-face))
(custom-face-tag nbf)
(custom-group-tag bf (p f00) :height 11)
(custom-group-tag-1 bf :family ,jao-themes--face-family
@@ -394,7 +414,8 @@
(custom-state (p f12))
(custom-themed (p f00))
(custom-variable-button (~ button))
- (custom-variable-tag (p variable-name) bf)
+ (custom-variable-tag (p variable-name) nbf)
+ (custom-visibility (p dimm))
(cvs-handled (p dimm)))
`((darcsum-change-line-face (p warning))
(darcsum-filename-face (p f00))
diff --git a/lib/themes/jao-zenburn-theme.el b/lib/themes/jao-zenburn-theme.el
deleted file mode 100644
index a866d03..0000000
--- a/lib/themes/jao-zenburn-theme.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-(require 'jao-themes)
-(setq zenburn-override-colors-alist
- `(("zenburn-magenta" . "thistle")
- ("zenburn-cyan" . "LightSteelBlue1")
- ("zenburn-blue+1" . "LemonChiffon")
- ("zenburn-blue" . "LemonChiffon1")
- ("zenburn-blue-1" . "LemonChiffon2")
- ("zenburn-blue-2" . "LemonChiffon3")
- ("zenburn-blue-3" . "LemonChiffon4")
- ("zenburn-blue-4" . "cadet blue")
- ("zenburn-blue-5" . "dark cyan")))
-(use-package zenburn-theme :ensure t)
-;; (setq zenburn-colors-alist
-;; (append zenburn-default-colors-alist
-;; zenburn-override-colors-alist))
-(load-theme 'zenburn t)
- (let* ((box '(:box (:line-width 1 :color "grey35")))
- (f (jao-themes-parse-faces
- `((circe-my-message-face (c "gray70"))
- (circe-originator-face (c ,zenburn-yellow-1))
- (compilation-info (c ,zenburn-yellow) nul)
- (compilation-error (c ,zenburn-red+1) nul)
- (custom-button ,@box it)
- (dictionary-word-definition-face nil)
- (diff-hl-change (c nil ,zenburn-blue-3))
- (diff-hl-delete (c nil ,zenburn-red-1))
- (diff-hl-insert (c nil ,zenburn-green-1))
- (diredp-date-time (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (diredp-dir-name (c ,zenburn-blue-2) bf)
- (diredp-exec-priv (c ,zenburn-yellow-2))
- (diredp-write-priv (c ,zenburn-yellow-2))
- (emms-browser-artist-face (c ,zenburn-yellow-1))
- (emms-browser-composer-face (~ emms-browser-artist-face))
- (emms-browser-performer-face (~ emms-browser-artist-face))
- (emms-browser-year-face (~ emms-browser-artist-face))
- (emms-browser-year/genre-face (~ emms-browser-artist-face))
- (fill-column-indicator (c ,zenburn-bg+1))
- (font-lock-function-name-face (c ,zenburn-yellow) nbf)
- (fringe (c ,zenburn-fg-05 nil))
- (gnus-cite-1 (c "#b8b8b0"))
- (gnus-cite-2 (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-cite-3 (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-cite-4 (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-group-mail-1 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-mail-2 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-mail-3 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-mail-4 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-mail-5 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-mail-6 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-news-1 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-news-2 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-news-3 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-news-4 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-news-5 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-news-6 (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (gnus-group-news-1-empty (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-group-news-2-empty (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-group-news-3-empty (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-group-news-4-empty (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-group-news-5-empty (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-group-news-6-empty (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (gnus-summary-cancelled (c ,zenburn-red) st)
- (gnus-summary-normal-ancient (c ,zenburn-fg-05))
- (header-line (c ,zenburn-fg ,zenburn-bg+1))
- (isearch (c nil ,zenburn-bg+1))
- (ivy-confirm (c ,zenburn-blue))
- (ivy-current-match (c ,zenburn-orange))
- (ivy-highlight-face (c ,zenburn-bg-08))
- (ivy-match-required-face (c ,zenburn-orange))
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight (c nil nil))
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 (c ,zenburn-yellow-2) ul)
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 (c ,zenburn-yellow-2) ul)
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 (c ,zenburn-yellow-2) ul)
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 (c ,zenburn-yellow-2) ul)
- (ivy-modified-buffer it)
- (ivy-subdir (c ,zenburn-green+2))
- (link (c ,zenburn-yellow) nbf nul)
- (link-visited (c ,zenburn-yellow-2) nbf nul)
- (lui-button-face (c ,zenburn-green+2))
- (lui-time-stamp-face (c ,zenburn-bg+3))
- (magit-diff-added-highlight (c ,zenburn-fg+1 ,zenburn-green))
- (magit-hash (c ,zenburn-green))
- (match (c ,zenburn-orange) nbf)
- (mm-uu-extract (c nil ,zenburn-bg+1))
- (mode-line (c ,zenburn-fg ,zenburn-bg+1) ,@box)
- (mode-line-buffer-id (c ,zenburn-yellow nil) bf)
- (mode-line-buffer-id-inactive (c ,zenburn-fg-1 nil) nbf)
- (mode-line-inactive (~ header-line) ,@box)
- (org-block nil)
- (org-ellipsis (c ,zenburn-yellow) nul bf)
- (powerline-active1 (c nil ,zenburn-bg+1))
- (powerline-active2 (c nil ,zenburn-bg+3))
- (powerline-inactive1 (c nil ,zenburn-bg+1))
- (powerline-inactive2 (c nil ,zenburn-bg+2))
- (rcirc-track-nick (c ,zenburn-orange))
- (spaceline-read-only (c "black" ,zenburn-blue-3))
- (spaceline-modified (c "black" ,zenburn-blue-2))
- (spaceline-unmodified (c nil ,zenburn-green-1))
- (slack-channel-button-face (~ link))
- (slack-message-mention-face (p f01))
- (slack-message-mention-keyword-face (p f01))
- (slack-message-mention-me-face (p error))
- (slack-message-output-header (c ,zenburn-yellow) it)
- (slack-message-output-text nil)
- (slack-new-message-marker-face (p warning))
- (slack-preview-face (c ,zenburn-green))
- (slack-search-result-message-header-face it)
- (slack-user-profile-header-face (p f01))
- (slack-user-profile-property-name-face bf)
- (TeX-error-description-error (c ,zenburn-red))
- (vertical-border (c ,zenburn-bg+2))
- (w3m-anchor (~ link))
- (w3m-arrived-anchor (~ visited-link))
- (w3m-form-button (c ,zenburn-green+2 ,zenburn-bg+1))
- (w3m-header-line-location-content (c ,zenburn-yellow))
- (w3m-header-line-location-title nil)
- (w3m-image-anchor (~ w3m-anchor) (c nil ,zenburn-bg+2))
- (w3m-tab-background (~ mode-line))
- (w3m-tab-selected (c ,zenburn-red+1 ,zenburn-bg) bf bx)
- (w3m-tab-unselected (c ,zenburn-fg "grey30") bx)
- (w3m-tab-selected-background (~ w3m-tab-selected))
- (w3m-tab-unselected-unseen (~ w3m-tab-unselected))))))
- (apply 'custom-theme-set-faces (cons 'zenburn f))
- (custom-theme-set-variables 'zenburn `(fci-rule-color ,zenburn-bg+1))))
-(provide 'jao-zenburn-theme)