diff options
2 files changed, 140 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 367a606..c528854 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -683,139 +683,24 @@
(defvar jao-notify-audio-icon (jao-data-file "music-player-icon.png"))
*** tracking
-***** Package
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (use-package tracking
- :demand t
- :init (setq tracking-position 'before-modes
- tracking-frame-behavior nil
- tracking-most-recent-first nil
- tracking-max-mode-line-entries 10
- tracking-sort-faces-first t
- tracking-shorten-modes '())
- :config
- (setq erc-track-enable-keybindings nil)
- (defun jao-tracking-next-buffer ()
- (interactive)
- (tracking-next-buffer)
- (jao-minibuffer-refresh))
- :bind (("C-c C-SPC" . jao-tracking-next-buffer)))
- (defun jao-tracking-faces (&rest faces)
- (dolist (face faces)
- (add-to-list 'tracking-faces-priorities face)))
- #+end_src
-***** Shorten
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (require 'shorten)
- (defun jao-shorten-modes (&rest modes)
- (dolist (m modes) (add-to-list 'tracking-shorten-modes m)))
- (defun jao-tracking--clean-slack (s)
- (let ((s (replace-regexp-in-string
- "^\\*Slack - .*? : \\(mpdm-\\)?\\([^ ]+\\)\\( \\(T\\)\\)?.*"
- "#\\2\\4"
- s)))
- (replace-regexp-in-string "^[^a-zA-Z#]+" "#" s)))
- (defun jao-tracking-shorten-aggressively (lst tail-count)
- (let* ((s (shorten-join-sans-tail lst tail-count)))
- (if (string-match-p "^#" s) (substring s 1 nil) s)))
- (defun jao-tracking-split-clean (s)
- (shorten-split (jao-tracking--clean-slack s)))
- (defun jao-tracking-shorten (old-func &rest args)
- (let ((shorten-join-function #'jao-tracking-shorten-aggressively)
- (shorten-split-function #'jao-tracking-split-clean))
- (apply old-func args)))
- (advice-add #'tracking-shorten :around #'jao-tracking-shorten)
- #+end_src
-***** Minibuffer / proplog
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (defvar jao-tracking-string "")
- (setq jao-tracking-bkg
- (if (jao-colors-scheme-dark-p) "grey20" "grey93"))
- (defface jao-tracking-minibuffer `((t :background ,jao-tracking-bkg)) "")
- (defface jao-tracking-minibuffer-sep
- `((t :foreground ,jao-tracking-bkg :background ,jao-tracking-bkg)) "")
- (defun jao-tracking-set-log (v)
- (when (member window-system '(x))
- (x-change-window-property "_EMACS_LOG" v nil nil nil nil 0)))
- (jao-tracking-set-log "")
- (defun jao-tracking--buffer-str (s)
- (if (listp s)
- `(:propertize ,(plist-get s :propertize)
- face
- (jao-tracking-minibuffer
- ,@(when-let ((f (plist-get s 'face)))
- (jao-tracking-set-log " * ")
- (list f))))
- `(:propertize "|" face jao-tracking-minibuffer-sep)))
- (defun jao-tracking-build-str (new-val)
- (jao-tracking-set-log "")
- (if (listp new-val)
- (mapcar #'jao-tracking--buffer-str new-val)
- new-val))
- (defun jao-tracking-echo (sym new-val op where)
- (setq jao-tracking-string (jao-tracking-build-str new-val))
- (jao-minibuffer-refresh))
- (jao-minibuffer-add-variable 'jao-tracking-string -10)
- (add-variable-watcher 'tracking-mode-line-buffers #'jao-tracking-echo)
- ;; since we're using the minibuffer, forget the mode line
- (advice-add #'tracking-mode :override
- (lambda (&optional _) (interactive)))
- #+end_src
-***** Additional highlighting
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (defvar jao-tracking-highlight-rx "$^")
- (defun jao-tracking-add-buffer (old-func &rest args)
- (let* ((buffer (car args))
- (faces (if (and buffer
- (string-match-p jao-tracking-highlight-rx
- (buffer-name buffer)))
- (cons 'lui-highlight-face (cadr args))
- (cadr args))))
- (funcall old-func buffer faces)))
- (advice-add #'tracking-add-buffer :around #'jao-tracking-add-buffer)
- (jao-tracking-faces 'lui-highlight-face)
- #+end_src
-*** notification server
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (use-package ednc
- :ensure t
- :diminish)
- (use-package jao-ednc
- :after ednc
- :commands (jao-ednc-setup)
+ (use-package tracking
+ :demand t
+ :init (setq tracking-position 'before-modes
+ tracking-frame-behavior nil
+ tracking-most-recent-first nil
+ tracking-max-mode-line-entries 10
+ tracking-sort-faces-first t
+ tracking-shorten-modes '())
- (defhydra jao-hydra-ednc (:color blue)
- "Notifications"
- ("s" jao-ednc-show "show last")
- ("d" jao-ednc-dismiss "dismiss last")
- ("D" jao-ednc-dismiss-all "dismiss all")
- ("i" jao-ednc-invoke-last-action "invoke last action")
- ("n" jao-ednc-pop "show all"))
- (jao-ednc-ignore-app "Spotify")
- (jao-ednc-ignore-app "NetworkManager")
- :bind (("s-n" . jao-hydra-ednc/body)
- ("H-s-n" . jao-hydra-ednc/body)))
- #+end_src
+ (setq erc-track-enable-keybindings nil)
+ :bind (("C-c C-SPC" . tracking-next-buffer)))
+ (use-package jao-minibuffer-tracking
+ :demand t
+ :init (setq jao-tracking-bkg
+ (if (jao-colors-scheme-dark-p) "grey20" "grey93")))
+ #+end_src
* Calendar, diary, weather
*** Diary
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
diff --git a/lib/eos/jao-tracking.el b/lib/eos/jao-tracking.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1397791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/eos/jao-tracking.el
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+;;; jao-minibuffer-tracking.el --- Tracking notifications in minibuffer -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2021 jao
+;; Author: jao <>
+;; Keywords: convenience
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'tracking)
+(require 'shorten)
+(require 'jao-minibuffer)
+;; shorten
+(defun jao-shorten-modes (&rest modes)
+ (dolist (m modes) (add-to-list 'tracking-shorten-modes m)))
+(defun jao-tracking--clean-slack (s)
+ (let ((s (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "^\\*Slack - .*? : \\(mpdm-\\)?\\([^ ]+\\)\\( \\(T\\)\\)?.*"
+ "#\\2\\4"
+ s)))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "^[^a-zA-Z#]+" "#" s)))
+(defun jao-tracking-shorten-aggressively (lst tail-count)
+ (let* ((s (shorten-join-sans-tail lst tail-count)))
+ (if (string-match-p "^#" s) (substring s 1 nil) s)))
+(defun jao-tracking-split-clean (s)
+ (shorten-split (jao-tracking--clean-slack s)))
+(defun jao-tracking-shorten (old-func &rest args)
+ (let ((shorten-join-function #'jao-tracking-shorten-aggressively)
+ (shorten-split-function #'jao-tracking-split-clean))
+ (apply old-func args)))
+(advice-add #'tracking-shorten :around #'jao-tracking-shorten)
+;; additional highlighting
+(defvar jao-tracking-highlight-rx "$^")
+(defun jao-tracking-faces (&rest faces)
+ (dolist (face faces)
+ (add-to-list 'tracking-faces-priorities face)))
+(defun jao-tracking-add-buffer (old-func &rest args)
+ (let* ((buffer (car args))
+ (faces (if (and buffer
+ (string-match-p jao-tracking-highlight-rx
+ (buffer-name buffer)))
+ (cons 'lui-highlight-face (cadr args))
+ (cadr args))))
+ (funcall old-func buffer faces)))
+(advice-add 'tracking-add-buffer :around #'jao-tracking-add-buffer)
+(jao-tracking-faces 'lui-highlight-face)
+;; minibuffer
+(defvar jao-tracking-string "")
+(defvar jao-tracking-bkg "grey93")
+(defface jao-tracking-minibuffer `((t :background ,jao-tracking-bkg)) ""
+ :group 'faces)
+(defface jao-tracking-minibuffer-sep
+ `((t :foreground ,jao-tracking-bkg :background ,jao-tracking-bkg)) ""
+ :group 'faces)
+(defun jao-tracking-set-log (v)
+ (when (member window-system '(x))
+ (x-change-window-property "_EMACS_LOG" v nil nil nil nil 0)))
+(jao-tracking-set-log "")
+(defun jao-tracking--buffer-str (s)
+ (if (listp s)
+ `(:propertize ,(plist-get s :propertize)
+ face
+ (jao-tracking-minibuffer
+ ,@(when-let ((f (plist-get s 'face)))
+ (jao-tracking-set-log " * ")
+ (list f))))
+ `(:propertize "|" face jao-tracking-minibuffer-sep)))
+(defun jao-tracking-build-str (new-val)
+ (jao-tracking-set-log "")
+ (if (listp new-val)
+ (mapcar #'jao-tracking--buffer-str new-val)
+ new-val))
+(defun jao-tracking-update-minibuffer (&rest _)
+ (setq jao-tracking-string (jao-tracking-build-str (tracking-status)))
+ (jao-minibuffer-refresh))
+(advice-add 'force-mode-line-update :after #'jao-tracking-update-minibuffer)
+(defun jao-tracking-echo (_sym new-val _op _where)
+ (setq jao-tracking-string (jao-tracking-build-str new-val))
+ (jao-minibuffer-refresh))
+(jao-minibuffer-add-variable 'jao-tracking-string -10)
+;; (add-variable-watcher 'tracking-mode-line-buffers #'jao-tracking-echo)
+;; since we're using the minibuffer, forget the mode line
+(advice-add #'tracking-mode :override (lambda (&optional _) (interactive)))
+(provide 'jao-tracking)
+;;; jao-minibuffer-tracking.el ends here