path: root/mixgtk/mixgtk_mixvm.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2006-03-15(init_mem_): fixed segfault when clicking Memory title bar (fixes #15910).Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2005-09-20New FSF addressJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2004-07-04new menu item to change all fonts at once.Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2004-07-02go to dialog handling simplified.Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2004-06-30detachable windows in gtk+2Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2004-06-24almost complete (barring bugs) reimplementation of all gmixvm functionality i...Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2004-06-23First, incomplete port to gtk 2.0. Basic functionality in place.Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2002-04-10_() i18n macro added to all strings missing itJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2002-04-09sprintf -> g_snprintfJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2002-04-09portability fix: snprintf -> g_snprintfJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-08-28guile integrationJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-08-20memory leak fixedJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-06-27hot split swapJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-06-24split windows modeJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-05-24deferred dialog creationJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-05-190.3.2 releaseJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-03-22initial import (sf 0.3beta)Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz