path: root/src
diff options
authorjao <>2020-08-08 00:54:00 +0100
committerjao <>2020-08-08 00:54:00 +0100
commit41b05855906fc751eceb6ae699c524e22d1c84cf (patch)
tree3eea0ca82ef6d1ac7b6bcfb7d69881dfe6fc59e6 /src
parentfb73fdfc8dc9162165787fd2060363333145b069 (diff)
fun with font awesome
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 55 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/TopC.hs b/src/TopC.hs
index 12fb0de..3e5748a 100644
--- a/src/TopC.hs
+++ b/src/TopC.hs
@@ -18,56 +18,64 @@ pollMPD light =
MPD [ "-T", "120", "-W", "10", "-E", "โ€ฆ", "-t", tm, "--", "-p", "6600"] 20
where tm = " <remaining> " ++ mpdt light
+-- mprisName = "MellowPlayer3"
+mprisName = "spotifyd"
musicPipe = PipeReader "/tmp/music" "musicpipe"
-music light = toggleMonitor "/tmp/" musicPipe (autoMPD light)
+musicMPRIS p = mpris p mprisName 180
+-- music light = toggleMonitor "/tmp/" musicPipe (pollMPD light)
+music p = toggleMonitor "/tmp/" (musicMPRIS p) (pollMPD (pIsLight p))
-- <fn=1> ๐Ÿ’ก </fn>
config p = (baseConfig p) {
position = TopSize C 100 (defaultHeight - 1)
, textOffset = defaultHeight - 8
, textOffsets = [defaultHeight - 9, defaultHeight - 9,
- defaultHeight - 6, defaultHeight - 8]
+ defaultHeight - 6, defaultHeight - 8,
+ -1, defaultHeight - 8]
, border = FullB
, alpha = 255
, commands = [ Run (topProcL p)
, Run m
, Run (thinkTemp p)
- , Run (mail p)
+-- , Run (mail p)
, Run (cpuBars p)
, Run memory
, Run (diskU p)
, Run (diskIOL p)
- , Run brightness'
+-- , Run brightness'
, Run kbd
- , Run (batt p)
+ , Run (miniBatt p)
, Run (wireless p "wlp1s0")
, Run (dynNetwork p)
, Run proton0
, Run w -- LEGE, LEBL, KCV0
- , Run masterVol
+ , Run (masterVol p)
, Run captureVol
- , Run laTime
+-- , Run laTime
, Run localTime
- , template = " |batt0| "
- ++ "|bright| "
+ , template = " "
+ ++ "|batt0| "
+-- ++ "|bright| "
++ "<action=` nm-applet`>|proton0||wlp1s0wi|</action> "
++ "|dynnetwork| "
++ "<action=` pasystray`>|default:Master| \
\|default:Capture|</action> "
- ++ "<action=` /tmp/`>|" ++ ma ++ "|</action>"
- ++ fn 1 " |kbd|"
+ ++ "<action=` /tmp/`>" ++ ma ++ "</action>"
+ ++ " |kbd|"
++ " {} "
- ++ "|mail|"
- ++ "|multicoretemp| "
+-- ++ "|mail|"
++ "|multicpu| "
+ ++ "|multicoretemp| "
++ " |top| "
++ "|memory| "
++ fc "grey60" "|diskio|" ++ " |disku| "
++ " |EGPH| "
- ++ fn 2 "๐Ÿ•“ " ++ "|datetime| |laTime| "
- } where m = music (pIsLight p)
- ma = alias m
+ ++ fni "\xf017 " ++ "|datetime| "
+ } where m = music p
+ ma = fc "grey40" (fni "\xf001 ") ++ "|" ++ alias m ++ "|"
w = (weather' "<skyConditionS> <tempC>ยฐ <weather>" "EGPH" p)
main :: IO ()
diff --git a/src/lib/Config.hs b/src/lib/Config.hs
index b4db0b9..0cc4f8b 100644
--- a/src/lib/Config.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Config.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Config (
Palette(..), baseConfig, palette, (<~>), (>~<),
- mkArgs, defaultHeight, fc, fn)
+ mkArgs, defaultHeight, fc, fn, fni)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ data Palette = Palette { pNormal :: String
fc color thing = "<fc=" ++ color ++ ">" ++ thing ++ "</fc>"
fn n thing = "<fn=" ++ show n ++ ">" ++ thing ++ "</fn>"
+fni = fn 6
lightTheme :: IO Bool
lightTheme = fmap (== Just "light") (lookupEnv "JAO_COLOR_SCHEME")
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ darkPalette = Palette { pNormal = zenburnFg
, pBorder = "black" -- zenburnBackLight
, pForeground = zenburnFg
, pBackground = doomBack -- zenburnBack
- , pAlpha = 100
+ , pAlpha = 0
, pIconRoot = icons "dark"
, pIsLight = False
@@ -81,7 +82,8 @@ baseConfig p = defaultConfig {
, "xft:Symbola-10"
, "xft:Symbola-11"
, "xft:Symbola-11"
- , "xft:Hack-7"]
+ , "xft:Hack-7"
+ , "xft:FontAwesome-9"]
, border = NoBorder
, alpha = pAlpha p
, overrideRedirect = True
diff --git a/src/lib/Monitors.hs b/src/lib/Monitors.hs
index a7dbf9a..99cd1ce 100644
--- a/src/lib/Monitors.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Monitors.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ topProc' p = TopProc (p <~> ["-t" , "<mboth1> <mboth2> <mboth3> \
\ยท <both1> <both2> <both3>"
, "-w", "10", "-L" , "10", "-H", "80"]) 15
-wireless p n = Wireless n (p >~< ["-t" , "<essid> <quality>"
+wireless p n = Wireless n (p >~< ["-t" , fc (pLow p) (fni "\xf1eb " ++ "<essid>")
+ -- <quality>
, "-W", "5", "-M", "15" , "-m", "3"
, "-L", "20", "-H", "80"]) 20
@@ -112,6 +113,24 @@ batt p =
, "-H", "10", "-L", "7"
, "-h", pHigh p, "-l", pLow p] 50 "batt0"
+miniBatt p =
+ BatteryN ["BAT0"]
+ ["-t", "<acstatus>"
+ , "-S", "Off", "-d", "0", "-m", "3"
+ , "-L", "10", "-H", "90", "-p", "3"
+ , "-W", "0", "-f",
+ "\xf244\xf243\xf243\xf243\xf242\xf242\xf242\xf241\xf241\xf240"
+ , "--low", pHigh p, "--normal", pNormal p, "--high", pLow p
+ , "--"
+ , "-P"
+ , "-a", "notify-send -u critical 'Battery running out!!!!!!'"
+ , "-A", "5"
+ , "-i", fni "\xf1e6"
+ , "-O", fni "<leftbar> \xf1e6" ++ " <timeleft>"
+ , "-o", fni "<leftbar>" ++ " <timeleft>"
+ , "-H", "10", "-L", "7"
+ , "-h", pHigh p, "-l", pLow p] 50 "batt0"
thinkTemp p =
MultiCoreTemp (mkArgs p
["-t", "<core1>ยฐC", "-L", "40", "-H", "70", "-d", "0"]
@@ -156,19 +175,21 @@ masterVol p =
Volume "default" "Master"
["-t", "<status> <volume>"
, "--", "-C", pForeground p, "-c", "sienna4"
- , "-O", fn 2 "๐ŸŽง"
- , "-o", fn 4 "๐Ÿ”‡"] 10
+ , "-O", fni "\xf025" -- "\xf130" -- fn 2 "๐ŸŽง"
+ , "-o", fn 4 "๐Ÿ”‡"
+ ] 10
captureVol = Volume "default" "Capture" ["-t", "<volume>"] 10
-kbd = Kbd [("us", ""), ("us(intl)", " โƒฃ")]
+kbd = Kbd [("us", ""), ("us(intl)", fni " \xf11c")] -- " โƒฃ"
brightness = Brightness ["--", "-D", "intel_backlight"] 10
brightness' = Brightness ["--", "-D", "amdgpu_bl0", "-C", "brightness"] 10
memory = Memory ["-t","<available> M", "-p", "2", "-W", "7"] 20
-netdev name = Network name ["-t", "<up>", "-x", "", "--", "--up", fn 2 "๐Ÿ” "] 20
+netdev name =
+ Network name ["-t", "<up>", "-x", "", "--", "--up", fni "\xf0e8 "] 20 -- fn 2 "๐Ÿ” "
proton0 = netdev "proton0"
laTime = DateZone "%H" "en_US" "US/Pacific" "laTime" 10