path: root/src
diff options
authorjao <>2022-08-13 17:15:15 +0100
committerjao <>2022-08-13 17:15:15 +0100
commitf62d3d8c2bc488f26fa21a3f824879d614570aec (patch)
treec28fedc2bea27e7cc85df7d0e0b2fc9ee5bc1de9 /src
parentc94a9349d25394726456efc8b1dbcca8385b1b77 (diff)
lib: clean ups
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 549 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Bottom.hs b/src/lib/Bottom.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b2b6c9..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Bottom.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-module Bottom (config) where
-import Xmobar
-import Config
-import Monitors
--- โฑ
-config cs tpl p = (baseConfig p) {
- position = BottomSize C 100 defaultHeight
- , textOffset = defaultHeight - 6
- , textOffsets = [defaultHeight - 6, defaultHeight - 6,
- defaultHeight - 4, defaultHeight - 8,
- defaultHeight - 7]
- , border = TopB
- , template = "|tray| \
- \<action=` nm-applet`>|proton0||wlp1s0wi|</action> \
- \ |dynnetwork| \
- \ <action=` pasystray`>|default:Master|\
- \ |default:Capture|</action> <fn=2>๐ŸŽต</fn>"
- ++ tpl
- ++ " {} |mail| |EGPH| \
- \ <fn=2>๐Ÿ—“ </fn>|uptime| <fn=2>๐Ÿ•“ </fn>|datetime| |laTime| "
- , commands = [ Run (uptime p)
- , Run (wireless p "wlp1s0")
- , Run (dynNetwork p)
- , Run proton0
- , Run (weather "EGPH" p) -- LEGE, LEBL, KCV0
- , Run trayPadding
- , Run (mail p)
- , Run (masterVol p)
- , Run captureVol
- , Run laTime
- , Run localTime
- ] ++ cs
diff --git a/src/lib/Config.hs b/src/lib/Config.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e1b2bb..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Config.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-module Config (
- Palette(..), baseConfig, palette, (<~>), (>~<),
- mkArgs, defaultHeight, fc, fn, fni)
- where
-import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
-import Xmobar
-defaultHeight :: Int
-defaultHeight = 24
-data Palette = Palette { pNormal :: String
- , pLow :: String
- , pHigh :: String
- , pDim :: String
- , pFont :: String
- , pBorder :: String
- , pForeground :: String
- , pBackground :: String
- , pAlpha :: Int
- , pIconRoot :: String
- , pIsLight :: Bool
- , pWm :: Maybe String
- }
-fc color thing = "<fc=" ++ color ++ ">" ++ thing ++ "</fc>"
-fn n thing = "<fn=" ++ show n ++ ">" ++ thing ++ "</fn>"
-fni = fn 6
-lightTheme :: IO Bool
-lightTheme = fmap (== Just "light") (lookupEnv "JAO_COLOR_SCHEME")
-icons k = "/home/jao/.config/xmobar/icons/" ++ k
-lightPalette :: Palette
-lightPalette = Palette { pNormal = "#000000"
- , pLow = "#4d4d4d"
- , pHigh = "#a0522d"
- , pDim = "#999999"
- , pFont = "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono-8"
- , pBorder = "#cccccc"
- , pForeground = "#000000"
- , pBackground = "#ffffff"
- , pAlpha = 229
- , pIconRoot = icons "light"
- , pIsLight = True
- , pWm = Nothing
- }
-zenburnRed = "#CC9393"
--- zenburnBack = "#2B2B2B"
-zenburnBack = "#1f1f1f"
-zenburnBackLight = "#383838"
-zenburnFg = "#989890" -- "#DCDCCC"
-zenburnYl = "#F0DFAF"
-zenburnGreen = "#7F9F7F"
-doomBack = "#22242b"
-darkPalette :: Palette
-darkPalette = Palette { pNormal = zenburnFg
- , pLow = "darkseagreen4" -- zenburnGreen
- , pHigh = zenburnRed
- , pFont = "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono-8"
- , pDim = "#7f7f7f"
- , pBorder = "#000000" -- zenburnBackLight
- , pForeground = zenburnFg
- , pBackground = doomBack -- zenburnBack
- , pAlpha = 255
- , pIconRoot = icons "dark"
- , pIsLight = False
- , pWm = Nothing
- }
-palette :: IO Palette
-palette = do
- light <- lightTheme
- wm <- lookupEnv "wm"
- let p = if light then lightPalette else darkPalette
- return $ p {pWm = wm}
-baseConfig :: Palette -> Config
-baseConfig p = defaultConfig {
- font = pFont p
- , borderColor = pBorder p
- , fgColor = pForeground p
- , bgColor = pBackground p
- , additionalFonts = [ "xft:Symbola-9"
- , "xft:Symbola-10"
- , "xft:Symbola-11"
- , "xft:Symbola-11"
- , "xft:Symbola-12"
- , "xft:FontAwesome-10"
- , "xft:FontAwesome-9"]
- , border = NoBorder
- , alpha = pAlpha p
- , overrideRedirect = True
- , lowerOnStart = True
- , hideOnStart = False
- , allDesktops = True
- , persistent = True
- , sepChar = "|"
- , alignSep = "{}"
- , iconRoot = pIconRoot p
- }
-(<~>) :: Palette -> [String] -> [String]
-(<~>) p args =
- args ++ [ "--low", pLow p , "--normal", pNormal p , "--high", pHigh p]
-(>~<) :: Palette -> [String] -> [String]
-(>~<) p args =
- args ++ [ "--low", pHigh p , "--normal", pNormal p , "--high", pLow p]
-mkArgs :: Palette -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
-mkArgs p args extra = concat [p <~> args, ["--"], extra]
diff --git a/src/lib/GMPDP.hs b/src/lib/GMPDP.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c8ad17..0000000
--- a/src/lib/GMPDP.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveGeneric #-}
-module GMPDP where
-import Data.Aeson
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
-import GHC.Generics
-import Xmobar
-import Control.Monad (when, guard)
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import System.INotify (Event(..), EventVariety(..), initINotify, addWatch)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (ByteString, pack)
--- | Type of each JSON entry in record syntax.
-data Song =
- Song { title :: !String
- , artist :: !String
- , album :: !String
- } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic)
-data PlayTime =
- PlayTime { current :: !Int
- , total :: !Int
- } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic)
-data GMPDPStatus =
- GMPDPStatus { song :: Song
- , time :: PlayTime
- } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic)
--- Instances to convert our type to/from JSON.
-instance FromJSON Song
-instance FromJSON PlayTime
-instance FromJSON GMPDPStatus
--- | Location of the local copy, in case you have it,
--- of the JSON file.
-jsonFile :: FilePath
-jsonFile = "/home/jao/.config/Google Play Music Desktop Player/json_store/playback.json"
-getJSON :: IO B.ByteString
-getJSON = B.readFile jsonFile
-getGMPDPStatus :: IO (Maybe GMPDPStatus)
-getGMPDPStatus = do
- s <- (eitherDecode <$> getJSON) :: IO (Either String GMPDPStatus)
- case s of
- Left _ -> return Nothing
- Right r -> return $ Just r
-newtype GMPDP = GMPDP String deriving (Show,Read,Generic)
-handleNotification :: TVar (Maybe GMPDPStatus) -> Event -> IO ()
-handleNotification v _ =
- getGMPDPStatus >>= \s -> atomically $ writeTVar v s
-formatStatus Nothing = ""
-formatStatus (Just s) =
- fmtt (current $ time s) ++ "/" ++ fmtt (total $ time s) ++
- " " ++ title (song s) ++ " <fc=sienna4>" ++ album (song s) ++ "</fc>" ++
- " " ++ artist (song s)
- where fmtt ms = let s = ms `div` 1000
- sr x = if x < 10 then "0" ++ show x else show x
- in sr (s `div` 60) ++ ":" ++ sr (s `mod` 60)
-changeLoop :: Eq a => STM a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-changeLoop s f = atomically s >>= go
- where
- go old = do
- f old
- go =<< atomically (do
- new <- s
- guard (new /= old)
- return new)
-instance Exec GMPDP where
- alias (GMPDP a) = a
- start (GMPDP _) cb = do
- i <- initINotify
- s <- getGMPDPStatus
- v <- newTVarIO s
- addWatch i [CloseWrite] (BS.pack jsonFile) (handleNotification v)
- changeLoop (readTVar v) $ \s -> cb (formatStatus s)
diff --git a/src/lib/Monitors.hs b/src/lib/Monitors.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index f09631b..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Monitors.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-module Monitors where
-import Xmobar
-import Config
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.Async (async)
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import qualified Data.Char as Char
-import qualified Text.Printf as Printf
-data CombinedMonitor a b = CombinedMonitor a b (String -> String -> String)
-instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (CombinedMonitor a b) where
- show (CombinedMonitor a b _) = "Alt (" ++ show a ++ ") (" ++ show b ++ ")"
-instance (Read a, Read b) => Read (CombinedMonitor a b) where
- readsPrec _ = undefined
-instance (Exec a, Exec b) => Exec (CombinedMonitor a b) where
- alias (CombinedMonitor a b _) = alias a ++ "_" ++ alias b
- rate (CombinedMonitor a b _) = min (rate a) (rate b)
- start (CombinedMonitor a b comb) cb
- = startMonitors a b (\s t -> cb $ comb s t)
-startMonitors a b cmb = do
- sta <- atomically $ newTVar ""
- stb <- atomically $ newTVar ""
- _ <- async $ start a (atomically . writeTVar sta)
- _ <- async $ start b (atomically . writeTVar stb)
- go sta stb
- where go sta' stb' = do
- s <- readTVarIO sta'
- t <- readTVarIO stb'
- cmb s t
- tenthSeconds $ min (rate b) (rate a)
- go sta' stb'
-guardedMonitor a p = CombinedMonitor (PipeReader p (alias a ++ "_g")) a f
- where f s t = if null s || head s == '0' then "" else t
-altMonitor a b = CombinedMonitor a b (\s t -> if null s then t else s)
-concatMonitor sep a b = CombinedMonitor a b (\s t -> s ++ sep ++ t)
-toggleMonitor path a = altMonitor (guardedMonitor a path)
-topProc p = TopProc (p <~> ["-t" , "<mboth3> <mboth2> <mboth1> \
- \ยท <both3> <both2> <both1>"
- , "-w", "10", "-L" , "10", "-H", "80"]) 15
-topProc' p = TopProc (p <~> ["-t" , "<mboth1> <mboth2> <mboth3> \
- \ยท <both1> <both2> <both3>"
- , "-w", "10", "-L" , "10", "-H", "80"]) 15
-wireless p n = Wireless n (p >~< ["-t", "<essid>"
- -- fc (pLow p) (fni "\xf1eb " ++ "<essid>")
- -- <quality>\xf09e
- , "-W", "5", "-M", "15" , "-m", "3"
- , "-L", "20", "-H", "80"]) 20
-cpu p = MultiCpu (p <~> ["-t", "<total>"
- , "-S", "on", "-c", " " , "-L", "30", "-H", "70"
- , "-p", "3", "-a", "l"]) 10
-multiCPU p = MultiCpu (p <~> ["-t", "<autototal>"
- , "-S", "on", "-b", " ", "-f", "*"
- , "-c", " " , "-L", "30", "-H", "70"
- , "-p", "3", "-a", "l"]) 10
-cpuBars p = MultiCpu (mkArgs p
- ["--template" , "<autoipat> <total>%"
- , "-L", "50", "-H", "85", "-w", "3"]
- ["--fallback-icon-pattern", "<icon=load_%%.xpm/>"
- , "--contiguous-icons"])
- 10
-cpuFreq p = CpuFreq (p <~> ["-t" , "<avg> <max> <min> <cpu0> <cpu1> <cpu2> <cpu3>"
- , "-L", "1", "-H", "2", "-S", "Off" , "-d", "2"]) 50
--- โค’โคŠโ โŠผ โ‡ง โ‡ฉ โŽ— โŽ˜
-dynNetwork p = DynNetwork (p <~> ["-t", fn 1 "โ†‘ " ++ "<tx> " ++ fn 1 "โ†“" ++ " <rx>"
- , "-L", "20", "-H", "1024000"
- , "-m", "5", "-W", "10", "-S", "Off"]) 10
-uptime p = Uptime (p <~> [ "-t" , "<days> <hours>", "-m", "3", "-c", "0", "-S"
- , "On" , "-L", "10", "-H", "100"]) 600
-weather' tmp st p =
- WeatherX st
- [ ("", fc (pDim p) "") -- "๐Ÿงš"
- , ("clear", fn 4 "๐ŸŒฃ")
- , ("sunny", fc (pHigh p) $ fn 4 "๐ŸŒฃ")
- , ("fair", fn 4 "๐ŸŒฃ")
- , ("mostly clear", fn 4 "๐ŸŒค")
- , ("mostly sunny", fn 4 "๐ŸŒค")
- , ("partly sunny", fn 3 "โ›…")
- , ("obscured", fn 4 "๐ŸŒ") -- ๐ŸŒซ
- , ("cloudy", fn 3 "โ˜")
- -- , ("overcast", fn 3 "โ˜")
- , ("overcast", fn 3 "โ˜๏ธ")
- , ("partly cloudy", fn 3 "โ›…")
- -- , ("mostly cloudy", fn 3 "โ˜")
- , ("mostly cloudy", fn 3 "โ˜๏ธ")
- , ("considerable cloudiness", fn 4 "โ›ˆ")
- , ("light rain", fn 4 "๐ŸŒง")
- , ("rain", fn 4 "โ›†")
- , ("ice crystals", snow)
- , ("light snow", fn 3 "๐ŸŒจ")
- , ("snow", snow)
- ]
- (mkArgs p ["-t", tmp , "-L","10", "-H", "25" , "-T", "25", "-E", ".."]
- ["-w", ""])
- 18000
- where snow = fni "\xf2dc"
-weather = weather' "<skyConditionS> <tempC>ยฐ <rh>% <windKmh> (<hour>)"
--- "" ++ fnn 3 "%c" ++ "+%t+%C+%w++" ++ fnn 1 "%m"
--- , Run (ComX "curl" [wttrURL "Edinburgh"] "" "wttr" 18000)
-wttrURL l = "" ++ l ++ "?format=" ++ fmt
- where fmt = fnn 2 "+%c+" ++ "+%t+%C+" ++ fn 5 "%w"
- fnn n x = urlEncode ("<fn=" ++ show n ++ ">") ++ x ++ urlEncode "</fn>"
- encode c
- | c == ' ' = "+"
- | Char.isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "-._~" = [c]
- | otherwise = Printf.printf "%%%02X" c
- urlEncode = concatMap encode
-batt p =
- BatteryN ["BAT0"]
- ["-t", "<acstatus> <left>"
- , "-S", "Off", "-d", "0", "-m", "3"
- , "-L", "10", "-H", "90", "-p", "3"
- , "--low", pHigh p, "--normal", pNormal p, "--high", pLow p
- , "--"
- , "-P"
- , "-a", "notify-send -u critical 'Battery running out!!!!!!'"
- , "-A", "7"
- , "-i", fn 2 "\9211"
- , "-O", fn 2 " \9211" ++ " <timeleft> <watts>"
- , "-o", fn 2 " ๐Ÿ”‹" ++ " <timeleft> <watts>"
- , "-H", "10", "-L", "7"
- , "-h", pHigh p, "-l", pLow p] 50 "batt0"
-iconBatt p =
- BatteryN ["BAT0"]
- ["-t", "<acstatus>"
- , "-S", "Off", "-d", "0", "-m", "3"
- , "-L", "10", "-H", "90", "-p", "3"
- , "-W", "0", "-f",
- "\xf244\xf243\xf243\xf243\xf242\xf242\xf242\xf241\xf241\xf240"
- , "--low", pHigh p, "--normal", pNormal p, "--high", pLow p
- , "--"
- , "-P"
- , "-a", "notify-send -u critical 'Battery running out!!!!!!'"
- , "-A", "5"
- , "-i", fni "\xf1e6"
- , "-O", fni "<leftbar> \xf1e6" ++ " <watts> <timeleft>"
- , "-o", fni "<leftbar>" ++ " <watts> <timeleft>"
- , "-H", "10", "-L", "7"
- , "-h", pHigh p, "-l", pLow p] 50 "batt0"
-rizenTemp p =
- K10Temp "0000:00:18.3"
- (mkArgs p ["-t", "<Tctl>ยฐC", "-L", "40", "-H", "70", "-d", "0"] []) 50
-thinkTemp p =
- MultiCoreTemp (mkArgs p
- ["-t", "<core1>ยฐC", "-L", "40", "-H", "70", "-d", "0"]
- []) 50
-avgCoretemp p =
- MultiCoreTemp (p <~> ["-t", "<avg>ยฐ"
- , "-L", "50", "-H", "75", "-d", "0"]) 50
-coreTemp p =
- MultiCoreTemp (p <~> ["-t", "<avg>ยฐ <max>ยฐ"
- , "-L", "50", "-H", "75", "-d", "0"]) 50
-load p =
- Load (p <~> ["-t" , "<load1> <load5> <load15>", "-L", "1", "-H", "3", "-d", "2"])
- 300
-diskU p =
- DiskU [("/", "<used>") , ("/media/sda", " s <used>")]
- (p <~> ["-L", "20", "-H", "70", "-m", "1", "-p", "3"])
- 20
-diskArgs p = mkArgs p
- ["-f", "โ–‘", "-b", " ", "-L", "10000000", "-H" , "100000000"
- , "-W", "5", "-w", "5", "-p", "3"]
- ["--total-icon-pattern", "<icon=load_%%.xpm/>", "-c"]
-diskIO p =
- DiskIO [("rivendell-vg/root", "<readb> <writeb> <totalbipat>")] (diskArgs p) 10
--- <fn=1>๐Ÿ“จ ๐Ÿ–… ๐Ÿ–ƒ ๐Ÿ“ฉ โœ‰ </fn>
--- (fni "\xf01c \xf03a \xf1fa \xf0e0 \xf1d8 ")
-mail p = MailX [ ("I", "jao/inbox", pHigh p)
- , ("b", "bigml/bugs", pHigh p)
- , ("B", "bigml/inbox", "")
- , ("S", "bigml/support", "")
- , ("H", "jao/hacking", "")
- , ("D", "jao/drivel", "")
- , ("D", "bigml/drivel", pDim p)
- , ("R", "feeds/rss", pDim p)
- , ("E", "feeds/emacs", pDim p)
- , ("P", "feeds/prog", pDim p)
- , ("B", "jao/bills", pDim p)
- , ("L", "bigml/lists", pDim p)
- ]
- [ "-d", "~/var/mail"
- -- , "-p", fc (pHigh p) $ fn 1 "โŽ˜ " -- fc (pLow p) (fni "\xf01c" ++ " ")
- , "-s", " "
- ]
- "mail"
-masterVol p =
- Volume "default" "Master"
- ["-t", "<status> <volume>"
- -- "<status> " ++ fni "<volumebar>" ++ " <volume>"
- -- , "-W", "0", "-f", "\xf026\xf026\xf027\xf027\xf028\xf028\xf028"
- , "--", "-C", pForeground p, "-c", "sienna4"
- -- , "-O", ""
- , "-O", fni "\xf025" -- "\xf130" -- fn 2 "๐ŸŽง"
- , "-o", fn 4 "๐Ÿ”‡"
- ] 10
-captureVol = Volume "default" "Capture" ["-t", "<volume>"] 10
-kbd p = Kbd [("us", ""), ("us(intl)", kbi pHigh)] -- kbi pDim
- where kbi a = fc (a p) (fni " \xf11c")
-brightness = Brightness ["--", "-D", "intel_backlight"] 10
-brightness' = Brightness ["--", "-D", "amdgpu_bl0", "-C", "brightness"] 10
-memory = Memory [ "-t" ,"<used>:<available>"
- , "-p", "2", "-W", "4","-d", "1"
- , "--", "--scale", "1024"] 20
-netdev name icon =
- Network name ["-t", "<up>", "-x", "", "--", "--up", icon] 20 -- fn 2 "๐Ÿ” "
-vpnMark n = netdev n $ fn 2 "๐Ÿ”’ " -- fni "\xf0e8 "
-proton0 = vpnMark "proton0"
-tun0 = vpnMark "tun0"
-laTime = DateZone "%H" "en_US" "US/Pacific" "laTime" 10
-localTime = Date "%a %d %R" "datetime" 10
-trayPadding = Com "" [] "tray" 20
diff --git a/src/lib/Music.hs b/src/lib/Music.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a2698c9..0000000
--- a/src/lib/Music.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-module Music where
-import Xmobar
-import Monitors
-import qualified Bottom
-import Config (defaultHeight, pIsLight, pHigh, fc, fni)
-import GMPDP (GMPDP(..))
-mpris p client width =
- Mpris2 client
- ["-t", fni "\xf1bc" ++ " <tracknumber> <title> " ++ fc (pHigh p) "<artist>"
- ++ " <album> <length> <composer>"
- , "-T", show width, "-E", "โ€ฆ", "-M", "100", "-x", ""] 40
-mprisConfig client p = Bottom.config [Run (mpris p client 165)] "|mpris2|" p
-mpd = MPD [ "-W", "12", "-b", "โ–‘", "-f", "โ–’", "-t"
- , " <lapsed> <fc=honeydew3><fn=5><bar></fn></fc>"] 10 -- fn=5
-mpdt' c0 c1 c2 = "<ppos>/<plength> "
- ++ fc c0 "<title> " ++ fc c1 "<artist> " ++ fc c2 "<album>"
- ++ " <composer> <date>"
-mpdt light =
- if light
- then mpdt' "darkolivegreen" "dodgerblue4" "burlywood4"
- else mpdt' "darkseagreen4" "darkslategray4" "burlywood4"
-autoMPD l lgt =
- AutoMPD [ "-T", l, "-E", "โ€ฆ", "-W", "10", "-t", "<length> " ++ mpdt lgt]
-mpdx a p i =
- MPDX [ "-W", "12", "-b", "โ–‘", "-f", "โ–’", "-t", "<statei> <remaining>"
- , "--", "-p", p, "-P", fni "\xf144", "-Z", fni i, "-S", fni i] 20 a
-mpdMon = mpdx "mpd" "6600" "\xf001"
-mopMon = mpdx "mopidy" "6669" "\xf1bc"
-mpdConfig p =
- (Bottom.config [Run mpd, Run (autoMPD "150" (pIsLight p))] "|mpd| |autompd|" p)
- {
- textOffsets = [defaultHeight - 7, defaultHeight - 6]
- }
-compMPD p = concatMonitor " " mpd (autoMPD "150" (pIsLight p))
-alt x p = altMonitor (mpris p x 165) (compMPD p)
-gpmd = Run (GMPDP "gmpdp")
-config cl p =
- if cl == "mpd"
- then mpdConfig p
- else Bottom.config [Run (alt cl p)] "|mpris2_mpd_autompd|" p