path: root/src/Plugins/Monitors
diff options
authorDaniel Schüssler <>2018-08-25 23:57:07 +0200
committerDaniel Schüssler <>2018-10-06 19:52:44 +0200
commit6d20569d5b9b7f7f408d9e05ee9aee370f9e58dc (patch)
tree38c23b7c7d8f41f6ad620238ada55c14ea7e68ca /src/Plugins/Monitors
parenta6b2dfc9c9b76fd6a9ec22d71d03b27d9b7689bb (diff)
Add event-based refreshing for Volume plugin (--monitor option)
This uses alsactl monitor for push/event-based updating instead of polling.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Plugins/Monitors')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Volume.hs b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Volume.hs
index 39697f7..4974e5b 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Volume.hs
+++ b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Volume.hs
@@ -12,15 +12,30 @@
-module Plugins.Monitors.Volume (runVolume, volumeConfig) where
+module Plugins.Monitors.Volume
+ ( startVolume
+ , runVolume
+ , volumeConfig
+ , getMonitorWaiter
+ , parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs
+ , VolumeOpts(refreshMode)
+ , RefreshMode(..)
+ ) where
+import Commands (tenthSeconds)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
-import Control.Monad ( liftM2, liftM3, mplus )
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad ( forever, liftM2, liftM3, mplus, void, when, unless )
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
import Plugins.Monitors.Common
import Sound.ALSA.Mixer
import qualified Sound.ALSA.Exception as AE
import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Directory
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO
+import System.Process
volumeConfig :: IO MConfig
volumeConfig = mkMConfig "Vol: <volume>% <status>"
@@ -35,8 +50,13 @@ data VolumeOpts = VolumeOpts
, highDbThresh :: Float
, lowDbThresh :: Float
, volumeIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
+ , refreshMode :: RefreshMode
+data RefreshMode = RefreshModePoll
+ | RefreshModeMonitor (Maybe FilePath) -- alsactl path
+ deriving(Eq,Show)
defaultOpts :: VolumeOpts
defaultOpts = VolumeOpts
{ onString = "[on] "
@@ -46,8 +66,12 @@ defaultOpts = VolumeOpts
, highDbThresh = -5.0
, lowDbThresh = -30.0
, volumeIconPattern = Nothing
+ , refreshMode = RefreshModePoll
+monitorOptionName :: String
+monitorOptionName = "monitor"
options :: [OptDescr (VolumeOpts -> VolumeOpts)]
options =
[ Option "O" ["on"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { onString = x }) "") ""
@@ -58,6 +82,8 @@ options =
, Option "c" ["offc"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { offColor = Just x }) "") ""
, Option "" ["volume-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
o { volumeIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
+ , Option "" [monitorOptionName] (OptArg (\x o ->
+ o { refreshMode = RefreshModeMonitor x }) "") ""
parseOpts :: [String] -> IO VolumeOpts
@@ -183,3 +209,89 @@ runVolume mixerName controlName argv = do
getFormatSwitch opts (Just sw) = formatSwitch opts sw
unavailable = getConfigValue naString
+parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs :: [String] -> IO VolumeOpts
+parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs args =
+ -- Drop generic Monitor args first
+ case getOpt Permute [] args of
+ (_, args', _) -> parseOpts args'
+startVolume :: String -> String -> [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+startVolume mixerName controlName args rate cb = do
+ opts <- parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs args
+ waitFunction <-
+ case refreshMode opts of
+ RefreshModePoll -> pure $ tenthSeconds rate
+ RefreshModeMonitor alsaCtlPath -> getMonitorWaiter mixerName alsaCtlPath
+ runMB args volumeConfig (runVolume mixerName controlName) waitFunction cb
+getMonitorWaiter :: String -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (IO ())
+getMonitorWaiter mixerName alsaCtlPath = do
+ mvar <- newMVar Nothing :: IO (MVar (Maybe SomeException))
+ forkFinally (readerThread mvar) (putMVar mvar . either Just (const Nothing))
+ pure $ do
+ ei <- takeMVar mvar
+ case ei of
+ -- Propagate exceptions from reader thread
+ Just (SomeException ex) -> throwIO ex
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ where
+ readerThread mvar = do
+ path <- determineAlsaCtlPath
+ withCreateProcess
+ (proc "stdbuf" ["-oL", path, "monitor", mixerName]) {std_out = CreatePipe}
+ run
+ where
+ defaultPath = "/usr/sbin/alsactl"
+ determineAlsaCtlPath =
+ case alsaCtlPath of
+ Just path -> do
+ found <- doesFileExist path
+ if found
+ then pure path
+ else throwIO . ErrorCall $
+ "Specified alsactl file " ++ path ++ " does not exist"
+ Nothing -> do
+ (ec, path, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "which" ["alsactl"] ""
+ unless (null err) $ hPutStrLn stderr err
+ case ec of
+ ExitSuccess -> pure $ trimTrailingNewline path
+ ExitFailure _ -> do
+ found <- doesFileExist defaultPath
+ if found
+ then pure defaultPath
+ else throwIO . ErrorCall $
+ "alsactl not found in PATH or at " ++
+ show defaultPath ++
+ "; please specify with --" ++
+ monitorOptionName ++ "=/path/to/alsactl"
+ run _ ~(Just out) _ _ = do
+ hSetBuffering out LineBuffering
+ forever $ do
+ c <- hGetChar out
+ when (c == '\n') $
+ -- This uses 'tryPutMVar' because 'putMVar' would make 'runVolume' run
+ -- once for each event. But we want it to run only once after a burst
+ -- of events.
+ void $ tryPutMVar mvar Nothing
+-- This is necessarily very inefficient on 'String's
+trimTrailingNewline :: String -> String
+trimTrailingNewline x =
+ case reverse x of
+ '\n' : '\r' : y -> reverse y
+ '\n' : y -> reverse y
+ _ -> x