path: root/src/Xmobar/Plugins
diff options
authorslotThe <>2019-10-12 09:55:25 +0200
committerslotThe <>2019-10-12 09:55:25 +0200
commitbad59af82950f79df3f3976ce6b7fdd3da35c3f4 (patch)
tree3077fa0e9fbad3b795ea9d7ca2e20b84ed576917 /src/Xmobar/Plugins
parent7f35454cc112ec24cf7381358932b7ea2ec0598d (diff)
Display additional strings depending on battery status
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Xmobar/Plugins')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Batt.hs b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Batt.hs
index e29870a..fd02cf1 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Batt.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Batt.hs
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ data BattOpts = BattOpts
, onIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
, offIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
, idleIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
+ , lowString :: String
+ , mediumString :: String
+ , highString :: String
defaultOpts :: BattOpts
@@ -65,6 +68,9 @@ defaultOpts = BattOpts
, onIconPattern = Nothing
, offIconPattern = Nothing
, idleIconPattern = Nothing
+ , lowString = ""
+ , mediumString = ""
+ , highString = ""
options :: [OptDescr (BattOpts -> BattOpts)]
@@ -89,6 +95,9 @@ options =
o { offIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
, Option "" ["idle-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
o { idleIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
+ , Option "" ["lows"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { lowString = x }) "") ""
+ , Option "" ["mediums"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { mediumString = x }) "") ""
+ , Option "" ["highs"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { highString = x }) "") ""
parseOpts :: [String] -> IO BattOpts
@@ -125,6 +134,23 @@ data Battery = Battery
, status :: !String
+data BatteryStatus
+ = BattHigh
+ | BattMedium
+ | BattLow
+-- | Convert the current battery charge into a 'BatteryStatus'
+ :: Float -- ^ Current battery charge, assumed to be in [0,1]
+ -> BattOpts -- ^ Battery options, including high/low thresholds
+ -> BatteryStatus
+getBattStatus charge opts
+ | c >= highThreshold opts = BattHigh
+ | c >= lowThreshold opts = BattMedium
+ | otherwise = BattLow
+ where
+ c = 100 * min 1 charge
safeFileExist :: String -> String -> IO Bool
safeFileExist d f = handle noErrors $ fileExist (d </> f)
where noErrors = const (return False) :: SomeException -> IO Bool
@@ -226,7 +252,9 @@ runBatt' bfs args = do
do l <- fmtPercent x
ws <- fmtWatts w opts suffix d
si <- getIconPattern opts s x
- st <- showWithColors' (fmtStatus opts s nas) (100 * x)
+ st <- showWithColors'
+ (fmtStatus opts s nas (getBattStatus x opts))
+ (100 * x)
parseTemplate (l ++ [st, fmtTime $ floor t, ws, si])
NA -> getConfigValue naString
where fmtPercent :: Float -> Monitor [String]
@@ -244,11 +272,24 @@ runBatt' bfs args = do
then minutes else '0' : minutes
where hours = show (x `div` 3600)
minutes = show ((x `mod` 3600) `div` 60)
- fmtStatus opts Idle _ = idleString opts
- fmtStatus _ Unknown na = na
- fmtStatus opts Full _ = idleString opts
- fmtStatus opts Charging _ = onString opts
- fmtStatus opts Discharging _ = offString opts
+ fmtStatus
+ :: BattOpts
+ -> Status
+ -> String -- ^ What to in case battery status is unknown
+ -> BatteryStatus
+ -> String
+ fmtStatus opts Idle _ _ = idleString opts
+ fmtStatus _ Unknown na _ = na
+ fmtStatus opts Full _ _ = idleString opts
+ fmtStatus opts Charging _ _ = onString opts
+ fmtStatus opts Discharging _ battStatus =
+ (case battStatus of
+ BattHigh -> highString
+ BattMedium -> mediumString
+ BattLow -> lowString
+ )
+ <> offString
+ $ opts
maybeColor Nothing str = str
maybeColor (Just c) str = "<fc=" ++ c ++ ">" ++ str ++ "</fc>"
color x o | x >= 0 = maybeColor (posColor o)