path: root/src/Xmobar/X11
diff options
authorjao <>2022-09-12 04:38:47 +0100
committerjao <>2022-09-12 04:38:47 +0100
commit0c13ab7001fea76c8ef06b681b8463471399754b (patch)
treec39ca060344ab129d772526bba2827b04a0a929f /src/Xmobar/X11
parent15c373076dec81c3245e42250512dea6a75db5e9 (diff)
X11.MinXft not needed anymore
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Xmobar/X11')
4 files changed, 5 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/MinXft.hsc b/src/Xmobar/X11/MinXft.hsc
deleted file mode 100644
index e485488..0000000
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/MinXft.hsc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module: MinXft
--- Copyright: (c) 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2022 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
--- (c) Clemens Fruhwirth <> 2007
--- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer:
--- Stability: unstable
--- Portability: unportable
--- Created: Mon Sep 10, 2012 18:12
--- Pared down Xft library, based on Graphics.X11.Xft and providing
--- explicit management of XftColors, so that they can be cached.
--- Most of the code is lifted from Clemens's.
-{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls #-}
-module Xmobar.X11.MinXft ( AXftColor
- , AXftDraw (..)
- , AXftFont
- , mallocAXftColor
- , freeAXftColor
- , withAXftDraw
- , drawXftString
- , drawXftString'
- , drawXftRect
- , openAXftFont
- , closeAXftFont
- , xftTxtExtents
- , xftTxtExtents'
- , xft_ascent
- , xft_ascent'
- , xft_descent
- , xft_descent'
- , xft_height
- , xft_height'
- )
-import Graphics.X11
-import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types
-import Graphics.X11.Xrender
-import Foreign
-import Foreign.C.Types
-import Foreign.C.String
-import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
-import Data.Char (ord)
-#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
--- Color Handling
-newtype AXftColor = AXftColor (Ptr AXftColor)
-foreign import ccall "XftColorAllocName"
- cXftColorAllocName :: Display -> Visual -> Colormap -> CString -> AXftColor -> IO (#type Bool)
--- this is the missing bit in X11.Xft, not implementable from the
--- outside because XftColor does not export a constructor.
-mallocAXftColor :: Display -> Visual -> Colormap -> String -> IO AXftColor
-mallocAXftColor d v cm n = do
- color <- mallocBytes (#size XftColor)
- withCAString n $ \str -> cXftColorAllocName d v cm str (AXftColor color)
- return (AXftColor color)
-foreign import ccall "XftColorFree"
- freeAXftColor :: Display -> Visual -> Colormap -> AXftColor -> IO ()
--- Font handling
-newtype AXftFont = AXftFont (Ptr AXftFont)
-xft_ascent :: AXftFont -> IO Int
-xft_ascent (AXftFont p) = peekCUShort p #{offset XftFont, ascent}
-xft_ascent' :: [AXftFont] -> IO Int
-xft_ascent' = (fmap maximum) . (mapM xft_ascent)
-xft_descent :: AXftFont -> IO Int
-xft_descent (AXftFont p) = peekCUShort p #{offset XftFont, descent}
-xft_descent' :: [AXftFont] -> IO Int
-xft_descent' = (fmap maximum) . (mapM xft_descent)
-xft_height :: AXftFont -> IO Int
-xft_height (AXftFont p) = peekCUShort p #{offset XftFont, height}
-xft_height' :: [AXftFont] -> IO Int
-xft_height' = (fmap maximum) . (mapM xft_height)
-foreign import ccall "XftTextExtentsUtf8"
- cXftTextExtentsUtf8 :: Display -> AXftFont -> CString -> CInt -> Ptr XGlyphInfo -> IO ()
-xftTxtExtents :: Display -> AXftFont -> String -> IO XGlyphInfo
-xftTxtExtents d f string =
- withArrayLen (map fi (UTF8.encode string)) $
- \len str_ptr -> alloca $
- \cglyph -> do
- cXftTextExtentsUtf8 d f str_ptr (fi len) cglyph
- peek cglyph
-xftTxtExtents' :: Display -> [AXftFont] -> String -> IO XGlyphInfo
-xftTxtExtents' d fs string = do
- chunks <- getChunks d fs string
- let (_, _, gi, _, _) = last chunks
- return gi
-foreign import ccall "XftFontOpenName"
- c_xftFontOpen :: Display -> CInt -> CString -> IO AXftFont
-openAXftFont :: Display -> Screen -> String -> IO AXftFont
-openAXftFont dpy screen name =
- withCAString name $
- \cname -> c_xftFontOpen dpy (fi (screenNumberOfScreen screen)) cname
-foreign import ccall "XftFontClose"
- closeAXftFont :: Display -> AXftFont -> IO ()
-foreign import ccall "XftCharExists"
- cXftCharExists :: Display -> AXftFont -> (#type FcChar32) -> IO (#type FcBool)
-xftCharExists :: Display -> AXftFont -> Char -> IO Bool
-xftCharExists d f c = bool `fmap` cXftCharExists d f (fi $ ord c)
- where
- bool 0 = False
- bool _ = True
--- Drawing
-fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
-fi = fromIntegral
-newtype AXftDraw = AXftDraw (Ptr AXftDraw)
-foreign import ccall "XftDrawCreate"
- c_xftDrawCreate :: Display -> Drawable -> Visual -> Colormap -> IO AXftDraw
-foreign import ccall "XftDrawDisplay"
- c_xftDrawDisplay :: AXftDraw -> IO Display
-foreign import ccall "XftDrawDestroy"
- c_xftDrawDestroy :: AXftDraw -> IO ()
-withAXftDraw :: Display -> Drawable -> Visual -> Colormap -> (AXftDraw -> IO a) -> IO a
-withAXftDraw d p v c act = do
- draw <- c_xftDrawCreate d p v c
- a <- act draw
- c_xftDrawDestroy draw
- return a
-foreign import ccall "XftDrawStringUtf8"
- cXftDrawStringUtf8 :: AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> AXftFont -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (#type FcChar8) -> CInt -> IO ()
-drawXftString :: (Integral a1, Integral a) =>
- AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> AXftFont -> a -> a1 -> String -> IO ()
-drawXftString d c f x y string =
- withArrayLen (map fi (UTF8.encode string))
- (\len ptr -> cXftDrawStringUtf8 d c f (fi x) (fi y) ptr (fi len))
-drawXftString' :: AXftDraw ->
- AXftColor ->
- [AXftFont] ->
- Integer ->
- Integer ->
- String -> IO ()
-drawXftString' d c fs x y string = do
- display <- c_xftDrawDisplay d
- chunks <- getChunks display fs string
- mapM_ (\(f, s, _, xo, yo) -> drawXftString d c f (x+xo) (y+yo) s) chunks
--- Split string and determine fonts/offsets for individual parts
-getChunks :: Display -> [AXftFont] -> String ->
- IO [(AXftFont, String, XGlyphInfo, Integer, Integer)]
-getChunks disp fts str = do
- chunks <- getFonts disp fts str
- getOffsets (XGlyphInfo 0 0 0 0 0 0) chunks
- where
- -- Split string and determine fonts for individual parts
- getFonts _ [] _ = return []
- getFonts _ _ [] = return []
- getFonts _ [ft] s = return [(ft, s)]
- getFonts d fonts@(ft:_) s = do
- -- Determine which glyph can be rendered by current font
- glyphs <- mapM (xftCharExists d ft) s
- -- Split string into parts that can/cannot be rendered
- let splits = split (runs glyphs) s
- -- Determine which font to render each chunk with
- concat `fmap` mapM (getFont d fonts) splits
- -- Determine fonts for substrings
- getFont _ [] _ = return []
- getFont _ [ft] (_, s) = return [(ft, s)] -- Last font, use it
- getFont _ (ft:_) (True, s) = return [(ft, s)] -- Current font can render this substring
- getFont d (_:fs) (False, s) = getFonts d fs s -- Fallback to next font
- -- Helpers
- runs [] = []
- runs (x:xs) = let (h, t) = span (==x) xs in (x, length h + 1) : runs t
- split [] _ = []
- split ((x, c):xs) s = let (h, t) = splitAt c s in (x, h) : split xs t
- -- Determine coordinates for chunks using extents
- getOffsets _ [] = return []
- getOffsets (XGlyphInfo _ _ x y xo yo) ((f, s):chunks) = do
- (XGlyphInfo w' h' _ _ xo' yo') <- xftTxtExtents disp f s
- let gi = XGlyphInfo (xo+w') (yo+h') x y (xo+xo') (yo+yo')
- rest <- getOffsets gi chunks
- return $ (f, s, gi, fromIntegral xo, fromIntegral yo) : rest
-foreign import ccall "XftDrawRect"
- cXftDrawRect :: AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> CInt -> CInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO ()
-drawXftRect :: (Integral a3, Integral a2, Integral a1, Integral a) =>
- AXftDraw -> AXftColor -> a -> a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> IO ()
-drawXftRect draw color x y width height =
- cXftDrawRect draw color (fi x) (fi y) (fi width) (fi height)
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/Text.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/Text.hs
index f3c5e05..8de2e7d 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/Text.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/Text.hs
@@ -23,43 +23,20 @@ module Xmobar.X11.Text
) where
import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
-import Data.List
import Foreign
import Graphics.X11.Xlib hiding (textExtents, textWidth)
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as Xlib (textExtents, textWidth)
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import System.Mem.Weak ( addFinalizer )
-#ifdef CAIRO
-import Xmobar.X11.MinXft
-import Graphics.X11.Xrender
-import System.IO(hPutStrLn, stderr)
data XFont = Core FontStruct
| Utf8 FontSet
-#ifdef CAIRO
- | Xft [AXftFont]
-- | When initFont gets a font name that starts with 'xft:' it switchs
-- to the Xft backend Example: 'xft:Sans-10'
initFont :: Display -> String -> IO XFont
-initFont d s =
- let xftPrefix = "xft:" in
- if xftPrefix `isPrefixOf` s then
-#ifdef CAIRO
- fmap Xft $ initXftFont d s
- do
- hPutStrLn stderr $ "Warning: Xmobar must be built with "
- ++ "the with_xft flag to support font '" ++ s
- ++ ".' Falling back on default."
- initFont d miscFixedFont
- else
- fmap Utf8 $ initUtf8Font d s
+initFont d s = fmap Utf8 $ initUtf8Font d s
miscFixedFont :: String
miscFixedFont = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
@@ -86,31 +63,9 @@ initUtf8Font d s = do
fallBack :: SomeException -> IO ([String], String, FontSet)
fallBack = const $ createFontSet d miscFixedFont
-#ifdef CAIRO
-initXftFont :: Display -> String -> IO [AXftFont]
-initXftFont d s = do
- let fontNames = wordsBy (== ',') (drop 4 s)
- mapM openFont fontNames
- where
- openFont fontName = do
- f <- openAXftFont d (defaultScreenOfDisplay d) fontName
- addFinalizer f (closeAXftFont d f)
- return f
- wordsBy p str = case dropWhile p str of
- "" -> []
- str' -> w : wordsBy p str''
- where
- (w, str'') = break p str'
textWidth :: Display -> XFont -> String -> IO Int
textWidth _ (Utf8 fs) s = return $ fromIntegral $ wcTextEscapement fs s
textWidth _ (Core fs) s = return $ fromIntegral $ Xlib.textWidth fs s
-#ifdef CAIRO
-textWidth dpy (Xft xftdraw) s = do
- gi <- xftTxtExtents' dpy xftdraw s
- return $ xglyphinfo_xOff gi
textExtents :: XFont -> String -> IO (Int32,Int32)
textExtents (Core fs) s = do
@@ -121,9 +76,3 @@ textExtents (Utf8 fs) s = do
ascent = fromIntegral $ negate (rect_y rl)
descent = fromIntegral $ rect_height rl + fromIntegral (rect_y rl)
return (ascent, descent)
-#ifdef CAIRO
-textExtents (Xft xftfonts) _ = do
- ascent <- fromIntegral `fmap` xft_ascent' xftfonts
- descent <- fromIntegral `fmap` xft_descent' xftfonts
- return (ascent, descent)
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/Types.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/Types.hs
index 918f4d2..69bb8ba 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/Types.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/Types.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ data XConf =
XConf { display :: Display
, rect :: Rectangle
, window :: Window
- , fontListS :: NE.NonEmpty XFont
+ , fontList :: NE.NonEmpty XFont
, verticalOffsets :: NE.NonEmpty Int
, iconCache :: BitmapCache
, config :: Config
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/XlibDraw.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/XlibDraw.hs
index 5aec1eb..9a005e8 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/XlibDraw.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/XlibDraw.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ drawInPixmap gc p wid ht ~[left,center,right] = do
r <- ask
let c = config r
d = display r
- fs = fontListS r
+ fs = fontList r
vs = verticalOffsets r
strLn = liftIO . mapM getWidth
iconW i = maybe 0 B.width (lookup i $ iconCache r)
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ updateActions :: Rectangle -> [[Segment]] -> X [([Action], Position, Position)]
updateActions (Rectangle _ _ wid _) ~[left,center,right] = do
conf <- ask
let d = display conf
- fs = fontListS conf
+ fs = fontList conf
strLn :: [Segment] -> IO [(Maybe [Action], Position, Position)]
strLn = liftIO . mapM getCoords
iconW i = maybe 0 B.width (lookup i $ iconCache conf)