path: root/src/Xmobar
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authorEnrico Maria De Angelis <>2024-03-30 09:12:15 +0000
committerEnrico Maria De Angelis <>2024-03-30 15:53:58 +0000
commit7c778511f296c74f36c2b4967707c87ebf2fb808 (patch)
treeb9d2edab4f1792cef26908cb87a1942341c3fe34 /src/Xmobar
parent3d2f21a7815b6830085db94a949355a3aad6b6bb (diff)
Add ctor for Locks plugin to accpet on/off labels
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Xmobar')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Locks.hs b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Locks.hs
index 9176312..35a3f97 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Locks.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Locks.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- |
-- Module : Plugins.Locks
@@ -16,45 +17,70 @@ module Xmobar.Plugins.Locks(Locks(..)) where
import Graphics.X11
import Data.List
+import Data.List.Extra (trim)
import Data.Bits
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Extra (ifM)
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
import Xmobar.Run.Exec
import Xmobar.System.Kbd
import Xmobar.X11.Events (nextEvent')
-data Locks = Locks
+data Locks = Locks | Locks' [(String, (String, String))]
deriving (Read, Show)
locks :: [ ( KeySym, String )]
-locks = [ ( xK_Caps_Lock, "CAPS" )
- , ( xK_Num_Lock, "NUM" )
+locks = [ ( xK_Caps_Lock, "CAPS" )
+ , ( xK_Num_Lock, "NUM" )
, ( xK_Scroll_Lock, "SCROLL" )
-run' :: Display -> Window -> IO String
-run' d root = do
+type Labels = [ ( String, (String, String) )]
+defaultLabels :: Labels
+defaultLabels = let nms = map snd locks
+ in zip nms (map (, mempty) nms)
+type LabelledLock = (KeySym, String, String, String)
+attach :: (KeySym, String) -> Labels -> LabelledLock
+(key, lock) `attach` lbls = let (enb, dis) = fromJust $ lookup lock lbls
+ in (key, lock, enb, dis)
+enabled :: (a, b, c, d) -> c
+enabled (_, _, c, _) = c
+disabled :: (a, b, c, d) -> d
+disabled (_, _, _, d) = d
+isEnabled :: (Bits a1, Foldable t, Foldable t1, Integral a)
+ => Display -> t (a, t1 KeyCode) -> a1 -> (KeySym, b, c, d) -> IO Bool
+isEnabled d modMap m ( ks, _, _, _ ) = do
+ kc <- keysymToKeycode d ks
+ return $ case find (elem kc . snd) modMap of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just ( i, _ ) -> testBit m (fromIntegral i)
+run' :: Display -> Window -> Labels -> IO String
+run' d root labels = do
modMap <- getModifierMapping d
( _, _, _, _, _, _, _, m ) <- queryPointer d root
- ls <- filterM ( \( ks, _ ) -> do
- kc <- keysymToKeycode d ks
- return $ case find (elem kc . snd) modMap of
- Nothing -> False
- Just ( i, _ ) -> testBit m (fromIntegral i)
- ) locks
- return $ unwords $ map snd ls
+ ls' <- forM (map (`attach` labels) locks)
+ (\l -> ifM (isEnabled d modMap m l)
+ (return (enabled l))
+ (return (disabled l)))
+ return $ trim $ unwords ls'
instance Exec Locks where
- alias Locks = "locks"
- start Locks cb = do
+ alias _ = "locks"
+ start Locks cb = start (Locks' defaultLabels) cb
+ start (Locks' labels) cb = do
d <- openDisplay ""
root <- rootWindow d (defaultScreen d)
_ <- xkbSelectEventDetails d xkbUseCoreKbd xkbIndicatorStateNotify m m
allocaXEvent $ \ep -> forever $ do
- cb =<< run' d root
+ cb =<< run' d root labels
nextEvent' d ep
getEvent ep